Foreign men to pay a Rp US$50,000 deposit to marry an Indonesian woman


Staff member
Thanks to @lumumba for pointing this out otherwise I would have missed it, but the Jakarta Post reports that the Indonesian government is currently considering a bill, foreign men would have to pay a "deposit" of 500 million rupiah if they want to marry an Indonesian woman.

Actress and singer Feby Febiola made the following comment:
“I disagree [with the bill]. It sounds like it is selling Indonesian women,” Feby who married French Bruce Deltail, told on Thursday.

According to Feby, not all foreign men who marry Indonesian women have the same characteristics that may cause problems down the line.

“Not all foreign men who marry Indonesian women will cause problems later on.
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This was under discussion a few years ago too....​
Maybe you’re right (incredible).

Also a program on Metro TV was dealing with a different case; I posted under Marriage, Kids and Schools
They are trying to make a law that you can’t live together unless you are LEGALLY married. I can’t remember if there is a 3/6 million fine and 1 year in prison if you live tougher illegally. (No words)
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Can you get your "deposit" back if things screw up? I doubt it.

Oh...I get it. This is to protect Indonesian women who foolishly fall in love with western men, possibly engage in sex and, horror of horrors, have children. How about an Indonesian man who wants to marry a foreign siren in some western country?

This proposed bill, like several others on the books at the moment, are completely insane.

The current Indonesian Minister of Religious Affairs has been coming under some flack recently for his ridiculous statements regarding polygamy. Unregistered polygamous "marriages" are OK, as far a he is concerned. This moron is a member of the Indonesian government! Makes you wonder.

Anybody here want to marry a 12 year-old girl? Too old? How about an 8 or 9 year old? How many do you want? (Maximum is supposed to be four.) If you're a pseudo-religious leader with a bit of cash, you'll get away with it. Disgusting, IMHO.

America might be the most evil empire on the planet these days, with its guns, bombs, belief in its own rhetoric and constantly re-presenting its "history", as reality.

I hope Indonesia doesn't go down the same path of "might" is "right".
Well, it already has, more than once.
Time to grow up.

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Will never happen. Impossible to regulate. Anyhow I think they the women should pay western men a dowry :)
This seem to me to be either a racist slur, or just another way for the government to extract more money. Gosh do they hate us that much. I wonder what would happen if the Rudd and his crew tried to do this is regards to an Indonesian man wishing to marry an Australian woman? :mad:
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I think the government just want to put dignity for the common term of mailto-order bride through putting high price for it.

I received a dowry when I got married to Maria. It was prime land for paddy and tree crops. But it was very carefully explained to me that it was "family" land and can never be sold :) As for paying for Maria she would be insulted at the paltry amount suggested. She is worth at least a hundred times more she tells me..........any offers?........ouch my dear only a joke....honest :)