How much costs a prostate surgery?


Nov 30, 2004
belgium, semarang, bali.....
My father in law has a lot of troubles with his prostate. He tried already all the alternative methodes and jamu's but without result. Does anybody has an idea (approx.) how much an operation is?


Nov 30, 2004
belgium, semarang, bali.....
Maybe, but more expensive I assume; tickets, pasport, fiscal, hotel...... He has to leave the country then and cannot speak English so.....somebody has go with him; again pasport, fiscal..... If we had the money no problem.


May 11, 2005
In that case i think the easiest way would be to pick out which local hospital to use and go there for testing and further evaluation and discussion. I'm more concerned about the professionalism of the local doctors rather than the cost, but i don't think there would be any huge amounts we're talking about in Bali. In singapore on the other hand it might get quite expensive, but the standard is also very different so less need to worry about the operation (if one is necessary). I'm sure some of the more frequent visitors of local hospitals in this forum can help out in some way? :idea:


Nov 30, 2004
belgium, semarang, bali.....
A normal reaction of some people might be; just ask the hospital. If we were in Indonesia for the moment we could do that and then we would know. But it's a little bit more complicated. Because we're not in Indonesia for the moment we have to ask them to ask how much it would be. But by asking we already insinuate that we maybe pay for it. If it's not to much we (of course) pay for it. But were does it stops? Who are we going to help in the future? Who else has medical problems? And how big is the family (becoming). I don't know if I make myself clear but it's a very delicate situation.


May 11, 2005
hmm i'm not sure how close you are to your father-in-law and that part of your family? If you all have a good relationship and trust each other i don't see any reason for you to worry about anything except for getting the right amount of cash to help out. I'm eager to know, did you father-in-law himself contact you? If not, who did and do you trust this person with money?


Nov 30, 2004
belgium, semarang, bali.....
No, my father in law does not asks for it but my wife feels responsible for her fathers health. They talked that they've tried everything what they (financially) can. What's the next step? If you know your father probably needs an operation, what do you do? And what about the birth of her sisters children? What about the teeth of her uncle? What about the liver of her mother? What about the wedding of her sister? What about the motorbike of her other sister? And so on... You know where I'm getting at?


May 11, 2005
Sure i see. hmm well, i think you have to draw the line on what you'll help out with and what they should try to manage themselves. Just take each "case" one at a time and don't worry to much of what the future holds. If you want to help out then help out.. if not then don't. I would never pay for someones wedding or motorbike though... that's something they have to work for themselves to earn and appreciate. For your familys health-issues maby you and your wife can "chip in" half the amout each so that the family understand the money doesn't only come from your pocket.


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
What on earth is this string about? A surgical procedure for a prostate problem…and what it costs? That would depend on the procedure to be performed, where it is performed, and the hospital and the doctor who performs the specific surgery.

Geez, in the seven years I’ve lived here in Bali, with a HUGE Balinese family, it has always been my experience that they take good care of their own problems.

Only recently, when my niece was diagnosed with epilepsy did I take control. I took her EEG’s and MRI’s to the chief of pediatric neurology at Bumrungrad Hospital in Bangkok, which is the highest rated hospital in all of Asia. Who was the doctor you might ask?…Dr. Charcrin Nabangchang. Qualifications: Board Certified in the US as follows: Pediatrics in 1994, Pediatric Neurology in 1997 and EEG, Epilepsy in 1998. His bill for about two hours of consultation and review of tests…600 baht, or about US $15.00! If you don’t believe me, I’ll Fax you the bill as well as the doctor’s credentials. He concurred 100% with the doctor at Sanglah in Denpasar who offered the first diagnosis, and he also agreed 100% with the meds prescribed.

Patatje, if I’m reading your posts correctly, I would convince my wife to convince her dad to go to Sanglah, get properly diagnosed, and if surgery is called for…believe me…Sanglah Hospital will give a very accurate estimate of all the costs involved.

Oddly enough, the phones between Belgium and Bali work just fine. There is NO reason Patatje, why your wife could not have discussions with her father’s doctors.

You ask, “what’s the next step?” That is not for any of us to address. That’s a question for your wife.

Sorry to be so brutal, but cut us some slack. Who among us can tell you how much a surgical procedure on your father in law’s prostate could cost? Get a grip, and get busy is what I say.


Active Member
Jan 11, 2005
Manchester and Makassar
I would just like to say that the extended family system is what looks after everybody in Indonesia. I have been asked by my family to help with many things from a new buffalo on the farm to money for the schooling of my wifes younger siblings.

If I could help I did(it was my family too) but there was ocassions when I could not or would not and it never made any difference to the relationships within the family.

I do know that if I did not have a penny they would look after and feed me as best they could. You seem to me suspicious of such requests and I would advise you to treat each one on its merits.

As to the cost of the operations it will vary tremendously with the type of treatment and where its carried out. As Roy says talk with the doctors.

I recently discovered Skype to talk via the computer and its cost is about 10 US cents per minute to Indonesia.

Good Luck


May 11, 2005
the skype-owners, a swede and a danish fellah are currently becoming billionaires due to Ebay buying off their whole concept and program. that's a big WOW! to me since this neat little program was just a funky shareware ayear ago.


Active Member
Jan 11, 2005
Manchester and Makassar
I have been using it since yesterday and find it brilliant. I spent 20 minutes talking to Indonesia last night for about 3 dollars.

Phoned saudi arabia this morning for 30 cents and its even cheap to phone in country. Even though I have known about this for a while I thought it was difficult and I would have to pay for hardware. Converted me have I had it all set up and running including downloading in 30 minutes flat.


May 11, 2005
maby patatje could download it too for less pricy correspondence to the hospital and family. ;)

Bert Vierstra

Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
According to my physician, director of a private hospital here the average prostate operation costs between 5-7 million rupiah, depening on the "room class".


New Member
Jul 22, 2005
Perth, Australia
patatje said:
My father in law has a lot of troubles with his prostate. He tried already all the alternative methodes and jamu's but without result. Does anybody has an idea (approx.) how much an operation is?

If you go to this web site: it will give you information about a product that kills cancer cells related to prostate cancers.

It will save your life.


New Member
Dec 15, 2004
Dorset, UK
looking through the website for the above link - surely you can acheive the same with the right additions to your diet instead of paying huge sums of money for someone to concentrate fruit and food extracts into a bottle for you.........................

I think I'd prefer to see proof it worked from a medical study instead of a website trying to baffle the reader with techno babble.

Just my opinion.