MRI and Knee Specialist


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2009
Siloam is more new and modern but we have always had good experiences as Kasih Ibu. I think they are a bit cheaper also than Siloam for MRI. Sorry, I don't know about a knee specialist.


Active Member
Feb 20, 2021
Can anyone direct me?
I recently had a rotator cuff repair, by Dr.Wien. He works at Bros hospital, and Sanglah, at wings international. He is the best bone doctor in Bali, I heard. Sanglah is the public hospital, so it’s a little cheaper. At the time I didn’t have the kitas visa, so I had to pay more. If you have the kitas it is cheaper. How much I don’t know. The hospital wants you to stay one night before surgery and the night of your surgery and they wanted me to stay another night, but I said I couldn’t afford it. It was 5 mil. a night. Bring your own paracetamol. They charge a lot more than it’s worth. If you feel you need stronger pain meds after you want to go home you have to fight to get oxycodone. They will do it if you fight for it. As for me paracetamol and ibuprofen don’t work for extreme pain. The hospital will try to stick you with as big a bill as possible. It is a business you know. So watch your ass! Maybe you have insurance, make sure they will pay, before you think they will. This is just my own experience, if anyone else can comment, please do. Good luck, Peace


New Member
Jun 12, 2021
I recently had a rotator cuff repair, by Dr.Wien. He works at Bros hospital, and Sanglah, at wings international. He is the best bone doctor in Bali, I heard. Sanglah is the public hospital, so it’s a little cheaper. At the time I didn’t have the kitas visa, so I had to pay more. If you have the kitas it is cheaper. How much I don’t know. The hospital wants you to stay one night before surgery and the night of your surgery and they wanted me to stay another night, but I said I couldn’t afford it. It was 5 mil. a night. Bring your own paracetamol. They charge a lot more than it’s worth. If you feel you need stronger pain meds after you want to go home you have to fight to get oxycodone. They will do it if you fight for it. As for me paracetamol and ibuprofen don’t work for extreme pain. The hospital will try to stick you with as big a bill as possible. It is a business you know. So watch your ass! Maybe you have insurance, make sure they will pay, before you think they will. This is just my own experience, if anyone else can comment, please do. Good luck, Peace
tks, i heard this name before Wien.


Active Member
Feb 20, 2021
tks much, hard to get hold of anybody there, keep trying.
Well that is normal here. When you need to talk to them or get something done. It’s Jam karet(rubber time) when they want your money, it’s Cepat Cepat. You have to get the MRI first. I went to Kasih Ibu. Sanglah doesn’t do it. But as others mentioned there are other places for this also. I hope your not claustrophobic! Good luck. Calcium might help. Peace


New Member
Jun 12, 2021
OK have an appoinemnt soon with Dr Wien. Thanks for all the help, it means more than you may know.
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