Moving to Singapore!



I know that this has nothing to do with living or visiting Bali, but wait a moment! it does.

This is my story:
I returned from Bondowoso area the 15th of November broken hearted.

I had sent my fiancee "who now is my lovely wife" to bondowoso in October to finish the construction on our house. After a few days upon my arrival I started thinking, why return to my job. Why not just stay in Indonesia find a successful business and buy it.

After looking around for prospects of opening or purchasing a business I quickly realized it would be impossible to sustain our living standards we have grown accustom. It would be a dream come true, if I could find that one in a million.

After my return to Japan I got in touch with a realtor and put my remaining properties up for sale, which are located in California. My thinking I could purchase rental houses or a small hotel in Bali. My properties are now in escrow, which will be closing after the first of the year.

Today I arrived at the office turned on my computer opened up my emails...and got a surprise of my life.
"I have been selected for a job in Singapore.

So what does this mean....the first thing I can think of I'll be visiting Java more often, and the second it gives me more to time to reinvest my money more wisely.

My wife applied for her Japanese visa a few days ago, as late as of yesterday she was informed to pick up the approved visa Monday. This was also good news. Now she can help me move. haha!

I'm on a roll now just hopes it continues a little longer.

Happy holidays to all!


Oct 10, 2004
Interesting story....

If you need any advice in starting a hotel... I would be delighted to help you!

By the way, where are you from? I would say American? Do you speak Japanese?

Anyway happy holdiay and all the best with your new job

Watashino namai wa maurits des! Anatawa?


Apr 10, 2004
France, Bali now
Hi Maurits,

Are you come from Japan? Aniway, you made me remember about my Japanese lesson... And I've read in another topics, you speak at least 7 language, I just can do 5, more? I think my brain will explode!!


Oct 10, 2004
Hi Iris,

Basically I am from the Netherlands. My Japanese is not that impressive, however I can make a standard dialogue, that's it. Now I am following a course.

When I was in my younger years (still young) I was very interesting in cultures and languages, that's why I quite early was focused on learning languages. I was a bit focused on France I have to say... That's why I speak fluent French...

Did an English Education, with additional language courses as Spanish and German...

Lived in Indonesia, and learnt Indonesian quite quick. Now Learning Japanese and will learn some Mandarin basics....

Pfff Many languages... haha


Hello Maurits,

Thanks for your reply. Yes, your right I'm american. Born and raised in Texas. But lived in San Diego most of my adult life.

I've lived in Japan 3 years, sorry to say I just didn't have time to learn much Japanese to busy working.
For other languages, I'm fluent in Spanish.


Apr 10, 2004
France, Bali now
Hi Maurits,

I really appreciate you still have motivation to learn, not many peoples do that. I learn french since one and a half years ago, I learn french in Bali by book. Now I live in France, more easy for me to understand, and now my french is okay than before. I would like to learn japanese again, 'cause with the time, I forget how to speak japanese. for other language that I love (fluent) is hindi vyakaran....


Oct 10, 2004
Hi Iris,

The Hindu language is for me too difficult, however I speak a bit Balinese as well, but this is more words than phrases...

I also lived for a while in France, I like the country very much...
It's natural heritage and beautiful culture... the french are one of a kind...

Yes, always learning learning, I get annoyed when I am in a country where I do not speak the native language, therefore I always will learn several words at least...

I understand the languages quite fast and mostly I can relate it to other languages, I am a lucky guy that god has given me this talent...

But on the other hand I am really bad in doing mathematics....

Selamat Hari Natal, Joyeux Noel, Merry Christmas!


Oct 10, 2004
Hi Iris,

The Hindu language is for me too difficult, however I speak a bit Balinese as well, but this is more words than phrases...

I also lived for a while in France, I like the country very much...
Its natural heritage and beautiful culture... the french are one of a kind...

Yes, always learning learning, I get annoyed when I am in a country where I do not speak the native language, therefore I always will learn several words at least...

I understand the languages quite fast and mostly I can relate it to other languages, I am a lucky guy that god has given me this talent...

But on the other hand I am really bad in doing mathematics....

Selamat Hari Natal, Joyeux Noel, Merry Christmas!


Apr 10, 2004
France, Bali now
Mathematics!!!! That's a nightmare lesson for me!! I prefer Chemistry... strange hugh!! I bet you lived in Paris before, in my place, 'till you screaming, nobody will give you answer in english...

Joyeux Noël et Bonne Année 2005