Mel Gibson - Wild Party in Bali


Jan 2, 2007
Mel Gibson - Wild Party in Bali after attending Alcoholics Anonymous

And then there were the reports about Mel Gibson visiting the Island of the Gods, letting his hair down like Mad Max during his best times. Actually attending a seminar of Alcoholics Anonymous, it didn’t appear to be his motto later on that evening.

He was seen taking part in wild table-top dancing and heavy binge drinking sessions in some of Bali’s ‘finest’ establishments like ‘The Living Room’. As reported independently by The Bali Times and Bali Discovery Websites, he clearly had 2 balls of a great time; even doing a ‘Tom Cruise’ sofa jump around both local and overseas guests. Although not showing his Lethal Weapon to anyone in public - it is said that plenty of local girls gone crazy tried everything to get hold of the Mega Star and Director of Movies like ‘Apocalypto’, ‘The Passion of the Christ’, ‘The Bounty’, ‘Braveheart’ and other Box Office Blockbusters. There was even a Southpark episode dedicated to him.

Las week in Bali he was seen getting literally a ‘Mother-Tongue Taste’ of fresh female Indo talents on several occasions. No need to tell this man about Sex, Lust and Foolishness in Asia. Yeah baby, yeah!

No reports about Ransom paid, though. Someone clearly knows how to party!

His representatives stated that he only had the ‘non-alcoholic tropical drinks they serve over here’; though most participants in the above mentioned location would question that statement. Or since when are Shirley Temples free of alcohol?

Can one get and behave intoxicated from fruit juice?

Not many people know though, that there is another connection between Bali and Mel:

The producer of the musical score and soundtrack of one of his first - now almost forgotten - movies, ‘Summer City‘ chose Bali as his ‘home away from home’ and is still living it up here. Right Phil? ;-)

Mel Gibson - Summer CityDid Mr Gibson finally paid up all his bills? After all he shot Paypack a few years ago? Obviously he didn’t learn much from it. No wonder his visit here came un-announced and rather on short notice.


Even though, Mel Gibson had his fair share of flak during the recent months regarding drunk driving in California and anti-semitic comments in both his films and publically - he is clearly a bloke, who knows how to enjoy himself.

A true ‘mate’ for sure. Here is to you, Mad Max! Cheers! ;-)


Active Member
Sep 28, 2004
The trouble with the Summer City movie, the first ever for Mel Gibson, was that it was extremely low-budget, had a dreadful "plot" and ended up being an absolute shocker.

The "producer", "director", "script-writer" was formerly a well-known Australian surf-skier (something like that). He was also officially unemployed at the time (on the dole) and I still don't know how he got away with it. A number of shady characters were always in the background.

Having said that, some years later somebody told me that it had become a kind of underground cult classic in its own right. Not long after its original release, Phil Avalon, (the "producer", etc), had the gall to submit it to the Cannes Film Festival, believe it or not.

I managed to get a written contract to write and record the "soundtrack" (a long story). I was given one month to come up with 30 minutes of material (opening and closing themes, etc, and a bunch of stingers). Less than one week later, I was pressured by Avalon and his cohorts to supply some finished product. I still didn't know how long any piece was supposed to be. It became so stupid in the end that I "wrote" everything in a total of about 15 minutes and proceeded to record and mix everything down. Some musicians would ask me how long a particular saxophone stinger, for example, was supposed to be and I'd have to tell them that I didn't know. "Just keep playing and I'll give you a nod."

I never got the opportunity to use all of the time allotted by my contract. I finished the whole deal in less than 10 days, from start to finish (no mean feat, I can assure you).

Funnily enough, I believe I was one of the few people who actually got paid anything. I still get some royalties from it whenever it is broadcasted somewhere. France, Belgium, Portugal and a bunch of other countries which might only be a comment on those countries' TV standards.

Mel Gibson doesn't like to acknowledge any involvement in this movie. I don't blame him. Apart from all of its shortcomings, his role and performance in it were abysmal. How he eventually became a superstar is one of Life's big mysteries.

The DVD version, etc, gets continually resurrected with new pictures of Mel on the cover...people just trying to cash-in on his fame, no doubt. You've been warned.



Active Member
Sep 28, 2004
That's nice to hear, manc. I bet he hasn't made a "good" one yet.

So - is he "hiding" on the Gold Coast these days, or has he gone all "legal"? Buy him a beer from me and put it on the tab.
I'll say one thing for Mr Avalon - he's certainly persistent!



Active Member
Mar 27, 2007
i've been tryin to download a great mel flick but can't find the torrent anywhere - the year of living dangerously.. it's about the fall of soekarno.. a great flick!


manc in oz

Nov 29, 2006
Gold Coast Australia
Re: RE: Mel Gibson - Wild Party in Bali

Sanurian said:
That's nice to hear, manc. I bet he hasn't made a "good" one yet.

So - is he "hiding" on the Gold Coast these days, or has he gone all "legal"? Buy him a beer from me and put it on the tab.
I'll say one thing for Mr Avalon - he's certainly persistent!


Here's a bit of info for you Sanurian. ... re_74.aspx


Jan 2, 2007
....ahso, I learned yesterday that Shirley Temples are actually non-alcoholic drinks. Was new to me, as I never had one and I wasn't aware that Shirley Temple was probably always dry and sober.

But then, mocktails have the most colourful names for cocktails.

So, somehow it leaves the whole story hung and dry, as long nobody can confirm that there were other drinks involved or the origin source (Bali Discovery) just threw in any mocktail name.

As bad example of my poor recherches and sensational 'journalism'. Good for a dry laugh on Mr Gibson's expense though....oops! :oops:

Anyway, I admire Phil's colorful way through life and am sure that working through that period in Australia must have been a hell of a good time. :)


Active Member
Sep 28, 2004
Thanks for that info, manc

A kind of Phoenix rising from the ashes bio. As I said before - he's certainly persistent. I didn't say that I doubted his ability to talk people into joining his projects. And I really do wish him all the best.

Who knows? Maybe he'll come across another Mel Gibson one of these days, only next time, he won't let him get away

I found this quote from the Australian Film Commission's site a bit rich:
Phillip Avalon is one of Australia's most prolific and commercially successful filmmakers and playwrights.
Then again, maybe he is.

Way back in those days, he breached a copyright of mine. Took one of my songs, added extra verses to it and "released" it. As he didn't have much money at the time, there was no point in taking legal action. Perhaps now that he is so successful, I could. I wonder what the statute of limitations is for copyright breaches?

Some parts of my contract with him were also never honoured. For example, I was supposed to get paid a certain percentage of the total takings of the movie. I'm still waiting.

(Just joking, Phil, but you know what I'm talking about. Just buy manc whatever he wants to drink or smoke next time you meet him. )

:shock: :D


Active Member
Sep 28, 2004
Definitely, manc, definitely.

No one really needs to know. Me either, and I was there. My lips are sealed.
