Cheapest Flights from USA to Bali


New Member
Jul 16, 2005
Hi. I am considering a month long vacation from mid-June to mid-July next summer '06. What is the cheapest airline/cheapest route etc. that will get me and my two daughters there? We live in Raleigh, North we have a looong way to travel!!!


Jul 16, 2005
dutch /indonesian in the usa for now
i saw your post. I had just gone through months of checking flights from usa to bali,just thought i'd share this with you.
First cannot book that far ahead,no scedules,no pricequotes.
Second bad time for deals,june/july/aug most expensive flights and hotels
Third my flight is with Malaysia air the cheapest so far out of all of them,but i'm going in sept 2005
Fourth the prices all drop drasticly in the month of sept,oct,nov.
Good luck

Gina Tyler


New Member
Jul 16, 2005

Thanks for your reply. Where are you flying from? I am pretty sure Malaysian Air doesn't flyout of Raliegh NC! I have no choice but to go in summer when my kids are not in school. Have you been to Bali before?



Jul 16, 2005
dutch /indonesian in the usa for now
Dear Cat

Flying out of calif. yes i have been to bali many times i was born there still have relatives that live there.
One year i do believe it was 2000 i took my son with me and did some thinking regards the rates/school/timing....etc. I took him out of school for a month and took him on this trip with me to bali,you may ask the school (well not ask they will tell you not possible) its your right to take your kids out of school and do as you like,the learning expierence they will absorb is priceless.Indonesia (bali) is such a different culture than in the usa,the simplicity of life,the extreme of life,the beauty of life is all in bali.(and i dont mean staying in a big expensive tourist hotel in nusa dua,eating fries and hamburgers) Best to stay with a family/homestay,rent a all indonesian food,talk to the balinese,help them,do volunteer work for a charity in bali,then you really see the true bali.Your children will never forget it. It's a lesson in life.

Gina Tyler


New Member
Jul 16, 2005
Dear Gina,

It appears that you and I are in agreement about how trips like this are a better education than school itself. I am also aware that I CAN take them out of school if I so choose. The issue is that my twin daughters are going on 9 years old, and taking them out of school for a month would mean a whole month's worth of make-up lessons and homework that they will be required to turn in upon thier return. It is amazing how much work they make kids of this age do!! I don't want to have them doing homework every day while we are in Bali!!! If they don't keep up with the work, they could actually be held back in 4th grade for another year. That would be bad, to say the least.

Are you saying that even in June the rates are that much higher??? Is this a rule or just a probability?

And it also appears we are on the same page about renting a house. I despise resorts and would never stay at one. Staying with a family is an interesting idea that I would also consider.

Perhaps you could give me some ideas about a good location or two where we could set up a "base." I want a location that is on or very, very near the beach, not very touristy, yet not remote, a central location that will be easy to make day trips from.

In terms of the house/condo/ one big requirement is that we have air conditioning. Call me spoiled, but I know myself. I cannot sleep unless I am comofortable!

Great to have your help!



Jul 16, 2005
dutch /indonesian in the usa for now
Dear Cat
What i did was copy all books and homework material for a month (photocopy,dont take the entire textbook from school with you copy only the pages your kids need) My son did his homework in the evenings,not a problem since kids do not go nightclubbing nor in the bars.It is for sure possible i have done it already,just takes some planning,lessons can be kept up,will not get behind in class. My son was 16 when i took him,in all verry difficult advanced classes,not a problem.
And yes in june,every june the rates are extremely costly.
This is a travel fact ask any travel agent. (june,july,aug)
As i'm not a hotel,condo,traveler in bali i cannot help you in this matter,i stay with my relatives in bali. This trip (sept-oct 2005) i'm volunteering at a clinic in Lovina Bali and it's too far from where my relatives live one way its 3-4 hour drive so i also need to look for a place to stay while i'm in lovina,its verry odd for,dont like it.
Gina Tyler


New Member
Jul 16, 2005

Would May be a good month to travel to Bali then? What is the weather like in May? This could potentially turn out to be a good choice since it is cheaper, as you say, and also because the school year is winding down and there isn't much left to do. However, we would still probably end up on a return flight in June. It seems that September is your favorite month to go there. I am now considering September as an option as well. How would September compare with May? At least in September it is the start of the school year and they would have plenty of time to catch up on school work. How much money per ticket do you think I could save by NOT traveling in summer???? It would be just me and my two 9-year olds.

You may be convincing me that this is the way to do it!



Jul 16, 2005
dutch /indonesian in the usa for now
Dear Cat
Sept,is still the cheaper month,i have done this each and every time to bali (well sometimes i go in oct,nov).The fare in june/july/aug is well over the thousand dollars that is all airlines ($1,500-$1,800)
In sept (mid sept it drops suddenly,just keep watch weekly when sept strarts) to $650-$750-$850.
Going through Jakarta as a stop over gets you even lower.
(this is per ticket RT from Calif. i dont know from any other location in usa)
Gina Tyler


New Member
Jul 16, 2005

Remember...this would be for a trip in September '06! I just got back from a month in Belize. I cannot fly last minute like I think you are doing. Or are you saying that I can begin looking for a flight this September '05 for our trip in September '06?

Also, are there any other months you would recommend for cheap fares...still having it be a nice time to go to Bali?



Jul 16, 2005
dutch /indonesian in the usa for now
Dear Cat
The problem is the long monsoon season,if you dont mind rain,rain and more rain go dec,jan,feb,april.
Also good fares(personally i f i had to deal with kids that are of your age rain is not a happy situation.)

Yes speaking of sept06 for you. Although each year the prices go up,to what i really dont know.

