

Apr 17, 2007
Sanur, Bali
From The Jakata Post...

DENPASAR (Antara): The Association of the Indonesian Tours & Travel Agencies' Bali chapter urged the Bali administration to immediately construct monorail as part of the effort to attract tourists to the resort

Chairman of association's Bali chapter Al Purwo said Saturday that the construction of monorail line was to prevent further worse of traffic congestions there.

"We need to promote potential tourist destinations. Worsening traffic jams may affect tourist arrivals," Purwa was quoted by Antara news agency as saying.

He added that traffic congestions along roads in provincial capital of Denpasar and its surrounding areas had become worse and worse.

Bali provincial administration had introduced its plan to develop monorail, which will serve an airport to many tourist destinations on the island. But the administration had not followed its own idea.

This must be the most bizarre thing I've read in recent times. They could maybe make a start by fixing the roads, changing light bulbs in the traffic lights so they don't sit black for months, picking up the huge bits of concrete that stick out into the bypass and such, before an eyesore like a monorail is considered. Or is it still April 1?


Aug 3, 2006
Houten, The Netherlands
I think its a fine idea. Its a good option to solve one of bali's biggest bad points, traffic. Although I think that when it is finished, traffic has growns already to the old levels again.


May 27, 2006
Br Abangan, Tegallelang
That is mondo bizzaro! I'm curious if there is much foreign input to this trourism group, as in to serve someone well, you have to know what they want. Maybe the better class from Jakarta don't want to have eye contact with the jungle people here on their way to and from NRIA. Insane in the membrane....


Apr 17, 2007
Sanur, Bali
Insane in the membrane....

If it's maintained as well as the traffic signals and roads then I'd think it should be safe enough too......................................

Somebody must be looking to find some funding to get their fingers into. Truly bizarre.


May 27, 2006
Br Abangan, Tegallelang
Ian - I think you might be missing the point here. Traffic management is a top down program - as in the gov telling the peeps - that is to provide the how, where, and why. If what is currently provided is in need of repair you fix it first, then ad to it. Rail service in Bali? For tourists? Get real...


Jul 24, 2006
Bothell, Wa. USA
Maintenance seems to be "secondary in all of Indonesia".... Seattle has a Monorail that was built in the 60's and ran from the Space Needle to downtown Seattle mainly as an attraction for the World Fair and still runs along above the streets for about two miles.
It's kind of an eyesore even with "good maintenance" and the upright structure takes up "road surface" that could be re-constructed to serve Seattle and our traffic problems much, much better. It's also dangerous...


Mar 8, 2005
A monorail in Bali would decrease the tourism...A truly bizarre idea. The guy who come up with it should perhaps change career :)

Maybee a skyscraper in the middle of Kuta could be something :roll:


Active Member
Sep 28, 2004
A monorail in Bali sounds about useful as tits on a bull, to me.

What ever happened to the "plans" to build a "normal" railway system here? And what about Bali's Underground Rail Service? Ten minutes from Kuta to Ubud, and imagine how many warungs and hawkers there'd be?

I read yesterday in Jakarta Post that some government minister wants to ban the sale of new cars, in an effort to reduce "pollution". I mean, how stupid and naive is that? The mind boggles.



Apr 17, 2007
Sanur, Bali
Re: RE: Monorail

Sanurian said:
I read yesterday in Jakarta Post that some government minister wants to ban the sale of new cars, in an effort to reduce "pollution". I mean, how stupid and naive is that? The mind boggles.


I read that magically the old tuned Kijangs would all cease to spew out black fumes across the nation.

I can't help but feel that there is an old guard out there, still in charge, but whose time up is fast approaching. Either that, or the country is f**ked. Is this the same guy who said the young people might have to ween themselves off the internet habit a while back?


Active Member
Sep 28, 2004
Hi, SG

...or the country is f**ked. Is this the same guy who said the young people might have to ween themselves off the internet habit a while back?...

Two things: Was yours a rhetorical question? And yes, probably. What about reversing hand-phone addiction?


...A subway in Bali? Thats even more difficult then a monorail...

So? Where there's a will, there's a way.

Don't forget that labour is cheap over here.
What about some cable-cars to the top of Gunung Batur?
Or maybe even a rotating restaurant on top of Gunung Agung?


May 27, 2006
Br Abangan, Tegallelang
Wow, I guess they were right after all ......... just got a note from a group of old friends who were considering a trip over untill they discovered we had no monorail. Evidently it's a big new trend along with eco travel :).

And the problem with a subway in Bali is it would require an excess of excavation to allow for the all the underground warungs and motor shops. Of course the soil could be used as fill to fight the rising sea level.

And speaking of sea levels - read this!!!!!!!

Bangkok - Global warming is not likely to cause the sea level in the Gulf of Thailand to rise because the body of water is too far from melting glaciers, a leading Thai hydrologist claimed on Monday.

Recent forecasts by the United Nations' Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which predict a 40 centimetre rise in sea levels by the end of the century will cause flooding for up to 94 million Asians living in coastal areas, may not apply to the Gulf of Thailand, according to Suphat Vongvisessomjai, a former professor in water resources engineering at Bangkok's Asia Institute of Technology.

'The climate change panel's projection was wrongly accepted to apply to the Gulf of Thailand,' Suphat told The Nation newspaper. 'We are too far from melting glaciers or ice sheets.'

Suphat added that, in fact, recent research shows that the average sea levels along some coastal provinces on the gulf have declined 0.3 to 0.6 centrimetres over the past eight years.

The hydrologist, now an employee of Team Consulting Engineering, called on the public not to panic over the IPCC findings.

'The climate change panel did not deceive us or exaggerate. Its scientific findings are just based on the environment of their scientists, most of whom live in Europe,' he told the English-language daily.

Asia-Pacific news


Active Member
Sep 28, 2004

...Wow, I guess they were right after all...

Who are they?

...And the problem with a subway in Bali is it would require an excess of excavation to allow for the all the underground warungs and motor shops...

I disagree - that would be an asset, not a "problem". (Sing-ken-ken.)

Thank you very big for Suphat's comments. I'm still pissing myself laughing. Just what I needed after yet another pointless and useless excursion to the Sukawati markets. Verbally beating off old Balinese women who wanted to sell me silly pencils, fake silver jewelry, boring bone-carvings, hats, and all the rest. And the guys, of course, wanted to sell me sun-glasses, reading-glasses...I nearly got a headache. Got a few reasonable photographs.

And a very old Balinese man, whom I've seen many times there before, waited patiently for my empty beer-can. He makes some money, I guess, selling them to some re-cycler.

It wasn't all bad. I saw many beautiful female domestic tourists. That's better than nothing.



Apr 17, 2007
Sanur, Bali
Re: RE: Monorail

Sanurian said:
Hi, SG

...or the country is f**ked. Is this the same guy who said the young people might have to ween themselves off the internet habit a while back?...

Two things: Was yours a rhetorical question? And yes, probably. What about reversing hand-phone addiction?

Uh, yes it was, and I'm the wrong one to talk to about HPs...I've had the same number, and huge bills since 1988 (in NZ at least), but Indonesians give a new meaning to txting whilst driving. I saw a guy stopped in the centre lane of the bypass today smsing somebody.

But I do think that technology, and the access to knowledge it implies, regardless of the old school, is the one thing that is going to drive this country forward. Does that make sense?


But I do think that technology, and the access to knowledge it implies, regardless of the old school, is the one thing that is going to drive this country forward. Does that make sense?

Yes, where there's a will there is a way.

Let's hope they spend a small fraction of the cost of a monorail putting down optic fibre instead :!: