Getting a property in bali

It's as easy as losing your shirt,

you show up with a pile of cash, hand it over 'et voila', you now have a property

If its legal or whether you get to keep the property is another thing entirely.

If you dot the i's and cross the t's you'll probably be alright.
Be aware, A foreigner cannot own property in Indonesia, in their name. It must be in an Indonesian's name. Same with motorbikes ans cars. Although, If you have the kitas or kitap visa, you can have vehicle's in your name. I don't know if this applies to property. Someone else on the forum, that is more knowledgeable can answer this question. Get a lawyer and contract in English! Be Careful.
Also there is a problem here with access. If you have to cross other people's property to get to yours, they will want money too. It can get very difficult to deal with these problems. Also there is the local Banjar, to deal with. As I said, other people on here, with more experience can clue you in.
Yeah you can do it but the devil is in the details. Maybe if you are ernest about this then I suggest you use the search facility here and find out the thousands of answers to that very question that have been written. I will add one caveat - things have changed recently and the updates to the laws aren't always listed here. Read what there is and then come back with your queries.
If the offered objects were getting anything like the fantastical ROI then why would they sell them?