


Need some advice here.

Someone came into the semi-open house
that I am currently renting to steal.
(Will be moving out in 10 days to a totally closed house)

It's the second time.

Major construction going on with 30 guys
from Suluwasi in the back of my house living on site.
I have great suspicion that it may be one of them,
since already I have found them looking over the wall
at my doings and where abouts.

Tried speaking amicably to the owner of the land.
No positive, constructive respond.

Decided to go to the police to do a report.
2 times in a month is a bit too much!
After a lot of running around from station to staion,
finally got 2 investigators from Kuta
and 2 police from my banyar to come.

The police has resquested that I go back.
Already did a semi-report...I think.

Question....just so that I know what to expect:

Are they going to ask me for money to do an investigation?
I agree in a reward if the items are found,
but not if it's just for them to fill out a paper and not do anything.

I had been under the impression from all the TV comercial campaigns
that the new President is trying to break down on corruption.

Just asking, so that I am prepared when I go back to the station.



Active Member
Nov 4, 2003
Kuta, Lombok
RE: Coruption?

Sorry I cant help with your question of paying the police but maybe when you have moved you can look into joining Berujejak. (Spell?)

Not sure if you have this group or similar in Bali but in Lombok there are groups which you can join. Neighbourhood Watch, with muscle.

We belong to a group. We pay an annual fee, get a Membership card & t shirt. Also stickers to put over your door saying you belong.

If anyone in the area is a victim of theft, the whole group go out to investigate & find the thief. They sometimes dish out some of their own justice before handing them over to the police (not commenting on if this is right or wrong). They have a good success rate & being a member hopefully makes the thief think twice about picking on your house.


Apr 17, 2004
I had some things stolen from my home.
Reported to Police.
Filled out paperwork.
They tried to charge me for paperwork.
Was told beforehand from Balinese not to pay for this paperwork.
Little good it did, never saw the stuff again and it was never followed up.
I think the paperwork thing is a tourist rort. I had many of my
clients (tourists) who reported stolen items and all of them were told to pay a fee. I small fee, but it all adds up when there are lots of thefts going on.

I lived in an enclosed house. I didnt like the open plan houses for this reason. Didn't stop the buggers jumping the fence and stealing stuff from the verandah though!

Everyone of my Western friends in the Kuta area have had something stolen from their homes. Many of which now have guard dogs and the ole satpam.


Jen said:
I had some things stolen from my home.
Reported to Police.
Filled out paperwork.
They tried to charge me for paperwork.
Was told beforehand from Balinese not to pay for this paperwork.
Little good it did, never saw the stuff again and it was never followed up.
I think the paperwork thing is a tourist rort. I had many of my
clients (tourists) who reported stolen items and all of them were told to pay a fee. I small fee, but it all adds up when there are lots of thefts going on.

I lived in an enclosed house. I didnt like the open plan houses for this reason. Didn't stop the buggers jumping the fence and stealing stuff from the verandah though!

Everyone of my Western friends in the Kuta area have had something stolen from their homes. Many of which now have guard dogs and the ole satpam.
Thanks mimpimanis!!

That sounds like a great idea.
Hmmm...will give it some thought for the new house I
will be moving in.

Heard that something like that happened
at the house next door.
They woke up a found the burglar inside,
got the whole neighbourhood to beat him up,
and they burned his motorbike.

Not that it's the best way to handle things,
but you're right,
the Police don't do much.

Just wanted the constructors next door
to see the cops come to the house,
to give them a little scare
for the 10 days I remain in there.

And yes Jen,
I have now considered getting a dog.
The meanest one I can find.


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Bottom Line,

SHIT happens! Odd though, as I read these stories here, and on other forums, the “victims” and they ARE victims, never say a word about what they might have done with basic security measures to prevent this horrible event.

Don’t get me wrong. I agree 100% and beyond, that theft, and home intrusions are a huge problem. BUT, I will suggest that you are partially responsible for what happened to you.

Why on earth, knowing the economic situation on Bali after the bomb, would anyone be so naïve?

Ma’af. I will not drip oceans of sympathy for you. If you want to experience “another event” than fly with me to New York City, and I’ll take you to 120th Street in the Bronx. When you are butt naked, a few NYPD officers around, I’d love to hear you post again how THEY, the NYPD, were so helpful!

Sorry for what happened to you…but don’t blame others.


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
PS...and, if you want a real lesson about police corruption, from the "land of the free, and home of the brave" then take a road trip through deep Mississippi, Alabama, and mid-southern Georgia.

Hu Ha! No 50 thousand rupiah notes taken there, I assure you! :shock:

made marko

Jun 12, 2004
Niskala, Berkala
I was a 'freedom rider'...once hit kkk imperial wizard, david duke in the face w/ w brick!(before his run for prez), shot at in Tupelo, Ms.(birthplace of Elvis)...those were the daze :lol:



I don't believe Bali Sunshine was looking for Sympathy, just advice
on what 'the go' is when you turn up at the Police Station.

I found it daunting going to Police stations for various things such as
update of visas/fingerprints, motorbike licence and reporting a theft. It would have been a help just go get some handy hints on what to expect.

I knew I wouldn't see my stuff again. I went to get written confirmation that I reported it, for insurance purposes. Also, hopefully for Police intel.

Bali Sunshine:

Yes I have seen first hand how the Balinese handle thieves. I have seen thieves bashed unconscious etc etc. Quite frightening to watch but locals loath stealing and definately have 'a way' about 'dealing' with the problem


New Member
Dec 15, 2004
We had the same kind of justice in the Army!! The odd finger here and there broken! I dont think they stole again!



