Explosions in Kuta / Jimbaran


Nov 12, 2004
My daughter was asleep between Denpasar and Mambal, thank God ...just arrived and cranky. Let me try some phone calls Stu and Ayu but it sounds like the target was the restaurant 2 buildings or so to the west of Matahari in Kuta Square. Too close for comfort but hopefully far enough.


New Member
Oct 1, 2005

I have checked the reports I have access to but they are also contradicting. I will try to find out as soon as I can.

Bert Vierstra

Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Just came back from diner in Lovina.

The disco "Vulcano Club" was closed, usually crowded on Saturday.

Many people, and police on the street.

Some people in restaurants, heard some calls, "We are Safe"


May 11, 2005
Lou, i was very closeup to the Kuta bombing in 2002 and lived in Kuta for several years with my balinese landlords family just 3 houses to the west from sari club. I've seen and felt the impact close-up so please get off your high horse and don't come and tell me how to react!! :evil:
Mar 6, 2005
Paris France
Feeling so sad and angry. And so much useless, so far from Bali. I hope all of you are safe and all my friends in Bali. And I hope that the people of Bali gonna be able to dominate its legitimate anger once again. Reprisals and interreligious confrontations would be the achievment of the terrorists wishes. With you with all my heart.


May 11, 2005
Ah.. sorry for snapping Lou. Glad to hear your daughter was ok. I'm just so sad and angry. The news brought tears to my eyes and anger. i'm... speachless so my .. ah. :cry:


Jul 30, 2005
Alexandra new zealand
:cry: O my God .
I have just woke to the bad news , hope you are all ok & your family's are safe .

I'm still trying to hear of my Bali family. Kirsty works in that surf shop,the one it showed on the news footag.

I was there in 2002 when that bomb whent of so I can feel for you all .

I can't belive it's like a week of 2002 bomb date is oct some significant month?
stay safe


Active Member
Sep 28, 2004
Just got home (Sanur) from Jimbaran where we were having a birthday party on the beach.
(Saw fireworks coming from somewhere nearby but assumed they were just that. Maybe the fireworks people know something.)

From what I know so far, 29+ are dead from Jimbaran and Kuta and many more severely injured. And the officials are still counting.

All of our handphones went dead for a while. Got one sms about a bomb in Nusa Dua as well, but maybe the person was panicked and incoherent. I just hope that's not true.

Saw many Balinese standing around shocked and astonished that this has happened again. Also saw many groups of police at various intersections doing nothing. Dodging ambulances, fire engines and freaked out police waving orange wands is not my idea of a Saturday night (or effective method for catching the scumbags who did this) .

This is a dreadful blow to the tourism industry in Bali. It's a huge tragedy for the victims and their families.

Perhaps the powers that be in Indonesia will sit up and take more notice of the President's warnings about just such attacks and, hopefully, the forces on the ground will sleep/dream less and get on with their jobs. Has anybody noticed the 'security measures' being taken at the airport in the last year? Yeah - where are they? A trivial example: Drive in to Galleria Mall and a bored character asks you to open a door in your car, looks for 5 seconds, and that's it. Great, huh? I bet they'll get their act together a bit more soon...but for how long? As long as boredom sets in again.

I don't believe this is 'over' by any stretch of the imagination. Certainly I pray that I'm wrong. We, on this Bali-orientated site, have every reason to be concerned about terrorist crap aimed at this island. Whomever these low lifes are have many other targets throughout Indonesia. That fact is a crying shame but it's also exactly what these shits want - to freak people out and instil fear. Unless I'm an actual victim of their attacks, I will never change what I want to do. Yes - they might scare me a little at times (like tonight), but they're never going to win. Always remember these are very sick people. They definitely need help. And I guess the 'help' is not easily available in this country.



Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Ever since receiving the first call, about 8:30 last night of the bombings in Kuta and Jimbaran, I have been in a daze…a cross between a deer at night being frozen by the headlights of an oncoming car, and having a strong punch to the stomach.

Late Wednesday night I had received word that my father had passed away after battling pulmonary fibroses for over a year. Please, no condolences as my dad enjoyed a long, productive and good life. I knew it was coming, and so did he, but still, one is never prepared for the final word. Then, last night, this news…which immediately brought back the night of October 12, 2002.

Maybe I’m already too depressed over loosing my dad, but I can’t help thinking, “here we go again.” I find some of the comparisons to October 12 quirky and odd. Remember after the first bombing in Bali came the SARS scare? Now we have the Avian flu scare, forecasted by the World Health Organization to very likely become pandemic during the next few months. This potentially very bad news is followed by yet another bombing in Bali and on the very day that fuel prices have almost doubled!

What will happen now? Will the tourists still here flee Bali like last time? Will hotels be flooded with cancellations? Quickly checking on another forum I did read that many Aussies were not canceling their upcoming trips, in spite of strong government advice to avoid Bali. I admire the resilience of the Australians with their “on on” persistence.

I can understand the anger being vented right now, and claims that the Bali security forces are ill equipped to deal with the terrorist reality in Bali. It is frustrating that once the head of the serpent has been cut off, it immediately grows five more heads. Even the highest developed industrial nations have been successfully targeted long after the 9/11 wake up call.

Why is Bali such a tempting target for JI and other Islamic extremists? I think there are several reasons, all of them being obvious. It’s an easy target, with lots of westerners congregated in many places throughout the island and the chances of collateral damage against fellow Muslims is slim, or at least, much slimmer than in Jakarta.

It’s hard to get a “good read” on how the Balinese people are taking this. Galungan is right around the corner…next Wednesday, and all attention seems to be focused on this most holy and important holiday season. With the first bombing in 2002, many expected a violent Balinese reaction against Islamic Indonesians living in Bali. It never happened then, and hopefully this time, it will not happen either.

In the end, as with 2002, one thing is clear. That is that in addition to the dead and injured, the other “silent” victims will be the Balinese.

Later this afternoon we will be going to our high priest as it is our third son, Komang’s oton and it falls on a new moon. I’ve known this high priestess for many years, and we have a warm personal relationship. I intend to ask her a question that is very likely on the minds of most all of us…”how do we reconcile these actions?”


Nov 12, 2004
Hi Tommy - I was the one who snapped first and sorry about that. In the stress of the moment I misunderstood your meaning. Apologies again for that.

Bert Vierstra

Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
It seems there are 50 deaths now. (update:wrong information!)

Budi, a driver I use regularly just spoke with someone working in Sanglah hospital...

Budi lost a friend working in Rajas Cafe, a girl from Kaliasem (Lovina) about 30 years of age.


Mar 8, 2005
This is just so sad, I was in Kuta Square earlier today, looks devastating, it is just so bad for Bali...

I read that it was 3 suicidebombers, anyone know if this is true?


Nov 12, 2004
The suicide bomber theory is under challenge from victims and eye witnesses per the following story.

http://www.smh.com.au/news/world/bomb-w ... 01258.html

The Australian Prime Ministers response to the suicide assertion by a journalist was that his officials had also heard the same but it's information "which is yet to be further confirmed from sources who know what they are talking about." Kind of a testy put down but he's no doubt under a fair bit of strain..

Also the number of deaths has been steady most of the day at 25 in the Australian media. Last night they all had it at 32. Looks like the vast majority are once again Indonesians including members of a party of 100 people visiting from Jakarta. They were dining at the second Jimbaran restaurant.