Crackers Bar Bedugul Review


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Seriously back on the Cracker’s toilet discussion, I heard today from “deepthroat” who has been quiet as of late. He/she makes a good point and it makes reasonable sense to me. I’m trying to get “deepthroat” to sign on and suggested they could use Bert’s toilet as their avatar! :p :p :p

Anyway, here it is:

The debate on charging Rp. 5,000 for a good, clean western-style toilet
in Bedugul might lend itself to being seen from another perspective.
Undoubtedly, there is a clash of culture here, but perhaps in ways that
are not immediately apparent.

On the one hand we have a local culture that does not like
confrontation, doing all in its powers to avoid saying "no."

And, on the other hand, you have people who have invested a considerable
sum in building and maintaining the cleanliness of a modern toilet as a
means of supporting their main line of business - the Cracker Barrel.
Rightly, the owners - no matter how public spirited - probably never had
the intention of operating a free public toilet for the thousands who
pass through the area every day.

In the West, the solution would have been easy: merely post a sign that
says "toilet for patrons use only." Arguably, such a sign in Indonesia
just wouldn't work. It is one of the more endearing local peculiarities
to believe that "rules" per se do not personally apply, and "the
individual" can somehow be exempted from any prohibition -, ranging from
building in the green zone, to storing building supplies on the pavement
of a main thoroughfare, to driving the wrong way down a one way street.

Thus, post a sign saying "toilet for patrons use only" and you'll find
non-customers either ignoring the sign completely or asking staff for an
exemption "just this once and just for me" because of an urgent call to
nature. Mind you, does anyone really go to a toilet without the primal
persuasions of Mother Nature? In any case, deny the request for
"one-time-just-for-me" exemption and the staff would immediately find
themselves in the very uncomfortable "no-go-zone" of direct
confrontation and refusal.

Perhaps the owner has shown a wiser comprehension of local culture than
initially credited to him in posting the Rp. 5,000 toilet charge. To my
experience, people in Indonesia have a quicker and more accepting grasp
of a "toll" than they do a prohibition.

I suspect that at Rp. 5,000 the owners of the Cracker Barrel have made a
masterful stroke in dealing with local culture. In posting an exorbitant
price of Rp. 5,000 the message is clear: we'd really prefer that you not
use our toilet unless you are a patron of our establishment. This is a
much more effective and locally acceptable way of saying "no" to the
long line of domestic and foreign tourist who now know of the clean
"loo" because of its thorough discussion on the Forum.


Active Member
Sep 28, 2004
Roy...sorry, but you still don't seem to get it.
Crackers is a small BAR, not a toilet. Sure it has an excellent one - it's also inside the Cracker's gate/entry. It's not for the general public, but if they want to use it, that's OK. Just pay the asking price. Buy a drink at the bar and it's not an issue. Seems pretty simple to me.

...we'd really prefer that you not use our toilet unless you are a patron of our establishment...
You're right about a sign like that if it was a problem. I don't see that it is and it's certainly not an attempt by the owners to make locals angry. I don't see it as an 'attack' on Balinese culture. What you might see in the near future is a proliferation of new 'deluxe toilets' as some of the well-heeled watch sellers start copying the idea. Sure as eggs, they don't make much selling crap/fake watches.

orang gila

Jul 6, 2006
Re: RE: Crackers Bar Bedugul Review

Thanks Roy; your posting, re; the comment by your friend deepthroat is abbasolutely spot on.

The dunnies were not, are not, & will never be "public" dunnies, they are part of the Bar for patrons. And while theyt may appear to be "large" for a small bar, as anybody who has been to Candi Kuning markets would notice, above the toilets and also above the next four shops, is 200 sqm of deck which one day will be a restaurant. (Next years project)

While most restaurants, bars or whatever would never refuse the occasional drop in for an emergency pee, I doubt any establishment on planet earth would, open their dunnies to to the masses. Just wouldn't be logical.

