Introduction from Judy

Bert Vierstra

Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
On behalf of Judy:

Well, let me begin by saying that I have been reading all your comments for the last year or so. At times I find your discussions very interesting to say the least. Attempted a number of months ago to register however I must have done something incorrectly because I couldnot log in. Anyway I digress.

I first came to Bali June of 1998, fell in love with the place and found Bali to be the only place on earth that I truly felt at home. As a child I daydreamed over and over again that I had lived many lifetimes in Bali. Sooo, when a women who I had trained to sell viaticales out of Santa Fe, New Mexico made a two million dollar sell I said, "to celebrate lets go to Bali". Hence, my journey had begun.

I returned in September of 1998 for a couple of weeks to purchase pearls from Sumbawa to sell back in Seattle, Wa. My hopes were to return to live in Bali one day. Fast forward to October of 1999 and I again returned to Ubud. Intended to stay only two weeks at Alam Indah however as circumstances presented themselves my stay turned into three months. The Gods obviously had other plans for me!!!! During this time I met I Gusti Agung Darmayuda and the rest is history one might say.

I returned in March of 2000 for a month, again in June of 2000 for six months. Left in Decemeber of 2000 and returned in March 2001 for another six months. In August of 2001 came back to the states with Agung for six months. You see how the story goes on. blah blah blah.

Currently, we are in Seattle, Wa since October of 2003. Have been selling Ngurah KK's fine art, Agung's father's art along with Agung's. Additionally, I have been studing currency trading to one day return to Campuhan and live the remainder of my days in Bali.

Oh yes I built a bungalow in Campuhan, a shop, and refurbished Ngurah's Gallery and built a bathroom at the Gallery along with an office to practice homeopathic medicine which I studied in the United States for many years while I working as an insurance agent. The gallery is on the main road in Campuhan. Also built a gargage for my new car which I purchased in August of 2000.
My balinese family is as much a part of my family as those here in the US.

When we return I hope to open a free clinic, write a book, which I have been told to do for the last l5 years, mediate, do yoga, and enjoy life. We will build another home on the rice fields on Agungs family land which is gorgeous. The grounds are directly above the art gallery; However, further back on the rice fields.

Sooo, you all can see I have many interests and feel more connected to the Balinese People. I have always believed in reincarnation, have studied Vedic Philosophy for many years and simply feel as if Bali is my true home.

I probably will not comment very often however I love to read the questions and comments of you all. However, I do miss Roy's commentaries. Of late, it seems there are not that many posts.




Aug 19, 2004
Welcome Judy

I do hope you will post on subjects you have experience or knowledge. Thw more the merrier.



May 27, 2006
Br Abangan, Tegallelang
Hi Judy, Welcome. I too felt a sense of being here that I felt in no other foriegn country. A feeling that has not left me regarless of the reulting ups and downs (and sacrafices) experienced.

manc in oz

Nov 29, 2006
Gold Coast Australia
I have been studing currency trading to one day return to Campuhan and live the remainder of my days in Bali.

Hi Judy and welcome. I am also currency trading and wondered if you had attempted this in Bali and whether you had any problems with internet speed etc.


May 11, 2007
seattle wa campuhan bali

MAC IN OZ: Sorry to say I have not traded currency on the computer in Bali. Here in the US I have high speed internet service and even then the trading is about 30 seconds to 1 and half minutes delayed with the exchange. Before returning to Bali to build a house, hopefully, next summer, I'm going to investigate the situation with some traders I know here in Seattle about trading abroad--specifically Bali. Although as long as one can connect to your brokerage exchange by telephone if the computer terminal goes dead one can always call the exchange. Of course, if a natural disaster stricks then perhaps that is when the old adage applies: place a stop either way might be a good idea. ha ha My goal is to feel confident enough to trade without total fear. I was taught their are only two kinds of traders: GREED OR FEAR TRADING. Out of curiosity: how long have you been trading? how long did you practice before going live? what currency pairs do you usually trade? and ONCE YOU BECOME FAIRLY SUCCESSFUL DON'T YOU THINK IT IS A PERFECT VEHICLE TO SUPPLEMENT ONES INCOME LIVING IN BALI!!!!!



Sep 22, 2006
Houston, Texas
Do any of yall read the forex factory forum? what style do you trade? I have a few friends in java that trade, she has the elaborate satt. system, She did lose about $150k once on vacation(asia crises), no stops!! but made it back in a few months..

manc in oz

Nov 29, 2006
Gold Coast Australia
Re: RE: Introduction from Judy

froggy said:
Do any of yall read the forex factory forum? what style do you trade? I have a few friends in java that trade, she has the elaborate satt. system, She did lose about $150k once on vacation(asia crises), no stops!! but made it back in a few months..

Hi froggy, I'll make this short as I don't think the moderators would like us to turn this thread into a trading Discussion. Yes, I do read the forex factory forum and I've just suggested it to Judy in a pm. Wow, your friend went on vacation and never placed any stops on her trades. Scary mate.


Sep 22, 2006
Houston, Texas
Many expats are looking for something to do to supplement their income, Forex could be a fine thing for a few, very few, I have read the market wizards, numerous Jap. candlestick chart books,, etc,,, etc,,, I think I could trade and be good at it if I was willing to give up everything in life,,,,, trading forex seems to be a DRUG,,,,24/7 ... I decided it was going to cost me too much in my personal life,,, all in the name of a $$$ or as some see it a game........