Indonesia's Tax Base


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2005
Boston, MA, USA

As always you do not know what you are talking about.

The money they're giving you now in your retirement is pathetic, you won't live long enough to get back even a third of what was taken from you at the point of gun, depending upon how old you were when you started collecting your monthly eagle excrement

S.S. will provide you with a report of your total contributions to the fund. Of course, I have done the easy calculation, which includes inflation, which showes me that in 2010, after only EIGHT years, my monthly checks will be ALL profit. I think you are talking through your a*s when you claim you could do better than that.

So, again, why don't you get some REAL facts before you shoot off your mouth? :evil:

PS. S.S. or not, when you end up in a nursing home in the USA, you are in REAL trouble.


Active Member
Jan 11, 2005
Manchester and Makassar

I am glad that I do not think like you do or have the attitude that you have. It must be difficult to have a complete lack of trust in everybody and a hatred of most.

Try to lighten up a bit. The alternative is to try and start the Attilla the Hun political party :D :D
Jimbo said:

I am glad that I do not think like you do or have the attitude that you have. It must be difficult to have a complete lack of trust in everybody and a hatred of most.

Try to lighten up a bit. The alternative is to try and start the Attilla the Hun political party :D :D

I first decided not to comment on Don's answer to us, but I have to admit that I have really appreciated the "that's the way it is in Indonesia" and the "welcome to the junggle baby"... :D :D :D

Looking for more insights from you Don... really :lol:


May 4, 2008

As usual, you're looking at things through the eyes of a wealthy oldster. You must have made a bundle of money during your working years but for the average elder, warehoused in elder housing projects,(the majority of the elder population) it's quite a different story.
Whenever the "feral" government decides to offer a raise in SS benefits, everyone including but not limited to; housing providers, health benefits providers, nursing homes, utility companies/other services and even the fragging supermarket chains are all waiting in the wings licking their chops in anticipation of gobbling up their pound of flesh.
Whatever raise is gained by the SS recipient is almost instantly snuffed out.
Did you do the math in your head or use a calculator? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
The retirement age is going up, up and away. Most elders WILL DIE before seeing even a small portion of what they paid into the system. It's designed this way, whether you like it or not.

I don't hate most people, I'm actually much different in person than I am in print. Trust in anyone is hard earned by both parties, through mutually beneficial multiple contacts over what is perceived by most to be a lengthy period of time.
Those who give their trust freely and often are fools.
As uncomfortable as reality makes you fellas feel, we DO live in a "dog eat dog" world :cry:



Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2005
Boston, MA, USA
I thought we were discussing SS! What have retirement homes to do with it? What does the amount of money I made during my working years have to do with it also?

As for the yearly SS increases being "instantly snuffed out" by the greedy business environment that's simply Capitalism in action.

I don't know if you've noticed, but many people will die WAY BEFORE their retirement ages. So, what is your advice to them? "Go out and spend all your money, as there is no point saving it." The ONLY problem is that no one knows when the great ripper will show up at one's door…This is life's lottery: some win and some loose…

As for your last comment to Jimbo

I don't hate most people, I'm actually much different in person than I am in print.

it indicates that you are also delusional about who you really are…Why should you be different in person from what you are in print? I would venture to say that in print you are your true self, because you feel anonymous. That's call hypocrisy. You are a person full of hate and you don't fool anybody. :roll:


Jun 7, 2008
Sumatra: The fact that you "confessed" in October on the US Elections thread that you were just bored and wanted to stir things up and have a bit of fun by yanking everyone's chain is what it is. It does, however, give serious credibility issues to anything you have to write...

That also, is what it is....

On the other hand, with all the "Forum troubles" here, a legitimate concern that members have expressed in the past is that new people who do join, often leave because of the name calling and the aggressiveness of posts.



May 4, 2008
I haven't engaged in any personal name calling. I've only pointed out to Tin the shortcomings of an overworked and overwhelmed social security system and the daily plight of the average elderly person.
This is only one facet of the US "feral" government that is failing or, perhaps you haven't noticed the world-wide economic depression directly caused by deregulation on Wall St. and the hokey, fraudulent "war on terror." A hard and unbiased look at the current world situation plainly illustrates that credibility isn't my problem.
The problem here is my graphic and somewhat insensitive presentation of the facts. I've tweaked a few sensitivities but in essence all I've really done is "play the ball." as effectively as I can.
There's no reason to get angry. Social Security retirement payouts, what a person earned total during their lifetimes, housing, medical, utilities and provision of physical sustenance are all interconnected. These issues are inseparable, you simply can't have a discussion regarding only one point without taking into account the other related factors.
I like "Grim Ripper" though, it's more apropos. You're right about one thing........
"This is life's lottery; some win and some lose..." I'm so glad you've come around to my way of thinking about natural selection and survival of the fittest,
if Charles Darwin was alive he'd be so proud of you!

Mischief isn't the same as hatred.

Don :D :twisted: :D :twisted: :D