expat work in bali


New Member
Sep 2, 2004
havent used this forum b4 so please exuse me. Was wondering if anyone can give me some advice. I'm leaving for bali in 8 weeks am planning to get married and live long term there could anyone give me some advice with job searching. I'm willing to do any type of job although i am qulified in youth work and hospitily hope to hear from anyone soon


Mar 26, 2004
Melbourne, Australia
I'd say keep your ears & eyes open.... I think you have better chance of finding something by living there, but this certainly doesn't mean you'll find anything!
Alot of competition I reckon...
Talk to many people & really look for it!!!

Mind you I am not thyere working either & plan to one day...
But for now we stay in Melb where we both have good jobs, but if I were you... I'd really network with people from all walks of life!
easier to work your way up & don't do it illegally it will not be worth it!
Good Luck!


Aug 28, 2004
New Zealand - Bali soon!
Amanda - think of teaching?

Hey Amanda
You say you might want to teach English in bali? I'm in NZ, but I just got a job there, at a private school in Denpasar, teaching English and Chemistry. And I haven't been to teacher's college, I've just done CELTA. I think it's pretty hard to get a job without being interviewed first ( I was very lucky) but you could contact schools over there and send your CV. Do you have CELTA or a TESOL Certificate? That'd help a lot, I think. Depending on what you want to do of course - might not be the same if you just want to volunteer!
Anyhow, here's the address of a school over there you could look into. It's not the one I'm working at, but it's supposed to be a real good one.

P.O. Box 3259 Denpasar, Bali
tel. +62361288770
local 0361 288 770
fax (prefix) 285 103
E-mail [email protected]

Check out their website, and if you like the look, drop them an email asking if they have any positions available. If you need any help, give me a yell. I've spent the last 2 months applying for jobs all over the world, ad I'd be happy to give you a hand.

Hope it all works out - Cassienne


New Member
Jul 15, 2004
Thanks Cassienne,

How long are you going over there for? What will be your actual position at your school? What are you doing for accommodation?

I will check out the website. Thanks again for that infor and your offer of assistance!!


Aug 28, 2004
New Zealand - Bali soon!
Hey Amanda

My actual position is English and (possibly) chemistry teacher. The position lasts for a year, and can be extended. The school pays for my accomodation if I live on campus, or in a house next to the school with another teacher. I'm going to try that out first, and if I don't like it, I might then try looking for something else.

any more questions.....send me a message!


New Member
Sep 2, 2004
hey amanda

Have you looked in the bali advertiser for any job openings. I heard they were looking for a teacher at english town although at most places you do need tesol course. When are you planning to go there? If you need any help with the rights visa I know some good contacts.


Apr 17, 2004
Good luck with your job!

Are they providing the visa for you and what type will you be on.

Do you speak Indo?

What made you take up this position? You say you applied for jobs
all around the world and accepted Bali - just curious!

What age group are the kids?

Lots of questions! I am always interested by people who leave their
homeland and live/travel overseas for extended periods.

Looking forward to your reply


Aug 28, 2004
New Zealand - Bali soon!
Thanks Jen!
Regarding Visa, I come over on a holiday visa (which just arrived today - yay!) and then they get me the working visa while I'm there.
I don't speak Indo, although I have been trying to learn a little bit off the internet before I get there. I won't need it when I'm teaching, for EFL we teach English in English....not actually as hard as it might sound, and you don't need to know the language of the students. In fact, it's almost better if you don't, then you aren't tempted just to translate (big no-no).
What made me take up this position?? do you have to ask? Bali! That's why!
I was applying mainly in Thailand, also in Japan, both of which would have been awesome, specially Thailand, cause I'm a beachy, relaxed kinda girl - and then I saw a job in Bali, so I applied straight away. I never thought I was going to get it - hell, I thought everyone would be applying, but I did! I think casuse of my science background - I did a chem degree (very uncommon in English teachers) and some physics and bio. So that was cool. And then he said, when can you get here, and I signed the contract and booked a flight!
The kids are all ages, but I'll be mainly teaching o levels, which is about 15 or 16 year olds. I love younger kids, but I think teenagers can be fun too.
yeah, leaving homelannd....I'll miss New Zealand for sure, but most of my friends are overseas now, and I really feel it's time to get out, and have adventures, and live life a bit. It's about time I expanded my visions. Also, I've been feeling pretty trapped lately, so it's a bit of an escape too.
And if it suck, hey, I can always move on. Or go home :D
Love Cassienne


