It is me!

made marko

Jun 12, 2004
Niskala, Berkala
Hi all! sorry to have been away so long.
Unfortunately... I am still in the states. No longer in the midwest, but in the fine city of Eugene, Oregon...
I was led here by someone who had wished an aide and travel companion to Bali.
-Let's just say that everything does not always work out as one may hope.
I will still be there, only not as soon as I had hoped and planned on.
I have so much waiting for me there that it is now driving me as I have never been driven before.
However, this is quite a nice place also...The university, art scene and all around culture is great! There are no less than three Gamelon orchestra here. One Balinese, sometimes led by I Made Kantor, of Ubud. One Javanese, which I have been allowed to join...and one that is 'experimental' that I have not had much info on yet.
there are a few Balinese living here, and folks from Lombok. I do hope to meet them soon, I have met a good contact in a university professor.
Next tuesday the ID alt rock band, 'Rumah Sakit' will play at the campus...very cool.
Local galleries have juried some of my paintings, and have accepted them. I have a 'real' job too. ...I have been here 2 weeks.
Why have I been away? Not even a pc at the home of the person who has led me here! much less the networked system I was led to believe existed???? :roll:
I had to have a piece of mail sent to me to be able to get a library card to use public PC's. -Now that I know that I will have $ coming in again I have broken down and allowed myself a membership at "Indra's internet cafe", which is where I am now, Just having finished writing to a very understanding, but deaply saddened Balinese woman I have until now neglected to tell you all of. She is waiting for me, and I will be there. I am again offering my service, in any capacity I am capable of providing to anyone(...anyone honest with me) that can assist me in going to the place I BELONG.
I am not a wealthy man. I am a resourceful one. A dedicated one. Honest, trustworthy, hard-working and a gentleman. I need an expat job, and I need it bad!
Later I will relate the story of my experience at Chicago O'hare airport. I think that 4 S's at the bottom of one's ticket must mean stop, search, seize and SCARE THE *@#$$#@OUT OF!!!!


New Member
Apr 2, 2005
Major Bummer Made Marko,

I hope things will turn around for the better for you soon.

I hear ya about the S's at the bottom of the airline ticket. The screeners in Vegas wrote on my ticket once w/ a red S. Damn, it's the mark, you're marked for a thourough screwing, opps I mean screening, atleast it was for me. But a recent report on the news said billions of tax dollars later the effectiveness of screening has not improved as compared to before 9/11.

Good Luck

made marko

Jun 12, 2004
Niskala, Berkala
Thank you for your compassion, Kawika.
Vegas was no problem for me, BOLEH! I even tried my hand at gambling in the airport during my layover. $2 in a slot machine -I won $2, no loss no gain. I believe the gods have informed me that I will not become a rich man by gambling, but they were generous in their alowing me no loss.
I have said before that I live a somewhat charmed life...
I am certain that I will soon be in Bali, and my dream will be realised.
I am here in Eugene, for a reason I am sure.
My Mudi is a patient woman. There is a fine law school here, she now has her S1; this is perhaps why I have been led here??? We have discussed my bringing her to continue her education at OU, while I earn these filthy $USD that are so precious now.
All will be well, it always works out for me in the end! :)

made marko

Jun 12, 2004
Niskala, Berkala
Nyesel, Ibu Iris...janggut kari! :D
I do not think it wold have mattered if I were shaven, wearing a buisness suit(I WAS), waving a U.S. flag, and singing " The Battle Hymn of the Republic"! I was told by a man on a conecting flight that an 'S' on your ticket was to inform security of a possible risk, I had no less than 4 at the base of mine 8) :roll: :wink:
The layover in Sin City was added after I had puchased my ticket, I took this as a sort of sign that I should try my luck at gambling. As soon as one steps off the plane at the airport, one is confronted by a miriad of slot machines. I had $2 in singles in my pocket, and I decided to 'shoot the wad' and see what was in store. The machine made some noise, and a lovely young lady approched me with my winnings! This was quite enough for me...


Apr 10, 2004
France, Bali now
Well, jangan nyesel Made..

My hubby shaved already, a moment after I showed comments of Thorsten and Roy :lol: And I told him, that he have to change his favourite music.. Eminem is much better, aniway :lol: :lol:

made marko

Jun 12, 2004
Niskala, Berkala
he he he :lol:
Eminem is better than what??? Oliver's favorite music must be very bad!!!
I do enjoy hip-hop, but not of the popular variety...
I like the slow beats. -makes me nod the noggin, but I can live without poetry that displays pshycopathic behavior.
I thhink I shall like to hear the jazz at the club in Ubud everyone raves about! -This is my favorite style of musik...but I love the 'byar just as much!
I shall ask Mudi if she would prefer to see me without the beard, it has never come up; and up until now I have not wanted to ask her in fear of the most likely answer. :cry:


Active Member
Nov 4, 2003
Kuta, Lombok
Hi Made

Sorry that you seem to be having a hard time. I never knew about the "S" before. Did you ask them why they considered you a security threat? It's hardly cos you have a beard!

Anyway be sure that once you get there, it will all be worthwhile :)


made marko

Jun 12, 2004
Niskala, Berkala
Hi Gemma,
Do not despair, all is well with me and I am only sidetracked...
I did not think it wise to ask any questions at the time.
I am certain that the beard played no part, as I was surely an some sort of 'list'. It may be because I speak B.I. on the web, or another forum that I was involved in that started sending me inflamitory emails regarding U.S. policy.
I may have been under survailence for some time as I was once a 'freedom rider' and trveled throughout the country fighting for civil rights in my youth.
Who knows? I now live in what is known as "the anarchist capital of the united states" and this cannot be helpful in this regard either! :cry:
It is very frustrating.
Maybe they are still trying to figure out the "My friend the witchdoctor" reference I had posted on the forum weeks ago :shock:
I was allowed to travel, and this is all that matters to me.