Bedugal Pit Stops Re-Visited


Super Moderator
May 26, 2004
Legian, Bali
Ok boys, enough sniping at each other. :roll:

I do wish you two would get together and just have it out, once and for all! :twisted:

You might both learn to be a little more tolerant of each other's opinions (which are both valid, I might add, just from different perspectives). :wink:


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Easy does it Phil! I was only yanking on your chain, as you enjoy yanking on mine, so get used to it.

Next time I go “ a strawberry picking” around the Bedugul area, I’ll give you a call in advance, and my “chauffer” can drive us both. No charge to you!
:p :p :p

For the record, my bahasa Indonesia is getting better, and as for bahasa Balinese, I’ve recently picked up some very useful “naughty words” that don’t need mentioning here.

Have a good night!

PS....if you ever run out of Co-Diovan, I can always send down an emergency supply. need for any intervention.


Super Moderator
May 26, 2004
Legian, Bali
Roy, in reality, I was imagining being there when you two got together for a "discussion".

Over a few martinis, I think it would make for a very entertaining night! :p


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Mats, for the record once again, Phil and I have already done this...getting together...and at Nuri's Warung of all places! :shock: :shock: :shock:

Spirited conversation, often getting to the point of lively argument is common enough at Nuri’s. Being a New Yorker, Brian was very smart to furnish the entire place with very big, and very heavy teak furniture....thus, we hardly ever throw anything at each other aside from a jar of very hot sambal, salt or pepper shakers and the like. It’s all quite friendly in the end! :p :p


Active Member
Sep 28, 2004
Hi Mats

As Roy points out, we have done exactly what you recommend, but it's been a while. I forget how many years. It might be time for me to get back up to Nuri's soon and throw some sambals at Roy (perhaps stick them somewhere else). Thank you for trying to help but this is a forum and all kinds of things get passed around. Not always constructive. But if people like Roy and me didn't slag off at each other occasionally, I think the posts could lose some thrust (is that the word?).

And Roy - thanks for the offer to go strawberry picking with you, all expenses paid. I'll pass for the moment. And I was in Nuri's on another pit-stop just last week. Had a Martini (Brian & family had just returned from the States). And best of all, apart from the Martini, was bumping into VM (I'm sure you know whom I mean). I haven't seen him for about six years or so. He definitely is a living legend - still not an ounce of fat on him that I could see. And hasn't lost his gift of the gab at all. I keep promising myself, after many years, that I should go 'hunting' for Night Jars. I'm working on it.

Anyway - off to Bedugul in the morning to photograph some toilets. I hope they don't charge me for that. Let you all known when (and if) I get back.


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Have a great trip Phil. Now that someone sent me a PM to inform me that those toilets at Rp 5,000....include a "happy ending" I regret I didn't give them a go! No pun intended. :shock: :shock: :shock:

No need to be secretive about Victor Mason. As you say, he is always "on on" and hasn't aged a year for a decade. It would be nice though if someone would spring a few rupiah and buy him some sandals and a shirt! :shock: :shock: :shock:


Active Member
Sep 28, 2004
Mate...I saw pictures of him at the launching of his Butterflies book and he looked like a million quid. I've also heard many stories about him running over coral bare-foot so I'm not sure he needs new sandals. With his acerbic charisma, or whatever one would call it, he's just fine as he is.


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2005
Boston, MA, USA
I'm also glad to say that in almost eight years here, I have never taken a bus I haven't been able to write about those experiences as you have so very well.

I would think that you misspoke on that one, for how could you be “glad” to “have never taken a bus anywhere?” I realize that there are more comfortable ways to travel in Indonesia than riding public buses, but I don’t know of a better way to meet, appreciate, and understand the Indonesian people who make up this great nation. For a person such as yourself who is trying to immerse oneself in the Balinese culture, I am sure you know that there is life outside Bunutan and Naughty Nuri’s. :wink:

Personally, I enjoy immensely riding my motorcycle around Bali (I briefly tried it with a rented bike in Yogya, but soon gave up for obvious reasons), but, as in a chauffeur-driven car, I must say I don’t meet many people that way, unless I dismount my vehicle.

Some of my fondest memories of Indonesia are the times I spent on the roads, traveling in its crowded buses, rubbing elbows with the rakyat jelata, although, at the time, I cursed it more than once. In particular, what wouldn’t I give to relive some of the long bus rides taken in Sumatra or in Central Sulawesi. I am afraid that it is out of the question for me now.

So, let me give you a friendly advice (as an old guy, I can do it: it comes with the territory) :) : I would suggest that you forget for a while your chauffeur-driven limo (time permitting, of course) , and join the massa, and as a starter you hitch a ride on a lowly bimo from Kereneg to Karangasem. And as a bonus, along the way, you’ll even find places where you can piss for free. :lol:


Active Member
Sep 28, 2004
Well put tintin...couldn't agree with you more. But Kereneng to Karangasem is quite a long haul, especially from Ubud to Kereneng in the first place (as I'm sure you appreciate). Then again, it would definitely be an eye-opener for our mutual friend. Let's see what his response will be this time.


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2005
Boston, MA, USA
Of course, Sanurian. I was speaking somewhat figuratively. There is no use to go from Ubud to Kereneng to get to Karangasem (actually, the departure is now from the Batubulan station). I doubt that there is a direct bimo from Ubud to Karangasem. One goes Ubud-Semarapura and changes there for Karangasem. Takes about 2 -3 hrs, but that's the point of the "adventure:" taking one's time, meeting people, ducks, chickens, piggies, you name it. :)


New Member
May 7, 2005
Initially, the concept was to "improve" one of the local dunnies so it would more suit western visitors to Candi Kuning markets, then it sort of got out of hand. There was nothing much we could do to improve what was already in place, too big a job, then we found an old house off the back corner of the markets, so thought we could convert that into a toilet block. Once again, a bit difficult, so bit the bullet and built a brand new block of dunnies, then thought "why not" & converted the old house into a bar.

They were set up as part of the Bar Complex for Bar patrons & initially there was no charge, but as you can imagine they became quite popular for all & sundry

Which came first the chicken or the egg - the bar or the toilet? :?:


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Daniel, I’m sorry but my life insurance underwriter restricts my participation in any hazardous activities including flying a plane and riding around Bali in a bemo! :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

I’m happy that you and Phil have such fond memories of crowded bus and bemo rides along with the pigs, chickens, ducks and whatever all else, but somehow I'm convinced my cultural experience and life in Bali is quite complete without adding on those experiences. :D

Many thanks for the advice, but I think I’ll pass and stick to my Kijang. :lol:


Active Member
Sep 28, 2004
Yes, I know the routes tintin. But Batubulan is "too easy". What about all the way to Ubung bus terminal, then to Padangbai and from there, on to Amlapura? And back again in one day?

And as far as I know, there are no direct bemo's from Ubud to the east (but there are 'tour' buses to Padangbai). Again, too easy and missing the point entirely.


Active Member
Sep 28, 2004
Roy - you being an ex-insurance underwriter, I can only imagine you've got some great deals going with your policies.
But what's this?:

...I’m sorry but my life insurance underwriter restricts my participation in any hazardous activities including flying a plane and riding around Bali in a bemo!...

I would have thought that many insurance companies would regard even living in Bali as somewhat 'hazardous'.
But of course, I know nothing about that kind of stuff.
