dogs barking




I have trouble with the next-door neighbors' dogs barking constantly. I am looking for a way to keep them quiet. I have seen on the Internet some devices that emit sounds that only dogs can hear and that will stop them barking. Does anyone know of a solution for my problem? Is such a device available here in Bali?


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Yes! I surely understand your predicament. I variously use large buckets of hot water, my sling shot, one of my swords, or, at last recourse, my Browning over and under 12 gauge shot gun.

In my village, my house is well known as "umah di cicing mati."

This reputation seems to have disseminated to the dogs, and that's just fine with me.


hm yes dogs barking can be annoying at times. my girlfriends family have 4 dogs. one which i brought 2 years ago(yummy), one which is 15 years old(bala) now and won't eat anymore (counting down...), and two other dogs which are about 1 year old. 2 of the dogs (blacky and yummy) are quite annoying (both females), the elderly one has a good character exept when she see a cat. my favorite dog is sempol, all white and very good character and friendly. sure dogs barking can be annoying, but wait until you hear the cats in heat! :p yummy and blacky are more of guarddog character, while bala and sempol are friendly towards anyone. :wink:


Mar 23, 2004
Kuala Lumpur

is a barking dog really deserve to be hurt or even die?

Thought in Bali they were respecting any kind of living creature.



Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali

Lots of laughs! You really should take in my house on your next visit here! The doggy tails hanging on the end of my panjars are quite a notable site in my village!

Whom ever told you that in Bali, there is respect for all living creatures must have been also trying to sell you some real estate!

Welcome to the Bali expat forum!


Mar 23, 2004
Kuala Lumpur

I have enjoying the Bali forum and your posts in particular,nevertheless i dont really find any purposes to laugh out loud on the dogs issue!!!

I know Bali since 1979 and have been leaving abroad for the last 20 years with 5 years in Indonesia .Dont take it as :have been there done that , i know all etc....
In all this years around the world , i came to realise that life is something quite worth beeing respected ,human .animals,plants ,insetcs etc....

Contrary to your comments , i think ,in general, SE Asian people are quite respectfull of this, Bali included!

If we start killing the dogs because they are barking, why not keep on killing the drunk foreigners when they sing and shout at 5 am going out of clubs.Why dont locals start killing the foreigners who stole their locals ladies, ...............and just kill the people u dont like too!!

Why dont all the countries follow the big US free way of life and let all citizen carry a complete set of guns and assault rifle ( just in case somebody looking different needs to be taught a lesson).

Whoaa , i went too far!!!!!

Hope the dogs will not bother you anymore!!

And yes , i will go to your place to see your trophies, but more to meet you and realise that you are not the Killer that transpire in the post :D

Take care Roy
Let the peace be with you

Sampai Jumpa



i hate roaches, tiks and mosquitos(these i gladly kill). i have hit 2 dogs fighting for their lives twice with a broom to have to stop fighting.... that's it! :p


New Member
Apr 22, 2004
Pat said:

is a barking dog really deserve to be hurt or even die?

Thought in Bali they were respecting any kind of living creature.


There is nowhere any respect to any kind of living creature in bali or indonesia!


New Member
Apr 22, 2004
Hallo susans,

the problem is: all those dogs are not socialized. Of course there are ways to stop this barking, it's a bit time consuming if the dog is more than 1 year old, but it's possible!
Try to understand the dog as well, see how they are treated here in this "paradise island", they are kicked, tossed with stones, poored over with hot water, poisoned, never get good food, or any attention.....
The "Bali dog" is a wonderful type of dog, I love them for their natural character, their smart intelligence and independence. Very honest dogs, I love to train them. If you want really help, contact me.


Curious about guns

I have been to Bali several times and have never seen anyone carrying a gun. Is this common practice?


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Air rifles, at a maximum caliber .177 are legal on Bali, and it is not uncommon to see Balinese in more remote villages carrying them. They are often used for bird hunting and varmint control.

As for the Bali dogs, it is generally agreed that the short haired, “garden variety” are descendants of the Australian dingoes. Once you see a wild pack of them chasing some poor kid through a village, well, one’s idea of “oh poor little doggy” can quickly change. Dog bites from marauding packs of these wild beasts are not uncommon. Not many years ago, this was a real problem for tourists staying in the Monkey Forest area of Ubud.

There is another variety of Bali dog commonly seen as well. These are the so called Kintamani dog. The are long haired and believe to be descendants of domestic dogs brought to Bali by the Dutch. My observation over the years is that this variety is far less likely to exhibit the aggressive and unpredictable behavior of the short haired “dingoe” variety.

