

Mar 26, 2004
Melbourne, Australia
She is 5 going on 35... But it's really funny!
She is the Mother in our Family...

She is doing exceptionally well at school, not sure where she inherited that? I left school at 15 & have been working & travelling ever since...
But she is an absolute book worm...

Roy, She laid on the bed with me on Saturday as we began reading Sekala Niskala Volume 1 (I got it & Vol 2 for My birthday & had to finish Fragrant rice first!)
She laid on the bed with me for about an hour & a half as I read the pages out loud & she said to me.. "Mum I love listening to you read, I really love this book, please don't stop!"
So I have started reading 4 pages each night to her in bed!!!!

Thanks Cass, she is a really good girl too!!!!