Batur the mother volcano of Agung now showing Activity


Active Member
So what's your interpretation of this graph (assuming it does represent Mt. Batur), and more importantly, what do the experts think? Because unless you are 'Mr. Breaking News', no one else seems to be covering this story.
Check the source my friend , the indonesian government body , , if you were living around kintimani you may be interested to know another volcano active on your doorstep ,or at least I would . The object of the forum is to post information which may be relevant to the members .
Check the source my friend , the indonesian government body , , if you were living around kintimani you may be interested to know another volcano active on your doorstep ,or at least I would . The object of the forum is to post information which may be relevant to the members .
Never questioned the source, only the absence of interpretation, which you still don't provide (presumably because you don't know what the chart means). If you want some facts and education about the volcano situation in Bali, I suggest you read the Mt Agung Daily Report page on Facebook (, which as of 48 minutes ago indicates that there is no observed activity at Batur.
Im not a volcanologist so I prefer not to comment on the government website , but the tectonic movement at batur is quite new ,ie yesterday , are you a volcanologist ? I think no, your suggested facebook website uses my referenced website for info , so are these people on facebook volcanologists ?

As the website has been down for 12 hours , there is no more info re batur .
magma indonesia is up again, comparitive techtonics



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Im not a volcanologist so I prefer not to comment on the government website , but the tectonic movement at batur is quite new ,ie yesterday , are you a volcanologist ? I think no, your suggested facebook website uses my referenced website for info , so are these people on facebook volcanologists ?

As the website has been down for 12 hours , there is no more info re batur .
The person behind the facebook site has spent hundreds of hours studying and analyzing the charts and speaking with Indo government and USGS vulcanologists. You throw up two charts without any interpretation and make a bold and entirely unsupported conclusion that Mt. Batur is showing volcanic activity. Total bollocks.
I have great respect for the Indonesian volcanologists , whom have access to all instances of volcanic activity on these islands and direct access to satellite information etc , that is their job . If you prefer the opinion of someone whom is unqualified on a facebook page fine...
I have great respect for the Indonesian volcanologists , whom have access to all instances of volcanic activity on these islands and direct access to satellite information etc , that is their job .
And what is their interpretation of the charts you have posted? Answer - they don't have one because there is nothing unusual to interpret. According to the Indonesian government experts, PVMBG (Pusat Vulkanologi dan Mitigasi Bencana Geologi), the activity level of Batur falls in the normal range. Check out their site, which on the first page lists Status Gunungapi Diatas Normal (literally, status of volcanoes above normal, i.e abnormal), like Mt.Agung and 20 others in Indonesia listed there). Where is Batur??? Not there, because it is normal. In fact, there is no mention of any issue with Mt. Batur anywhere on the site.

Surely you realize that thousands of Balinese families have been displaced by Mt. Agung and that tens of thousands more families have been hurt economically by the tourism fallout. By spreading 'fake news' on this forum and others based on a chart you can't read and for which you provide no interpretation, you could start rumors that worsen the tourist situation and further compound the island's misery. Sorry, but this kind of behavior is irresponsible.
I would suggest "flaming" on this site is not constructive ,take note admin .
If calling you out on a glib and unsubstantiated post constitutes 'flaming' in your mind, then I'm guilty as charged. However, I would suggest that @admin has potentially a much bigger concern if the authorities view this forum as a source of false rumors that could further harm the Bali (and by extension Indonesian) economy.
I would suggest "flaming" on this site is not constructive ,take note admin .

I don't think there is any flaming Tel522.
You are correct to advise when you have information that could effect members..... but IMO your presentation was extremely limited.
I, for one, couldn't understand what you were referencing and, BTW, as a person called Scouser, who posted an identical post on another forum, and the replies were equally dismissive.... it compounds the reality.
If you wanted to tell all members about some imminent situation....perhaps explaining in a more understanding format might achieve the objective.
I.E. I have advised many times about Darwin VAAC... for results of aircraft Arr/Dep due to ash fallout.......and will continue to do so.
I was passing on information as shown by magma indonesia and discussed on info mitigasi , which is of interest to me and maybe others who live around kintimani . It was never suggested by me it was imminent .
If a member thinks by insulting another ,it will stifle the free sharing of information ,this in my view is flaming .
If the info is of no interest , it will disappear .
I have to agree with Mark on this one. Throwing up a chart in isolation and claiming that "batur is now showing activity" (implying that something has changed) seems daft to me. I looked at these charts when Agung was erupting and researched how they are generated but got lost in the scientific technicalities and realised that a big red spike may not actually represent what might appear to my untrained eye. Only somebody who is trained in analysing these charts could make any kind of assessment as to the significance or otherwise of the blips we see and certainly would not be using them in isolation to make a sweeping statement like the headline of your post. This is a symptom of the internet age where everybody has access to information - but you can't get knowledge from Google. That is what is missing from your post.
Please note from the title of the thread ie "now showing signs of activity" this was "heads up only" especially for anyone around kintimani ,I would never presume to forecast volcanic activity or make analysis of the techtonics , I leave that to the volcanologists .
Iv been watching all the relevant sites since the start of the agung activity over the last 4 months ie magma indonesia ,info mitgasi etc . For the first time a few days ago magma indonesia started showing side by side graphs of agung and batur , batur was never before mentioned as there was no activity , further to this discussion started on info mitigasi about the renewed activity at batur .
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Please note from the title of the thread ie "now showing signs of activity" this was "heads up only" especially for anyone around kintimani ,I would never presume to forecast volcanic activity or make analysis of the techtonics , I leave that to the volcanologists .
Iv been watching all the relevant sites since the start of the agung activity over the last 4 months ie magma indonesia ,info mitgasi etc . For the first time a few days ago magma indonesia started showing side by side graphs of agung and batur , batur was never before mentioned as there was no activity , further to this discussion started on info mitigasi about the renewed activity at batur .
From the Mount Agung Daily Report FB page:

"'I recently asked Pak Devy from PVMBG why they added Batur to the Live Seismograms page on Magma, was it an indication that Batur was becoming more active and should be watched? He responded very clearly. He said they plan to include there as many monitored volcanoes as possible, and Batur has an established, consistent and stable digital telemetry system so it was one of the first additions. He added that the activity we are seeing in Batur is normal, and it is updated daily on Magma’s home page. To see the details for any monitored volcano, click on the volcano pictured on the home page"

Accessing this site, one can see as plain as day that Batur is displayed as green (i.e., normal activity), while Gunung Agung is red and depicted spewing ash.
#17:Thanks for the link.!
The Magma app for android does not seem to function,this is more helpful.
Is there a way to enlarge the pop up screen with information?
Impossible to read the captions under the graphics.
#17:Thanks for the link.!
The Magma app for android does not seem to function,this is more helpful.
Is there a way to enlarge the pop up screen with information?
Impossible to read the captions under the graphics.
You're welcome. I also can't get the pop up to scroll on my iphone, but all works ok on the laptop.