Balinese Peoples Likeability - 21 Day Survey

How do you rate Balinese people in general?

  • 5 Very nice

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 3 Average

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 1 Very Bad

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


New Member
Apr 23, 2005
Yes Jill, when you think about it, trying to get an extra 50 rupiahs to the dollar from a money changer standing on the footpath behind a wooden box. (with slots in the top) You are looking for trouble and as anywhere you go in the world the locals look at tourists as being rich, gullible and naive and an easy source for some quick money. I have also been to India many times and it is the same there, "Oh aren`t they nice people" of course they are over friendly, that is as long as you are dragging money out of your pocket/purse/wallet! But in the end, does it really matter losing a few dollars here and there? Well to me it does, as the next time you are overly carefull and you even get a little meaner with what money you have and don`t spend as much as you would if everyone was honest with you.
Yes LOL, but the next time it happens :evil:


Jul 16, 2005
dutch /indonesian in the usa for now
Dear V_dors
I disagree with you
the people i have come across in bali are NOT like that. You say they are only nice to you if you spend money,not true. Have loads of interactions with people of all trades in bali,all over bali,i have expierenced just the opposite.Offering me anything to help. Here is an example; Immediatly after this last bombing in oct. i was in a state of panic,were i was i was really isolated from any communication to any of my family members on bali and all over this planet.A strainger offered to find /look for a motorbike so he could take me to a cybercafe ,i thought ,yeah ....where....why would he help me....who was i. A day later he came with a motorbike and gave me a lift to a cybercafe,stayed with me,returned me to kaliasem village,no money was asked,nothing.
Aprox a week later i saw him again,and he still did not ask for money........I offered to give him a few rp (50 cents) this surprized him.
I have many stories like these.......many,i have never been ripped off/scamed/lied too by any balinese. Yes perhaps it's Karma as mentioned in a previous post.
Gina Tyler

(what comes around goes around)


May 11, 2005
Well i think the "money change"-scams are almost extinct nowadays.. if not, well underway. Just this spring there was tons of moneychanger-razzias where they checked for permits and that everything was in order. Usually they moneychangers that may scam you are the ones without permits. They shut down and closed pleanty and i watched a SATGAS-like patrolcar drive away with several advertisement plates from the razzias. I also know of one case where they moneychanger got beat up by his own neighbours for trying to scam a foreign lady. It's not a "trademark" of the people. They dislike it as much as anyone else and it's not like nothing is being done about it.. have faith.. and count your money.. stay positive! :wink:


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Just a couple of points. One is that not all money changing businesses in Bali are owned or operated by Balinese. Not to pick on the Javanese, or Chinese/Indonesians, it remains a fact of life that they are strongly represented in business here in Bali, particularly in the southern areas of Bali. Just because the clerk in a shop is in fact Balinese, this means nothing about the ownership of that business, or where the profits go.

Point two is that even the most sophisticated and "honorable" of banking institutions are capable of making transactional errors. It is up to you to count your money BEFORE you leave the counter and sign the transaction form to satisfy yourself that the transaction is accurate and fair.

It seems a shame, but we've all heard it before, that negative conclusions such as expressed by v_dors are not always formed with a real knowledge of what really transpired.


Jul 30, 2005
Alexandra new zealand
got to agree with Roy again gosh twice in one week

if you try to make the fast buck you pay .... bla bla bla

I have never been ripped in bali , had my bag stolen once but ya know what it came back a day later ,
at the hotel they said how you know jill it come back , I say I don't deserve that karma

If you try to rip off the indo by a few cents on ex rate you will pay, its not rocket science. Ha even me, worlds worst speller figgered that out first day.


Aug 8, 2005
Dear All

Just a reminder this poll will be closed very soon. Anyone that has not voted please use your votes and reiterate your opinion.

As I am not a statistician, I need someone to analyse this poll. Any takers :?:

Many thanks.