In an effort to control wild dog populations, there are two or more organizations here to sterilize them. Changing the Balinese attitude toward them, as in teaching the Balinese to embrace these animals as pets is about as likely as totally ending cock fighting.


i am told cock-fighting is not banned for cerimonial events. just 4 days ago my girlfriends family (the whole family.. around 100 persons) had restored the "sanggah"(family temples) and had a big cerimony for this event. at the end we had cock-fighting referred to as "macaru" where the cock who gets wounded first is killed and buried in the sanggah ground. the cock-fighting for money is banned and agaist the hindu belief since it's not cerimonial, but for fun?


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Ok, I’ll tell you a story about General Mangku Pastika. He’s from Singaraja, 100% Balinese, but due to his father’s gambling debts, was adopted by a Javanese family at a very young age.

General Manku Pastika knows all too well the devastating effects on a family that cock fighting, and other forms of gambling can have on the Balinese family. To say he is motivated to end these devastating realities, is a classic understatement.

As the current chief of police in Bali, and as highly regarded, loved and respected as he is, he never wants to see any Balinese family pulled apart, as he was, ever again.

At best, he can hope to minimize it. At best, he can enforce maximum bets that are “tolerable” losses for the gamblers. But, for certain, this issue has his undivided attention, and every Balinese knows it.


Active Member
Nov 4, 2003
Kuta, Lombok
Ray, I dont often disagree with you so lets say that maybe its the Balinese living Lombok. The Balinese I know in Lombok have no issue with animals cats or dogs. Our cats all sleep on our beds & our dogs are well loved cuddled & looked over by both Made & me. Infact he is the one who likes that cats on the beds! I have pics of him kissing our dogs. No big deal to him.

He would like to keep birds but I have taught him that the birds should be free or at the very least be in a large enough aviary to have a decent fly. I will not put a bird in a small cage. I will not kill even a mouse or rat myself. If the cats catch one that is nature.

I have never met or heard of a villager in my area being bitten by a wild dog. The only thing remotely like this I have heard was when my dog supposedly killed a goat. I had him put to sleep because I was afraid he may go on and kill again. I only found out later that the goat (who incidently was totally unmarked, was not killed by Sandy but when it died unexpectedy, the naughty neighbour saw a way to get paid for it)

Every dog can be trained by someone who cares.

The unloved animals you take in and care for give you more love in return.

An owner should be responsible for the actions of their animal. In UK you are! For your dogs anyway. You cant train your cat so they can do as they want!

Antje. If you have any info on animal groups in Lombok please let me know. I am aware that there are a few groups in Bali but I would definitely get involved if there were any in Lombok.

Bert. We've already seen your dog video. It is deeply disturbing. Please dont post it again in response to this.


Mar 26, 2004
Melbourne, Australia
I must say my husband & his family all from Tuban all love their dogs. He is the one that washes, feeds etc our dog here in Australia too. He would never hurt her or his families dogs in Bali.


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Hi Mimpi! But it’s Roy, not Ray. Furthermore, it’s not Balinese living “abroad” as in Lombok. Come on! I’m sure you know the Balinese have been in Lombok for centuries, many centuries!

I don’t know about the dogs there (in Lombok) though. Perhaps they are more like the Kintamani canine here, more docile, more friendly?

I too love dogs, and for most of my life I always had a pet dog. But these “dingoes” of Bali are quite different, and I truly hope you never have a “run in” with any of them.

As for cats sleeping on your bed, ask a pregnant Balinese woman in Lombok about that! No way, no how, EVER!


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Not to worry. This mess will be mopped up soon. This idiot first posted about 6 AM today, and it was gone very shortly after Bert became aware.

Stuff like this happens on any open forum from time to time. It really makes me angry though that the spammer, by timing, seems to be taking advantage of Dewi's medical condition.

Again, not to worry. We'll track this sick "f" down, and I'll have a good time being part of his welcoming party at Ngurah Rai airport!


Mar 8, 2005
BALI is invaded by dogs, mostly dogs who doesn`t have anyone who take proper care of them. when a dog is not taken care of and regualary fed it will naturaly become more wild in nature. And these "wild" dogs creates alot of problem for the people, such as trafic accidents, chasing and barking at people and fighting with other dogs. naturally this will end up with people not liking these dogs. And If you have seen a bali dog lying in the middle of the street SLEEPING you realise that something is wrong with the dogscene in bali, and how do the problem get solved?I`m not sure but it will need alot of money a change of attitude towards dogs. but seriosly I don`t think this will change in a long time, there is many more important problems in bali that need`s to be adressed first.

wooow :roll: