Mt Agung. Serious stuff.

I understand that in order to get the extension one had to go to the immigration department with the ticket and airline letter in hand to get a chop in the passport conferring a fourteen day 'force majeure' extension. Have seen a couple of passports with this chop. I suppose the rule is 'no chop, no extension'. Poor execution and communication by the immigration department.

I also understood that was the process and agree it was poorly communicated. be hassled when there's enough evidence from the airline ticket and the obvious facts I think Immigration were unsupportive and mean.
If this info is widely known and Indonesians complain because tourists don't return.....some blame may be attributed to Immigration and policies may change.....maybe!:rolleyes:
The tourists looking for a bargain seek out cheap food, accomodation and most of their money is spent on alcohol which means the tourism dollar is not spread evenly throughout the island. Most bars are owned and operated by foreigners also.

If tourists are looking for cheap food and accommodation they almost certainly will be eating at local warungs and staying at homestays so your argument is invalid. Money spent on alcohol goes back into the economy just like any other money so what is your point? Also, where did you get your information that most bars are owned by and operated by 'foreigners'? Certainly, some bars are 'owned' by foreigners if you mean by that they lease the premises from a local and pay local staff wages and pay taxes to the local government. By your definition, 'lower class' tourists are the ones who keep the local economy going, not the 'better class' staying in international resorts and carrying around a plastic bottle of water all day. When I visit Bali, I always make a point of drinking as much Bintang (local beer) as possible out of love and respect for the people and environment (Bintang is sold in recyclable glass, water is sold in plastic). I haven't heard any Balinese complaining yet.
I understand that in order to get the extension one had to go to the immigration department with the ticket and airline letter in hand to get a chop in the passport conferring a fourteen day 'force majeure' extension. Have seen a couple of passports with this chop. I suppose the rule is 'no chop, no extension'. Poor execution and communication by the immigration department.

According what I read what you say Mark is totally true, it was not enough the word of an official saying they will get an extra 14 days, that was only words, but the truth is the people had to go to get the stamp to the immigration office.
I am not surprise at all about what happen to this person, this is one of the worst things about to live in Indonesia, you can never trust 100% people, which sometimes can be very stressful and have serious consecuences.
This person got the wrong information or at least not the whole and right information from the man he met at the airport, and probably if he ever met him again and let him know what happen he will smile, like nothing happen.
According to the Darwin VAAC the volcanic ash cloud from mount Agung will move west over east Java and rise to 35,000 feet. I think this may cause many aircraft to divert around the cloud and cause delays at Bali airport.
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According what I read what you say Mark is totally true, it was not enough the word of an official saying they will get an extra 14 days, that was only words, but the truth is the people had to go to get the stamp to the immigration office.
I am not surprise at all about what happen to this person, this is one of the worst things about to live in Indonesia, you can never trust 100% people, which sometimes can be very stressful and have serious consecuences.
This person got the wrong information or at least not the whole and right information from the man he met at the airport, and probably if he ever met him again and let him know what happen he will smile, like nothing happen.
I got the 14 days extension for myself and son.....had to go to airport to get it....take ticket, passport and email from airline cancelling ...also needed onwards details, so had to get AA to reschedule dates.... this was the part not looking good, long long line at AA table.... i told immi staff we had appointment with doctor in 2hrs for daughter, so he took us to the AA backdoor and got it done in 15min... had to come back 4hrs later to pickup passport though.