EFL teaching. I seek more answers please.


New Member
Mar 12, 2006
East Asia
Hi, I hoping destiny approves my entry into a life with livelihood in Indonesia beginning this September 2006.

My situation warrants that I choose Jakarta initially. Can you offer me with more information or rather your opinion, please. Unless my questions have answers based on a general rules, then its not your opinion. (hehe)

I start with the questions most closely related to finding an EFL job first Q.1- 4.

1) Is it better really to try to get a job organized before I arrive in Indonesia = better / simpler for visa purposes.

2) Is early-mid September a good time to seek a new job, or not a good time?

3) I've heard that franchise "EF" centers paying lower wages. Can anyone recommend who I can try to get better paid work with? Bearing in mind I'm not eligible for international schools as they require people with formal teaching degrees. I just have "a" University degree + 3 years EFL experience in Taiwan.

4) I've just started an online TESOL certificate course, but I may not finish it before I arrive. Is it very necessary to have this? What percentage of the EFL jobs demand it?

Q: 5 - 6: are more about the law = visa arrangements.
5) I've been told by one reliable source that most employers must pay for the EFL teachers airfare back to point of origin, after each contract year?? In my case I'm coming from Taiwan, but this isn't my homebase. Australia is. Do you know anything about this?

6) If I arrive in without a job organized, I must then find one within 1 month = usual tourist visa? I'll have to have an airfare ticket showing I'm going onto Australia. So the disadvantage is the time limit & cost of ongoing fare.

I really like the Indonesian people I've met...so I freely & happily come to Java. Though, yes I've concerns about the civil unrest.

best wishes,


New Member
May 19, 2006
There is another franchise called Real English, but im not sure how widespread they are.

New Indonesian government laws place the following criteria for teachers:
1) over 24 and under 60
2) a native born passport holder from the US, Australia, NZ, Canada, and England.
3) Holds a bachelors degree or post secondary diploma/ certificate
4) TEFL certified (preferred)

Salary is 3.350.000- 3.650.000 Rp/ Month.

This info was sent to me from Real English in Jogja, and maybe specific to that org only. None the less, I doubt the Jogja office is hiring at the moment :(


New Member
Mar 12, 2006
East Asia
RE: EFL teaching reply: thanks EDAN.

Thanks EDAN,
I dont know how to reply send only to you. So,this goes public. I hope you read it.
Thanks for your tip about Real English. Surely the monthly wages are higher than what you've suggested !? I know that EF who pay about the lowest still pay about 8million Rp per month.
Its an horrendous impact of the quake near Jogja. I have my best friends who are there, but they're Ok.
best wishes to you, Dane


Active Member
Sep 28, 2004
Hi daneyo

Pak Roy has given you some links that are worthwile looking into.

My only suggestion is that it'd be in your best interests to improve your own English before you try and teach others.
Just a (harmless) thought, I hope.



Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Dane, don't take that last post from Sanurian personally. He is not in a good state today...the earthquake, so you can regard his comment as a sort of "initiation" right....which you have passed in flying colors anyway.

We can be a tough crowd here from time to time....kinda like bar talk without sizing up the intended receiver before the words are launched. :D

I trust you have a good sense of humor.


Active Member
Sep 28, 2004
Sorry Dane

Roy's right...I'm not in the best frame of mind at present and went off half-cocked. I apologise for that.

...We can be a tough crowd here from time to time...

Roger that...



Jun 13, 2006
Denver, Colorado USA
I would also be interested in learning more about the TOEFL program. I've done some preliminary research online. (Someone on here, in another thread, posted a link to a sekolah there, which proved to be very useful.)

I'm only in the preliminary stages of considering a change of scenery to Bali, but the thought of teaching English is appealing to me. I have a degree in elementary education and could certainly take the required coursework to be TOEFL-certified. All that remains would be the job search, if working in Bali as a foreigner in that capacity would even be permitted. Does anyone have any insight into this?

I feel almost handicapped in that I don't have a family or a brood of young children, as, from everything I've read, that seems to pave an easier road of transition into Balinese society. So in a way, it seems to me that being a teacher would be a nice way to become involved in a community there, and really be able to contribute something. Any thoughts on that?

Thanks in advance for anyone who even replies generally to my ramblings! I was just in Bali recently -- and Yogya, visiting friends (I returned to Bali a mere 28 hours before the quake) -- and I may return once more in November to learn more about the possibilities of living there.