Expat Who's Been in Jakarta 3 Years - Move to Bali?


New Member
May 30, 2005
Great forum you've got going here.

I'm a young American guy who's been living and working in Jakarta for 3 years. I've been teaching at an international school the entire time. I've had my share of the ups and downs, but when I finish my contract in another year I'm seriously considering moving to Bali instead of returning "home".

I feel that having lived in Jakarta so long, a move to Bali would be much easier than a foreigner first arriving in Indonesia. I've managed to learn some of the language, have some great friends here, have a bit of cash saved. Besides my teaching experience I have an Engineering degree and an avid interest in web design and photography.

Knowing this brief history - could I ask for your opinions and any advice regarding my questions regarding moving to Bali?

Do you feel that having lived here for a while could prove advantageous?

How viable could my skills be in making a living? I've read through this forum and discussed this with some friends, but could always use additional advice.

I also understand that most likely I'll need to learn to survive with significanly reduced income, lose any hope of maintaining a fitness club membership, and forget some of Jakarta's convieniences. I'm willing to trade all of that if I could find a better standard of living, fresh air, and immerse myself in the fascinating culture.

I'll be in Bali in July for a few weeks to 'test the waters'. Any advice is appreciated and welcome.




Mar 8, 2004
Ubud / New York

Well, I think the fact that you've lived in Indonesia for three years already is a major asset to your plans to live in Bali. Although by no means anything like Jakarta, I would have to say, at least for me, Bali is probably a much easier place to adapt to than the vastness of the capital city. Bali is laid back, easygoing, all those things. Of course, that is only as long as you flow with it, or to clarify, dont cause problems and do things that might be offensive. Its all about approaching the culture and the people with respect and it seems as though you are of that mindset.

That all being said, I believe you will find your quality of life increase in Bali. At least if you find the right place to live and setup a good lifestyle. Coming from Jakarta I am not sure what you are looking for exactly, but you mentioned culture, and for me, I dont think there is any better place for the combo of culture and comfort than Ubud. Which is why I live there, of course. Actually, I am probably in a similar situation to you, young American guy looking for more of a pure life in a distant land. I think there are things that I miss living here in Bali, but also an unparalleled life experience that is unique to this place only.

As for your fitness club, well, in Ubud you wouldnt need to worry. I live up the road from Ubud Fitness Club, and from what I hear, it is quite a nice place. As for your income, yes that may be reduced. And unfortunately, there are not a vast amount of opportunities in the Ubud area for teaching/engineering on a high salary basis. That would mostly be in the more urban and congested south. Ubud is all rice paddies and temples. Here maybe web design and photography might come in handy. I have an export/gallery business going here, and it definitely pays the bills...which coming from Jakarta or America you may be pleasantly surprised about. And also, really important, keep learning the language! I live in a small village about a kilometer or two from Ubud, a recognized tourist center, and I would say less than 10% of the people in the village can speak any english at all.

So anyway, good luck with your pursuit. I am in New York now but will be back in Bali around a month from now. If you have any questions or are planning a trip through the Ubud area let me know. Dan juga, tidak pernah lupa bersantai terus!




Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
I can only echo Shakar's comments. In addition to the Ubud Fitness Club, Bali Hati has a superb gym, sauna, spa and pool. As Bali Hati is a charity organization, membership fees go to a good cause.

If you are looking to settle in the Ubud area, be sure to stop by Naughty Nuris Warung (directly opposite the Neka Museum) on any given Thursday night. Thursday nights are tuna nights and are very popular among the local expat crowd. It's a great way to meet a lot of fellow expats and network yourself.


New Member
May 30, 2005
I really appreciate the quick and thorough responses given.

To be quite honest, my strongest passion is photography. I've been focusing on capturing Indonesia for quite some time now and would absolutely love the opportunity to enrich my work with perspectives from Balinese culture. I wouldn't have any problems with focusing on photography and exporting for a few years - in fact I believe I would find it much more satisfying vs engineering or teaching in the near future. I would truly love being able to concentrate on photography if I could still pay the bills. ;)

I've considered starting a small exporting business from Bali - but was unsure about the viability of something like that. Your words are encouraging. May I ask how you got started? Did you arrive first and then begin or did you have the full plan and connections laid out before moving to Bali?

May I also ask what the majority of expats in and around Ubud do for a living?

Are you familiar with a man named Surinder? I had a job interview as head designer for his company 2 years ago but had to decline the opportunity.

Thanks for all of your help.


New Member
May 30, 2005
On a separate note:

I am planning on staying in Bali for a few weeks in July to help ease my curiosities regarding moving there. If I were to stay in Ubud for at least a week could you recommend a spot?

Would it be better to continue to keep my questions limited to one post vs multiple posts for different questions? Thanks.