Harriet wakes


She takes a long draw on her kretek. She knows it's bad for her health, but she is living dangerously this year, and she loves how it feels going down. Five years ago her husband Edgar, who often traveled to the far east on business, chose to end their marriage and take on a new life abroad. Did I say life? I meant wife. Well, both actually. Their friends hear from him sporadically: he has never been happier! Edgar's new wife is a delicate frangipani of a girl, a true Shakti to his Shiva [note to the spelling police: please substitute Shakti and Shiva if you prefer---it's really tricky to transliterate the retroflected S]. In all modesty, if pushed Edgar will own to keeping a sizeable fraction of his new wife's village in his employ as an ongoing act of benevolence. Thus, his retainers include a cook, an amah for his beautiful babies, two maids, a groundskeeper, and a chauffeur. Not to complain, for he would never, but why wasn't Harriet ever this serene when she was raising his other children? She always seemed so...harried, rushing around hither and yon. Sure, he misses the children, but a man can only deny his Martian nature for so long.

Harriet initially came close to immolating herself on the pyre of her dead marriage, but she liked to think that she had moved on with her life. Being Irish, and not Indian, she had finally decided to wake the dead instead. Both of the children were in college now, and Harriet felt liberated as never before to explore her options. She'd had her fill of Mars-men, so she set about in search of a man from Venus. Lamentably, she found that they existed only in the immortal lines of the poet-bard of Limerick, to wit:

"There once was a fellow from Venus,
Who had an immensely long...

...and so on, best not repeated here. Harriet's experience led her to conclude that such a one was only a figment of a fevered poetic imagination.

Harriet took a couple of workshops through the local adult ed. program, and one was called "Willendorf 101: Finding your inner Goddess." You may surmise from this how vulnerable Harriet was at this point, how easily gulled. She went away from the class with the conviction that she was an embodiment of the goddess, and that what she needed was a suitable god-consort. No cineaste she, Harriet had nonetheless once taken in a movie in which Eddie Murphy, playing an African prince, went to New York City to seek a bride in the borough of Queens. What better place for her own search than the Island of the Gods?

If only Edgar could see me now, she thinks, suppressing a bitter titter. Ketut is making his way across the room from the bar, and she likes what he is bringing to the table, namely a couple of cold Bintangs. He, in turn, likes what she has brought to the table, namely a handbag stuffed with travelers cheques.

.....to be continued, or not......
I like it!

Please continue.

There are several interesting subtexts here and I am very curious to see where you are leading. The spaces are speaking at an eaqual decibal level.

Literary fop Py.

Yes please continue...we are waiting to hear what Harriet does next....and by the way ,welcome to our forum...hope you will enjoy it...G...
Harriet's search

Hi behemoth,

now I'm really curious what's next, very interesting to compare our dear old Harry with the brand new Harriet.
Looks to me, they took both the same road, which led them to the "island of gods", the highway of broken dreams, oops sorry for this, sounds very soppy.

Hope you will continue and welcome

Hi y'all

Thanks for the welcome and your interest. I'm a little curious about Harriet too, so I may write some more just so I can find out how it all turns out. (Not today, though---all I'm getting in my head is potential country music lyrics, which I'm not so sure would play very well in this venue). All I know for sure is the rest of the limerick.

Is anyone game for addressing the "subtexts" head-on amongst ourselves, or does poor Harriet have to live them out? Or is that best left for threads on the other part of the forum, where I fear to tread because I am not an "ex-pat living in Bali"? (I am actually more of a self-displaced person, an Appalachian living in New England).
Re: Hi y'all

behemoth said:
so I may write some more just so I can find out how it all turns out

May, May, ? You promised :!:

behemoth said:
Is anyone game for addressing the "subtexts" head-on amongst ourselves, or does poor Harriet have to live them out?

Yes she does.

behemoth said:
all I'm getting in my head is potential country music lyrics, which I'm not so sure would play very well in this venue

They will, don't worry. Looking forward to them.

And to your mug as well.

As with all adventures of the mind and life, Harriet will need to life out her struggles. I could not begin to address any of the issues and will leave it to your literary expertise
Who would have thought we'd find ourselves buried in plastic and duct tape? The tackiness of our fate exceeded only by its terribleness. Behemoth, I plead with you, please resurface, come in from the snow, rewrite the wintry circumstances of our lives.... It's time for Harriet to wake up.....or for the B.Mo to roll.....L
out of the snow

