Hi, I'm new here :)

I'm fine :) Thank you.

Found a link to this forum at an expat forum. I hope it's okay to join, because I've only been to Bali once and originally from Jakarta.

Take care :)
Don't worry, like you, most of us are new to this forum as well - If you don't believe me, just clik on the memberlist roster. Welcome to the forum and your future input and participation would of course be appreciated.

I noticed that your residence is Scottdate, AZ - It's beautiful there - loved it.

Currently we are in Los Angeles, so we're just a stone throw away from you so to speak... :)

See you on this forum again soon.
Augie and Jeff
Hi mwill

I'm Lothar, the ugliest person on this Forum. I love to pester everyone with politics all the time, because I believe that together we can rescue the world :)

Welcome here...erhhh...that's all I wanted to say anyway :wink:
Pics on this forum

Lothar knows he's the good looking one....and his brother is Harrison Ford..ha..ha.. Actually we are all new here...but we are here for a reason.We'd all like to save the World....and playing around with ideas is all we can do...so play on everyone...the World is watching.....G....
And again, Hi mwill!

Hi I'm Py, I don't wanna save the world. I am also incapable of a simple, unconstipated sentence and terrified of any word with less than seven letters. I love to hear myself write and will wax ad nausea in vainglorious and cloying prose on any trivial theme that alights this board. ...By the way, love the Tinkerbell!

I think I am Bert, and that the world is already saved, but we need to convince others that it is. (I am not a christian btw).

I am a envious person, alway looking for a leg to brake,
a borderliner, whatever that may mean, and my biggest
wish is peace. ( in my own heart ), second wish anak anak.
Plenty around my house so that is a start.

Gee, I am on Bali !
Bert! What Happened?

Sorry mate, I love your lines, but your mug....oh my, Lordy, such a "blow up" of your nose! And tinkerbell from Java...can we see a bikini shot please? You're great Bert, and we all love ya, but my money is on tinkerbell. What do you think? Yo...Tink...can we part with the cartoons and see the "real" tink? :D Sorry, just back from Bangkok...you know, business at the Indo Embassy and all :p
Wow! Thanks so much for the warm welcome guys :)

Roy, you can see me now LOL...

Juskiff, do you live in LA now? How long were you in Bali? It's really nice this time a year here in AZ (LA too :) ). In summer, I can't stand the heat! Makes me want to move somewhere cooler LOL...

And how long have you all been living in Bali? I went there once, and I loved it so much!

Take care :)
hi mwill

i'm marcia. Doubt i'll ever be an expat, as i love living in Australia too much. Other cultures fascinate me, so here i am on an expat forum. If you see the odd, irreverent post, it's often me.
How do you like living in Arizona?