Kind regards
Ni Luh

To the new readers: this pole was set up by me after the ‘KFC coral’ and Mr Balibounder1’s slanderous statements re. Bali greed etc.


Nov 30, 2002
How do you rate Balinese people in general?

Sorry to disappoint you Ni Luh, but I will never rate any people in general, I don’t like the idea of generalising at all.

best regards


Aug 8, 2005
Hi Thorsten

I am somewhat in agreement and disagreement with you, which is why this poll is only for 21 days. I do not want an ongoing topic on this.

pooochie said:
I wish to establish whether this is a true ongoing feeling or just ‘moments’ people are having.

I am pretty much upset with all the remarks about Bali greed during the past few months.

My Bali that I remember is full of smiling and nice people. I know underneath as anywhere there is good and bad – corruption etc., but I am generalising. Sometimes you can’t sit on the fence and watch the world go by, but need to choose where you stand. I am sure if similar things were said about Germany, you would not be sitting on the fence. Messrs. Balibounder1, Balijeff and some of tintin remarks (re:bali slavery) were not to my liking. I wish Kadek and the other Balinese ladies were active in the forum at that time, so they certainly could defend the Balinese.

I have not been in Bali for sometime. All I wish to find out from this thread is whether what certain people said about Bali is true. Please understand.

You are going in January, so I fire this to you. As you are impartial about generalising people as a whole, then give us all an impartial report on your experience, posted to the forum, and your findings regarding the Balinese people and the island. Please do say the good and bad - we will not bite. It's just talk :) Maybe Oom Roy, if available, could take you on a short walkabout :roll:

People do vary throughout the world, no one can deny this. I know we are born the same, but schooling, media education, status etc. will undoubtedly influence one’s opinions and behaviour. How does this affect Bali?

In summary I am a Balinese and I need to learn from what people say about Bali so that when I arrive I will be more adjusted to the changes that I will see. I can also use what I learn from this knowledge in the future to help the Balinese people.

Kindest regards
Ni Luh


Nov 30, 2002
Dear Ni Luh,

I can understand your motives for this poll, but what do you expect?
I wouldn’t go back to Bali, if I thought they are greedy buggers and see only a dollar jalan in me.
Most impressive from my last trip have been the people I met there, I don’t need anybody to take me on a walkabout, I don’t sit on the beach or hanging out at a hotel pool, I always go “off the beaten tracks” and I always meet “real” people.
This is what I love in Asia, the people are open really open, here somebody can die next door and not even after two years a neighbour would have noticed this.

You think you have to defend the Balinese – for what, or why – because one or two ignorant (we are the champions) tourists are posting a lot of crap?
Germany? What is your British yellow press “reporting” about Germany and Germans day by day?
I couldn’t care less what a sheet of shit, like the Sun has on the front page, German tanks, Blitzkrieg, even a Pope in Nazi uniform, do I feel offended?
I only can laugh about these idiots, who are buying such a load of crap and you have a lot of them in the UK!

I will certainly post the impression of my trip here (although I find most JBRs boring), but which value will this impression have, it is always subjective, based on my personal experiences, may they be good or bad, it will never reflect an overview on the whole situation, two weeks on Bali will not suit a field study.

Best regards


Aug 19, 2004

Please do not take to heart too much of what people have said here.

This is everybodys personal opinion based on their experiences. Most or all of these people are not Balinese.

Quote: Thorsten is quite correct when he wrote

'You think you have to defend the Balinese – for what, or why – because one or two ignorant (we are the champions) tourists are posting a lot of crap?'

That is so true because these people will think differently than you and act differently than you. I only voted for a three but after just reading this forum it has gone back up to a 4. It went up because I realised that I was reading too much into peoples experience when in actual fact when I sat back and thought about my own experiences the only dislike was the traffic. Nothing to do with the people. I will admit that I am gullible and tend to believe what people say. I know: I thought I would have learnt by now.

So when you do return to Bali it will be 'what it will be' not because of what other people have said or experienced but because it is 'you.
