Excellent Ubud Resort!

Anyone looking to stay in Ubud but want a more quiet, private and great place for some mad love making go to Ubud Bumi Resort. Its a bit out of he way but they provide excellent free transport anywhere! Private bungalows, Private yards ect.. Dont miss a real romantic get away!


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
One thing about Ubud...among many great things, it that there are a large number of excellent resorts and accomodations available. For cetain, and without doubt, one can find the ultimate "perfect" place to reside during their stay.


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
In Ubud, I can recommend a really great, and very reasonable place to stay. It's owned by a very good German friend of mine, Stefan Reisner. The place is called Puri Asri and it is located just outside of Ubud in the village of Petulu, famous for its white herons. Web site is http://www.bali-accommodation.com and Stefan's e-mail is <email address changed, posting email addresses will cause spam>stefanreisnerATtelkom.net. You can also phone or FAX him at (+62 361 973123.

Puri Asri consists of 13 very private bungalows, all of various styles including his famous Timor House, a great restaurant...(Stefan is a famous German food critic)...and a large refreshing pool. There is also a spa on the grounds. Prices are very, very reasonable, and he usually hosts brunch every Sunday which is very popular with the expats.

Puri Asri by the way, is the place of choice by world renown journalists and photo-journalists. You never know who you'll meet there.