Kraft Mac n' Cheese...does it exist in Bali?

After being here for over a year and eating about 90% indonesian style food everyday, I don't really miss western food that much, although lately I have had this strange craving for Kraft Mac n Cheese. I tried Bali Deli and the small Carrefour on Jl Gunung Agung in Denpasar, but no luck. Anyone know of a spot that has it?
I thought we are the only one who missed it :)

We looked already at:

Carefour (Sunset road): Habis
Bintang Mall : Habis
Tiara Gazu: Habis
Canggu Deli: Habis
Casa gourmet: Habis
Bali Jaya: Habis

We asked some friends in Jakarta to look in big shops and expats shops: NOTHING
Maybe the indonesian market is not worth anymore to be delivered from Kraft after all the import restructions ?


If the craving is still likely to exist in a months time, I can bring some over for u 8)

Cheers mate
Looks like I'm fighting a losing battle trying to find it here. Sounds great! I'll buy you a few beers around Kuta for your trouble. Let me know when you are going to be here.
You will be much healthier without but then again so would I without bacon and sausages :D
Don't know if there's an ABD-Foodmart in the south, if there is they probably would have it and if not you can order whatever you want with them :D .
friendly greetings, Gilbert.
I had to use Wikipedia to find out what you were longing for.
So it easy to get macaroni at ABD, Carrefour, Makro or wherever, and you can get a range of cheeses - so no problem cooking up macaroni cheese - but if its that particular blue Kraft package that makes all the difference - then maybe you face more of a challenge.
I was wondering what it was too - Thought the Mac bit referred to a burger...but the Kraft threw me. Thanks Ron :D

I don't know if they have this but I have seen some frozen dinners in Carrefour.
Some gourmet you are, Ronb! Without the blue package, it's not a Kraft easy Mac. :lol:
ronb said:
I had to use Wikipedia to find out what you were longing for.
So it easy to get macaroni at ABD, Carrefour, Makro or wherever, and you can get a range of cheeses - so no problem cooking up macaroni cheese - but if its that particular blue Kraft package that makes all the difference - then maybe you face more of a challenge.

I'm after the blue package. Any type of real homemade mac and cheese requires an oven, to do it the right way, or at least the way I know as the right way.

I think I'll just hold out for Adam.
If it's Kraft Cheddar in the blue packet you're after, I saw 2kg blocks of it at MAKRO only yesterday. Tons of it! The price was Rp 149,000
Thanks, but that's just the cheese. I want the packaged macaroni and cheese like I used to eat for lunch when I was a little kid. I've just about given up on the hunt at this point.
gilbert de jong said:
it's like a microwave meal...just heat it up and it's ready to eat :lol:

Exactly, I feel funny wanting it, knowing it will probably come at a premium price when there is so much fresh, delicious Indonesian and balinese dishes available for so cheap, but it's one of the few things that I miss from the western world.

That and fast, cheap, reliable internet.
Oh - that stuff.

I saw some a couple of weeks ago in the Libby Mall supermarket, (Jl Teuku Umar, Denpasar). There was a pile of it, (in the small "imported foods" section) and I remember thinking to myself at the time how many local Balinese would actually buy it.

I might have seen some in Hardy's Sanur a few days ago, whilst searching for the currently elusive Vegemite. (I have irrational cravings, too). The Pantry (Sanur) is also worth a try...

I spotted a 400g jar of Vegemite at Pepito's for about Rp250,000!

Macaroni is easy to cook. Kraft cheddar is readily available. Cream, butter and MSG are easy to find. A teaspoonful of Vegemite in the mix should sort out the Vitamin B "content".

If you can't find "the real thing", do it yourself. The nutritional content of your own concoction might even be higher than Kraft's, despite Kraft's claims that their macaroni-cheese has more than the actual cardboard box it comes in.

This suggests to me a small business venture for somebody. A depot somewhere that only stocks foodstuffs that foreigners crave. I can envision a back-room somewhere piled high with Mac-cheese, Vegemite, Promite, Marmite, Cranberry sauce, etc. Buy it all up when it's available, sit back and wait for desperate addicts to come beating down the door.

calitobali said:
Thanks, but that's just the cheese. I want the packaged macaroni and cheese like I used to eat for lunch when I was a little kid. I've just about given up on the hunt at this point.
Kraft is not cheese, it' some plastic concoction :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol:
Kraft "cheese" is more like soap you can eat.

I used to love it as a kid, especially the sliced versions. Even now, there are times when nothing can compare, if you need a hit of that pseudo-soap.

Some Indonesian food companies have managed to create (clone?) their own versions. It's hard to believe that they could screw-up a product like this so badly, but they have.

Another faux-Indonesian family of "dairy" products has to be the Yummi brand of yoghurts, sour cream, whipped cream, etc. Mind you, I once met a German guy who thought it tasted OK. Each to their own.

I think the people behind Yummi should be either put behind bars,flogged to death, or, made to eat their own products whilst listening to Krisdayanti CDs, non-stop, until they confess.

I couldn't resist this.
Anybody watching NASA's live coverage of LCROSS? (Lunar CRater Observation & Sensing Satellite.)

NASA is crashing a rocket into a lunar crater near the Moon's South Pole.
Why? To raise a cloud of dust to find signs of water. That's what they claim.

I think they're really trying to find out if the Moon is made out of blue cheese.

I'm watching the live coverage as I write. (We weren't born with two eyes for nothing.) The introduction to the impact proves that NASA publicists can read, albeit rather badly.

One scientist answered the question of why we're doing this at all something along the lines of: "This is the next stage of our discover cheese on other planets".

The impact is expected to throw up 200 metric tons of dried cheese dust, (unless they also find dry water molecules). I recently heard that an Indian satellite's already found water. Now all that's needed is an Italian/Chinese probe to find macaroni up there.

If you think I'm making this up, go to this site to see what's going on right now:

44 minutes left before the Centaur rocket crashes into that crater. Less than 400 miles left before impact. They're still turning on various instruments on the companion craft. I wonder if they're using Windows 7?

Check out this historic moment for yourself.
I just hope something doesn't go wrong and they blow the Moon up.

Looks like I'm off to Teuku Umar. Doris any advice on what the store as near, so I'm not driving up and down that crazy street all day? This has me excited.