Belize is wonderfull only a 3 hour flight from my city.
I see you like tropical places (like me also)
Gina Tyler

Jim Thorpe

Nov 7, 2002
Hi Cat,
The cheapest flights that I have found are through a company called Escapes Unlimited in California. Their website is They have a lot of add on expenses that they don't show up front but Frommers recommends them every year. They start with a cost around $900 then will add about $350 to travel from NC. Then a high season fee of another $300 and then a gas surcharge/homeland security/tax charge of another $300. So in the end I would expect to pay around $1800. These are the best prices I have been able to find. Every now and then Singapore Air has a special from Singapore (in April I was told of a special of $40) so keep an eye out on their website. You can get to Singapore and then get a second ticket to Bali. Low season (any time outside of Xmas, June, July and Aug) has cheaper prices. I am taking the family next summer so if I find any exceptional pricing I will post them here. We MAY go during spring break since I have to be in Hilton Head for the 4th of July week. If we go during spring break we will go a week early and come back a week late, that way the kids won't miss as much and it will be pretty much out of the wet season. It will also be cheaper! I am travelling from Iowa.
Like I said, I will post anything that I find exceptional.


BTW, I take it your twin girls are named Bridgette and Gabrielle? Let me know if I am right :D .


New Member
Jul 18, 2005
New Zealand
Hello Catrigab...

Moved from Durham to New Zealand - am amazed at the prices being quoted for flights to Bali - New Zealand has to be the most expensive place to fly to from NC and even my flights booked last minute in high season cost less than $1500 round-trip NZ/Raleigh/NZ ( a year ago). I'm hoping to travel to Bali in next month or so with my kids and was thinking that fares from here of about $1000 each was excessive - of course we earn half here what we earned in NC, plus we were pretty spoiled in NC with cheap fares to Europe and aren't used to spending out that kind of bucks just for airfare anywhere.

My suggestion is that A) you register on the websites of every airline (plus services like Travelocity) you can think of that flies to Bali - airlines usually have a service that notifies registered 'members' by e-mail when any special offers come up, often a day or two in advance of advising the general public. If you do this ASAP (i.e. register), you'll soon get an idea of how high and how low airfares can get, which could help you, when it gets closer to your departure time, to decide when to 'jump on a deal'. I can tell you that often the best price you can get is online directly through the airline itself.
B)You need to do the same for your round trip RDU/California/RDU - if you book atleast a month in advance, you should get SERIOUS discounts on most airlines, in fact this could be where you make the greatest savings as it's often possible to get fares of $100 or less RT...
B) Contact some local travel agencies - we found Chapel Hill to be the best bet for budget-minded agencies. Ask them to keep an eye open for you for good deals. Bear in mind that some airlines offer better discounts for children than others (used to anyway). Just one really savvy local travel agent can be all that you need to get you the best airfare with the least hassle (but you need to have several agencies working for you just to be sure!).



Jul 16, 2005
dutch /indonesian in the usa for now
Dear MO
I have done all of that with no luck,everything you mentioned.
Travel agencies dont get paid anything if you dont get a packet deal/hotel flight,so they dont want to do it ,i had one say flat out look yourself a few weeks ago.
All the search engines on the web that send you to Bestprice,travelocity,cheapflights etc. are all more than what I FOUND MYSELF. Had to go through all major asia flights and contact one at a time and thus finding the best after a long search .
If you fly to bali via Jakarta the flights are much cheaper,but i dont like to do that,its just another option.
Gina Tyler


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Cat, it’s been seven years for me since I’ve taken a flight from the US to Bali, or for that matter, Bali to the US. In the “old days” I always consulted the Sunday edition of the New York Times (which I know you can get in Raleigh, North Carolina, because I once owned a business close by).

In the travel section of the Sunday New York Times, there are a number of brokers who advertise cheap tickets. If you are lucky, you should be able to package a domestic carrier from Raliegh/Durham to either San Francisco or Los Angeles, and then an international flight to either Japan, Taipei, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, or Bangkok for your final flight into Bali. The old Garuda direct flight to Bali from LA is long gone…and too bad! From where you are now, a “door to door” flight, (including layovers, etc.) will take you about 30 hours. Be sure your broker allows at least 3 hours minimum between connecting flights as your trip will involve at least two, if not three airlines.

Another way is to go through JFK in New York. China Air seems to be the expat choice lately for those who have to travel back and forth from the US. Without personal experience, all I can tell you from those I know who use China Air is that it’s a very rugged flight…tight seating, not great meals, and if full, “hell in the heavens.”

In Maine, asking for directions, one might get the old Maine yard, “you can’t get there from here.” Bali is now a tough travel point from the East coast…but it’s well worth the effort. Wishing you a safe and enjoyable as possible trip!


Feb 12, 2004
singaraja, bali

I was last in the US three years ago for my eldest son's wedding, and I took China Airlines (actually there is no China Air). I loved the flight and the airline. I did fly Business class which is no more costly than flying economy on Thai or Singapore. The food was excellent, the liquor was freely flowing, the staff helpful and friendly, and I was upgraded on the way back to First Class because Business was full. A number of expats who work here in Sumbawa have also done the business class trip on China and have all enjoyed it. The other inexpensive alternative is Eva.


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Yes, Brian at Naughty Nuris travels to New York City with his wife and daughter at least once a year on what I guess is China Airlines, but he always calls it China Air. He raves about it too, as with your experience.

I met a few New Yorkers at our gallery yesterday who took the non stop Singapore/New York City flight, and while expensive and very long (17 hours) they loved it.

I should be grateful I have no need to fly to the states anymore! :D