From what I under stand if you are Balinese, you stand on your block of dirt & look at the mountain. In the very RH front corner is were all your temples should be placed.

That is thought from Kuta or Ubud.From Amed it would be north-west,from Singaraja south-east.The direction of the temple is the direction towards The Gunung Agung,and so varies according to where you are.That goes parallel with the words Kaja and Kelod,popularly translated as north and south,but in reality meaning "towards the mountains"and "away from the mountains".So Kelod means south in the south,and north in the north.Still following me?

But we are getting a bit off-topic are we not?
Fred,please answer the question i posed before.
I never suggested anyone should be living in a shack,i suggested it would be helpful to go off the beaten tracks to find out what you really need to live comfortably in a tropical climate.
... Temples, I bought one because I had to, my guys and all other Balinese kept on at me to get it.

I mean I was worried about losing my creds as an Hard-Assed Athiest!

But I relented one day when I happened to see one that I really liked, I mean there was room for all the garden tools and such like.

The minute I get the damn thing home they all start telling me that I now have to get another one!

If I read this post correctly it sounds like you're saying I now have to get a third one!!! Bernard Madoff would have loved this.

I thought they were taking the piss:icon_rolleyes:
You do make me laugh, Markit. :icon_razz: You can have as many temples as you like in Bali; it's a very flexible religion. We have three temples and one plangkiran in the office. We make offerings to all of them every day and special offerings on "big" days, purnama, tilem, kajeng kliwon, tumpek landep, pagerwesi, etc.

plankiran.jpg Plankiran
Often local builders are not aware of the problems caused by rising damp in houses and do not put a waterproof membrane under the housing slab.
This allows the water in the soil below a house to be sucked upwards via capillary action. In turn this means the bottom one or two courses of brickwork throughout the house are actually damp. This causes those lower courses of bricks to give off that musty smell and also to fret and therefore become weaker.
As you wander into a house you will often see the paint or even the render blistered off the bottom 150 mm of wall.
This is simply fixed by putting down a thin plastic membrane before pouring the concrete floors.
Fred2 has touched on something similar to this with the advice of building your house base up above the surrounding ground levels.
In many of the coastal areas of Bali the water table is actually not very far below ground level. Of course during the wet season this becomes higher.
:icon_e_ugeek: Damn engineers, they can never give a simple answer:icon_e_ugeek:
Hello Hermit, I am about to begin building a home in Ubud and am trying to instruct my builder on the manufacture and installation of flyscreens. This is proving to be very difficult. Do you know of any Companies manufacturing flyscreens in Bali?
Regards, Christine