Apr 17, 2004
Good for you!

I have many Kiwi mates who I met travelling and living in Europe. Many of them haven't return to NZ. Didn't meet any Kiwi's in Bali though.

Will you be working 5 or 6 days a week? What are the hours, same as
our schools?

Is the school run by Westerners or is it Indo owned/run?

Did you have to agree to a contract or is it open to leave if it doesn't work out.

Can I ask, was there a big difference in wages between the countries you applied for? I'd imagine Japan pays very well.




New Member
Sep 2, 2004

What kinds of org do you have over ubud way. I'd love to help out in any way and give back a piece of what bali has given me. Can you pass on any good websites or people to contact i'm coming in 8 weeks and would love to start straight away thanks


Aug 28, 2004
New Zealand - Bali soon!
Hey Jen
The school is run by a guy called Mohit - at least he's the one who contacted me and gave me the job and all that. I think he's Balinese, definitely Indo anyhow. The school does have 25 foreign teachers working at it, so I should have people to talk to! Not that I can only talk to foreigners, of course, but it is nice to have people to talk to that you can rattle away to, adn not worry abou talking slowly and properly. New Zealanders talk fastest of any english speaking ountry - and I talk fast for a New Zealander! So I'm gonna have to be patient with people :)
I'm working 5 days a week, so I can take off to beautiful places in the weekend, which is awesome. Hours are 7:15-2:00....I'll have to start getting up way earlier. I've been working mainly 6-11 at night here, so I don't go to bed til about 3 o'clock. Actually, maybe that;ll work out well - I won't have to adjust my body clock so much when I get there.
Yeah, I have a contract for 1 year which is extendable.
Different countries pay waaayyy different salaries! Japan, China, Korea you'll earn heaps of money. South America practically nothing, but it's worth it, those countries would be incredible to live in.
European countries pay quite well, but it costs way more to live in. not sure about Russia or Turkey, but there's heaps pf jobs there. Thailand, not very much, but it doesn't wost much to live there. Indonesia, a bit more....depends where you are and how much experience you have!
Cheers, Cassienne


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali

Are you serious? You seem to know NOTHING about this guy Mohit…which in my mind, is not at all a Balinese name. Be careful, OK? Youth is great, but often naive. If I’m pissing you off, then fine. I’d rather piss you off then stand by and not give you the advice that is so clear to me… that you need to hear.

For Niki, yes, our favorite charity….picked by my Balinese wife I may add, is the Helen Flavel Foundation. URL is as follows: http://www.helenflavelfoundation.org/ We are active in other things, like Ubud Rotary and our own banjar, but Helen’s organization is truly special to us both.

I’ve known Helen for years, as well as her husband Ron, and their work on Bali has been, and still is…THE BEST. Check for yourself, and make your own conclusion. Namaste, and selamat malam.