Om, Santi, Santi, Santi, Om 2 you too!
I think we should meet!


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Sounds good to me "sunshine." I just spent the day with Cassienne, and we had a GREAT day! I enjoy meeting folks from this forum. Knowing first hand the personalities that makes this forum great, is a real pleasure. My phone number is 974445. So, any time!


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Was her energy infectious!!!!

YES! Almost sounds like you were there! I was able to introduce her to many of the "regulars" at Naughty Nuris...and she made quite a hit, to say the least! God, to be twenty-two again. She is really handling Bali very well, and her Bahasa Indonesia is very impressive, especially considering that she's only been here for four months. She is a most impressive young woman with a remarkable, infectious zest for life. Moreover, she can out-party any living man I've met. :D


Aug 28, 2004
New Zealand - Bali soon!
Meeting the famous Roy!

:lol: Oh Roy! :lol:
It's so random that I happened to see you write that - I'm almost never on this travel forum. You're a pretty good partier yourself, and i bet you would have lasted a lot longer if you hadn't had to go home to your family.
Yes, I met up with Roy, who's American not Australian, as I thought he was, and he took me and showed me a good time. I met up with some of his friends, and he pretended I was his long lost daughter, Elizabeth, and they believed him, hehe, until I started speaking. It was pretty funny. I"m not sure what kind of impression I made on his wife later though, she seemed really nice, but I'd had a few tequilas! Oh, and Roy, did you hear any stories from your driver, Agung? He had a quite a bit of trouble with me! I bumped into him the next day in Ubud and he told me all about it.

I think you've made me sound a bit more impressive than I really am, Roy! I kept telling him, it's not that amazing, the things I've done! Really, teaching and backpacking is the kinda thing anyone could do, if they had a drive for it. (And you don't hear all the complaining I do about my school) :) But I am having fun, although it was soooo depressing to come back to school today. :( One of the teacher is "stuck" in Hong Kong, but personally I don't think we'll be seeing him again! He was always talking about running away to better places!

I've just come back from Holidays. first Gili islands, then Lombok, then a boat to Flores, stopping in Sumbawa, Komodo, Rinca and a few more gorgeous tiny islands, then I flew back to depasar and went to Ubud for the last week to work on my meditations and yoga. I keep meaning to write about it here, but it seems like such a task! I have some amazing photos to post though! I got really close to some dragons, and got some great pictures!

Great to meet you Roy, thanks for taking me out!


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Ma’af. I’m sure it would have been a much better read to tell all how Cass got so drunk, I had to take her “home” to her bungalow, and I had my nasty way with her. I guess too that I could prove it by pointing to that cute little mole right under her deep belly button, and just how much she loves that area being played with. BUT…if I did, I’d be telling a HUGE lie. It would be paperback trash fiction.

Cass is a lady. Me? I still struggle with trying to be a gentleman. Besides, the rumors in my humble village are far more entertaining than I could ever come “up” with on my own! No other man in my banjar can brag of three sons, and no daughters. That gets me a little respect, but when they see this “hot bule” lady showing up at my house, and when they all know my wife is in Denpasar, well, Hu Hah…the rumors fly like kupu kupu!

Once you are a part of Balinese myth, there is no point in denying it. Enjoy the reputation, I say, deserved or not.


did you do any scuba on the Gillis? Just wondering if you had the misfortune to meet my brother over on gilli air?? he works for Blue Marlin dive center?
Just wondering!


Aug 28, 2004
New Zealand - Bali soon!
Haha Roy! You know, I did get pretty stared at when I was going to your house, maybe the rumour stuff is not so far from the truth! Certainly everyone was interested in what I was doing there! But your wife is very lovely, I can't imagine you straying. :wink:
Actually, I think your driver is quite the gentleman. He's the one who dragged me to my bungalow and put me on the bed inside. Or so he said, but I can't remember. Personally, I think I was walking quite elegantly and competently on my own. He said I was getting lost, trying to find my homestay- it is a bit of a maze around there! Anyway, I was totally intent on flopping down on the couch outside my room, but he insisted I went inside because he was worried about what might happen to me once it got dark. Sweet of him to worry, but of course I was fine! the worst thing that might have happened was a few nasty mosquito bites! He's a nice guy, most indo guys I've met would have been trying it on with me. He was probably afraid it would get back to you, Roy! :lol: Anyhow, it was a fun night. I mean afternoon. Do you always drink like that during the day, Roy? :shock: :shock:

Cass is a lady
:D As you can see!

Hey, Mr Guest. That depends on who your brother is! I met some of the dive marlin guys on Gili Trawangan. Is that what you meant? I didn't even know they had dive plces on Air, I thought it was too small. I didn't do any diving, cause I had an ear infection, but I went snorkling heaps and it was amazing! REally great. Saw heaps of fish and coral, also giant turtles, some kind of evil looking eel, and a huge shark. The shark gave me such a fright, the visibility was terrible that day, and it came out of the gloom right below me. it was so spooky! I followed it for ages. I had no idea what it was doing in such shallow water, it was only about 1.5 metres deep! Call me Cass by the way.



Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Do you always drink like that during the day, Roy?

Heck no Cass. But I had to at least try to maintain my dignity and reputation and keep up with you. :D :D :D

Thanks for the good report on Agung. I'll be sure to pass on your glowing "report card" when I see him shortly.


Sep 2, 2004
haha, it's really great to read this story about Roy and Cassiene.... It's nice that people meet each other on another place than only the forum too!