Well, Lantana, you aren't kidding about the snow! We had over 27 inches of the stuff in a 24-hour period starting Monday, which is quite a lot even for New England. But I have a very sunny living room with lots of geraniums and cyclamens in bloom, and was celebrating the birth of a new member of my extended family (his name is Diego), so I actually was feeling very happy and blessed.
Lantana and Lothar, what a blast from the past it felt like to think about Harriet again! That seems like so long ago, but actually when I looked at the date it was just a little over two months. That was my very first post on the forum; little did I know I would settle in, post a picture, make some friends here, draw some flak elsewhere, etc.! Lothar, my friend, what a long way we have come, don't you think :D ?
It just so happens that I do have another episode in the life of Harriet up my sleeve! When Bert was sick (or when we all thought he was... he got well suspiciously fast!!) I was really worried and wanted to do something to cheer him up, so I wrote more of the Harriet story and sent it to him by private message. I am not sure if it would have gone differently if I were writing it under different circumstances, but it has been written; so be it! I will post it below, but first, since you brought up the subject of duct tape, Lantana, you will have to endure a word or two on the subject. I predict we will soon hear of an insider trading scandal involving duct tape stock, with people close to the Homeland Security office having invested heavily just prior to the recent Orange Alert. I am grateful for the whole issue having added some levity and absurdity to an otherwise grim subject. I personally think duct tape is wonderful; I remember recent news of it being employed as material for prom outfits, http://www.octanecreative.com/ducttape/index1.html
as a cure for warts, and much, much more! So I am confident that the people who are buying it in fear right now will find many useful and creative purposes for it later.
Now, in case anyone is still reading this, this is what I wrote Bert last month about Harriet:

"Harriet didn't take Ketut back to her bungalow that night after all. She probably would have, but she had too much to drink and hurled the evening's babi gulung, the mid-day's nasi goreng, and all the Bintang. She caught a glimpse of herself in the bathroom mirror, with her face as white as linen and her hair disheveled, and then she felt really gross and disgusted with herself, even though Ketut seemed to think it was all hilariously funny. She wanted to smack him one, and wanted only to be left alone for the rest of the night. The next day Harriet arranged to do some sightseeing with the best guide on the island, Budi. You may think that I am falling into a well-worn cliche here, but in fact, somebody has to be the best guide on the island, and somebody has to be the worst. This Budi really was the best--ask anyone. Ask Fred Eisenman, Jr., for example, who picked Budi's brain and published two books (Bali Sekala and Niskala) for which he acknowledged Budi's invaluable assistance but, unaccountably, did not include him as co-author. But I digress. It was this very Budi who showed Harriet many interesting sites around the island, and steered her to the full-moon ceremony at the temple near Ubud which is the navel of the universe. This was where she met Paul, a tall and handsome semi-retired American businessman who had been too busy mourning the defection of his wife from a long and, he thought, happy marriage to notice what a great catch he was for a woman of a certain age. In fact, Paul was 14 years older than Harriet, and so he regarded her as somewhat of a babe, which pleased her no end. Paul and Harriet enjoyed one another's company for the rest of their all-too-short time in Bali. They stayed in touch once they got back, although they lived in separate cities a great distance apart. After a few visits back and forth, they went on a trip to Madagascar. During the trip they decided to cast their lot together, and Harriet went to live with Paul in the Napa Valley of California. Neither one of them saw any point in getting married, but they stayed together and were very happy for many years.

I hope you will feel better and better every day!
Be better moth "

As Bert is fond of saying, "That's it!" Maybe it worked, because he did get better pretty quickly :lol: And Lantana, since you live in Northern California, you might run into Harriet and Paul someday, strolling hand in hand through the Chardonnay vineyard Paul owns in St. Helena :wink:

harriet wakes (yes!)

Thank you for the bright, warm images. I wish the best to you, to your extended family and to new arrival, Diego. And thank you for the amusing and ingenious duct tape website...What now? What stars do we have to light our path? What I have learned is: Lighten up----travel light----Love
s'now business like show business

Behemoth, Please let there be "More To Come" and "To Be Continued."... I love the way you wend your way across time and space to Bali and back in your stories/song lyrics. So! I challenge you to put your considerable talents to work again....There are other possible Bali scenes that tantalize, that beg for dramatic treatment....For example, in one-of-those-other-Bali venues, there were references to the "New Age Seppo Broads" who post on this Forum. I suspect it's like Cockney rhyming slang: Seppo is apparently Australian slang for septic tank, which rhymes with Yank, which is short for Yankee. Seppo=American/Yankee. I am sure the term is affectionate. Anyway, it could be an amusing concept. I would love to see the New Age Seppo Broads immortalized in song or story in Bali.... Perhaps the story could even incorporate Duct Tape or Dental Floss (although the mind staggers at that concept and perhaps better not)....With much anticipation (and a mischievous smile), your Seppo friend, L
Hi Lantana

Thank you for all the nice things you said---you are very kind :D ! I have been trying to use my spare time more constructively in the last few weeks, and this includes devoting some time to writing. I have been having a lot of fun with it, but none of it has to do with Bali. Thus, I don't think it would be of general interest on a Bali forum, but I will e-mail you some recent lyrics. I wish I had as much control over what I write as you seem to give me credit for, but the truth is that the magic bemo/Celestial Omnibus just pulls up and drops off whoever or whatever is on board on any given day! Which brings me to your point:

lantana said:
....There are other possible Bali scenes that tantalize, that beg for dramatic treatment....I would love to see the New Age Seppo Broads immortalized in song or story in Bali
It sounds as if you have some intriguing story ideas, so YOU, my friend, should be the one to write them!! :D Did I hear you say you can't? YES you can, and we will look forward to a whole new thread for your first story here!!
Was that "Tag, you're it"?

Behemoth, I love your lyrics (thank you!). However, I suspect that a snowball's chance in hell is about what I'd have if I tried to write a Balinese story starring the New Age Seppo Broads.... I'd love to read it, though... Perhaps someone else is inspired???