At Pacung Indah, we do get the occasional car drop in just to use the toilet. That's fine by us, as it's just every now & then. If we had bus loads of tourists, be it domestic or foreign, dropping in each day just to use the toilets, we'd be forced to think differently.

Deepthroat is correct in stating that a sign saying "patrons only" would not work, and it would put pressure on the staff, as suggested. As most people who visit the market not only want a pee, they would more often than not require a drink / snack of sorts after a long drive, I guess we are saying, do both at the Bar, & If you decide to have your drink or snack elsewhere, then use their toilets.

It's not that difficult, not being nasty or greedy, just pure logical business sense. And no poor unfortunate has to worry at a time of dire need; if one can't afford to buy a drink, or pay to use Crackers dunnies, there are at least 5 "pay" toilets scattered around the market. There's one for 1000 rp a few doors away that is passable, and even has a few non squat toilets for those who don't like squats. Still a tad on the nose, but they have been cleaned up slightly since Crackers bar opened.

Thanks again for posting deepthroats comment Roy. As you sort of started this dunny debate as a complaint, I see your post as quite honerable.

the from the crazy guy

BTW; as a thank you to Bert for allowing this debate on the forum I'll offer a forum "Members Special" I'll instruct the crew to allow a Forum Privellege Pass. If your in dire straits and need to go, feel free to drop in for a pee without the need to buy a drink.

Have to work on something that won't confuse the crew, but I imagine stating something simple like,
"I'm from the forum and David said I could have a free wee"

orang gila

Jul 6, 2006
Re: RE: Crackers Bar Bedugul Review

bolli said:

great link bolli, lovely little things to point at, actually, I think they are far too nice to be used as urinals.


Apr 20, 2005
...When i was groing up , my mother always told me when i have to use a toilet in a resturant ect , always buy something a cup of coffee to go ..something ? A small charge for such a nice restroom seems fine with me ..?


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Bolli....GREAT idea for a tee shirt, and I have just the art work for it. The URL below will take you to it. You may need to right click to enlarge. This is by the well known Balinese artist, Dewa Putu Mokoh.

I’ve known Mokoh for many years, having met him on a previous visit before making the “big move.” To say he is unique among Balinese artists is a monumental understatement.
A quick Google or Yahoo search will reveal the recognition and appeal of this humorist artist.

Anyway, concerning the painting I propose for the tee shirt, I have a funny story about it. It was on a visit to Mokoh some four years ago that I spotted it in the corner of his studio. I picked it up and holding it in front of me I asked him while chuckling, “ this a self-portrait?”

Without uttering a word, he took it from me and walked off. “Geez, I thought to I’ve really done it!” About ten minutes later he emerged from a back room, and grinning he handed it to me. On the front lower right, he had inscribed, “for my friend Roy...Mokoh.” The joke was now on me! ... hpipis.jpg

For some more paintings by Mokoh in our collection you can go here, again maybe needing to right click: ... y-Moko.jpg

Orang, many thanks for your comments. Before “deepthroat” wrote to me, I hadn’t thought about the toilet issue within the cultural sensitivity context that is very valid.

a leap of faith

New Member
Jun 19, 2006
Oh My God!
Just logged on to the forum for the first since moving to Ubud.

I got an hours briefing from Roy last night (ok I'm exagerating ) on the big Cracker toilet debate.

Well I cant add anything useful as I havent had the pleasure of relieving myself there yet... but...

For the pedants out there the FLY in the urinal pic is in fact a bee.

The latin for bee is APIS geddit?

Apologies for raising the tone of this topic :)



Super Moderator
May 26, 2004
Legian, Bali
Re: RE: Crackers Bar Bedugul Review

a leap of faith said:
Apologies for raising the tone of this topic :)

That wouldn't be too hard. I think we'd nearly hit the bottom of the barrel on this one.
:lol: :lol: :p