New Member
Sep 2, 2004
Thanks roy

I have read over Helens website and she does a great job i'll sure to contact them while i'm there thanking you


Aug 28, 2004
New Zealand - Bali soon!
Relax, Roy. And don't call me Cassie. I hate it. Cass is fine though.
The guys name is Vaswani Mohit, and does it really matter if he's Balinese or not?? I've checked out the school, and he sent me some stuff on it too. I'ts a private international school, I wouldn't be too surprised if it was run bya non-balinese. Mohit's lived in bali for many years, so why would it matter. I've asked him for the email address of one of th women teachers there, and I've emailed her.
I know it's a bit of a gamble, but it's one I have to take. Hell, I could pass up this golden opportunity just becasue I was afraid it wouldn't work out. And then regret it for the rest of my life. It's always like that when you apply for jobs in any country without actually being there. I know you think I'm naive and innocent (god, how my friends would laugh at that) and I might have come across that way in this forum, sure, but I've looked at everything, as much as I can, and I think it's going to be fine. True, I can't tell for certain, but if it really suck I can move on, I have an ongoing ticket to Thailand, and there's plenty of jobs there.
You're not pissing me off, Roy,....yet anyhow, but you do have a habit of jumping on people and assuming a lot.


New Member
Sep 2, 2004

I think its great that your taken a chance and going for it. Hey you can only check things out so much and if it doesnt all work out oh well at least you tired. what age group are the kids at the school? Do you no by any chance if they have a social welfare worker there. Thats where my passion lies i'm going in 7 weeks job or no job. also do you no if the children there have any kind of swimming classes. Anyway Cassienne go for it and enjoy yourself if you ever need a chat give us a yell


Apr 17, 2004

What ever you do, don't leave home without insurance. You can
organise travel insurance in Bali, but you will be paying for it in

Also, credit card fraud is rife in Asia. Be very careful and if possible don't use them at all.

You can also hire safety deposit boxes at the large banks. I would suggest you pick your bank carefully. Go for BNI, I never had any trouble with transferring money, deposits, withdrawals and exchanging money etc.

Mozzie born virus is a problem. If like me you hate chemicals on your skin, use Citronella oil. I used to rub on furniture and around the house and also safe to put on skin. Mozzie coils are also harmful over a long period of time, give them a miss. The plug in mozzie tabs are pretty good too. Oh yeah, perfume attracts the mozzies at night!

Health is so important when you travel. Keep up your Yoga (plenty of places to practice in Bali) and there are gyms etc. Denpasar is very polluted (especially air quality), keep up the multi vitamins etc. I suffered pnuemonia through air borne bacteria. Also, Bali is hell, especially in Denpasar if you are an allergy sufferer. I had big sinus problems when I first arrived. Went to a naturpath and was given drops and the problem disappeared. The dust, wind, exhaust fumes etc are horrid. If like me, you zip around on the ole sepeda motor, you face will be black by the end of the day. ALWAYS wear a mask or at least a scarf over nose and mouth. You can buy the masks in most of the bike shops, but found having the scarf better, lighter and not as hot.

Cannot stress enough you must drink loads of water. I would drink minimum 3-4 litres a day! I knew when I didnt drink enough, as I would suffer from headaches.

Health is number 1 - look after yourself.


Aug 28, 2004
New Zealand - Bali soon!
thanks for all the advice. Luckily I have a good immune system, and I'm almost never sick! I'm trying to drink water, but it's such a pain that you have to buy it! I so much prefer coke.
The mozzies are a pain, and I don't like chemicals on my skin, so I'll give the citronella oil a go. Where can I get it from, do you know?
I'm thinking of buying a motorbike, but I don't know how to ride one yet, and the traffic is insane here! Although appearantly jakata is much worse!
I didn't go with the travel insurance, but I might get it while I'm here, when I get some money. It's kinda different when you're living in a place, rather than just travelling around. Like, I'm not carrying everything I own in one back pack. My parents will help me out if there's a major health rpoblem.
It's strange the things that are hard ot buy here! like a calendar for example! I've looked in so many places. And other things that you think will be really hard to find, they offer you on the beach! Bali really is a law unto itself.
I better go, internet time is hard to get here!
Thanks again, Cass


Apr 17, 2004
I bought Citronella from home, maybe your folks can send you some.

Try and ween yourself off the Coke! So much sugar. You gotta get
that water inta ya!