Bali-Singapore every 6 months for get new visa: expensive?


New Member
Jan 2, 2006
Canggu, Bali
Hi all,
my compliments for this Expatriate forum! It's very interesting for all about the life in Bali.

I'm a 28 years guy from Italy and my wife is javanese, now she live in Milan with me but we have program to come to Bali soon and for long time.
I'll get a social visa (I'll come there without job or business, and my wife can be my sponsor) valid for +/- six months (2months+4 monthly extentions) but after that time i'm required to live Indonesia. Right?

After this I understood the better way is go to Singapore with the sponsor letter and get a new social visa for come back in Bali, but I've not yet understand if I can do that forever untill I have a sponsor letter (is there a "maximum" of social visas I can get in my life?).

Other important things I would like to know, is how much is expensive normally a flight Denpasar-Singapore with return (1-3 days after)?
If every six months I'll must go to Singapore for get a new visa, I need to plane the costs of this operation...

Thank you very much in advance, and sorry for my "bad" english...
Terima kasih



May 11, 2005
RE: Bali-Singapore every 6 months for get new visa: expensiv

Buongiorno Umberto,
It is correct that after 6 months on S/B visa one has to leave Indonesia. A trip to singapore and back cost around US$300 but i can't remember the exact figure. As far as i know there are no restrictions regarding how many S/B-Visas you can get. If you want an agent to take care of the extensions and all the paperwork have a look at the "Visa Indonesia"-link in the upper right corner of this website. They charge 2.2 million rp's for 4 extensions and they are also able to help out with your future Visa-application at the Indonesian Embassy in Singapore. Buon viaggio!


New Member
Jan 2, 2006
Canggu, Bali
Re: RE: Bali-Singapore every 6 months for get new visa: expe

Tommy said:
Buongiorno Umberto,
It is correct that after 6 months on S/B visa one has to leave Indonesia. A trip to singapore and back cost around US$300 but i can't remember the exact figure. As far as i know there are no restrictions regarding how many S/B-Visas you can get. If you want an agent to take care of the extensions and all the paperwork have a look at the "Visa Indonesia"-link in the upper right corner of this website. They charge 2.2 million rp's for 4 extensions and they are also able to help out with your future Visa-application at the Indonesian Embassy in Singapore. Buon viaggio!
Thank you very much Tommy!



Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
RE: Bali-Singapore every 6 months for get new visa: expensiv

Of course Umberto, we all know that Singapore sucks. Even my Balinese wife prefers Bangkok to Singapore...and if you stay the week, cheaper too.


New Member
Jan 2, 2006
Canggu, Bali
Re: RE: Bali-Singapore every 6 months for get new visa: expe

Roy said:
Of course Umberto, we all know that Singapore sucks. Even my Balinese wife prefers Bangkok to Singapore...and if you stay the week, cheaper too.
Ha ha ok Roy, buy I think that my jealous wife would be not so happy if every 6 months I go alone to Bangkok... :lol:
Anyway, I know that Bangkok is more cheaper...and how about the Indonesian Embassy in there? Easy and fast like in Singapore? And the flights have the same price?


New Member
Jan 2, 2006
Canggu, Bali
Re: RE: Bali-Singapore every 6 months for get new visa: expe

mimpimanis said:
Kuala Lumpur is another reasonable option for a visa run.
Thank you mimpimanis! :wink: The Embassy in there is fast for make new visa? Have you alredy try it?? On march I'll be in Bali!!!
thank you.


Active Member
Nov 4, 2003
Kuta, Lombok
RE: Bali-Singapore every 6 months for get new visa: expensiv

No Umberto, but I know many people who have. Its a good option for us in Lombok because there is a direct flight from Mataram. I understand it is 4 days but some people pay extra for a faster service. KL is going to be my future destination for all visa runs.


Active Member
Sep 28, 2004
RE: Bali-Singapore every 6 months for get new visa: expensiv

Hi Umberto

Welcome to this forum. Various people have given you "advice" about your Social Visa. They are all more or less correct. There is no "official" limit to how many you can have - however, sometimes the officials decide you've had too many and they give you two days to leave the country. It happens (occasionally).

People like Pak Roy hate Singapore. I do, too, but Singapore is efficient, if not much else. Bangkok is a bad joke and you'd have to be crazy to stay there for a week (in my opinion). There are agents in Singapore who can renew your SB in two hours (costs about SG$160-170). You don't have to go anywhere near the Indonesian Embassy/Consulate, whatever. They'll pick up your paperwork from your hotel, or you can go to their office - up to you. And they finish it really quickly. Can be in the same day.

As for agents based in Bali, like PT IDE...they charge way too much. I've been doing my own for many years, using "officials" in the Immigration office in Denpasar. Of course, they charge more than the real price but still less than visa renewal companies. Curently, the first extension (after your 60 days), costs Rp 350,000. The rest cost Rp400,000. Add it up. A total of Rp1,550,00. That's nearly Rp700,000 cheaper than the friendly rip-off companies! And never forget - if the companies screw up, you're nothing in the end.

If you live a long way away from Denpasar, the companies might be an option. If not, do it yourself. Don't worry too much about what the other "experts" tell you. They're probably too rich, too lazy, or both. If you'd like to know an excellent, reliable contact in Singapore, let me know. I'll give you the details. My friends and I have been using this person for many years with no complaints, so far.

I understand that Kuala Lumpur is a bad joke - Bangkok, maybe even worse. Don't believe everything you read or are told.

Best wishes...


New Member
Jan 2, 2006
Canggu, Bali
Re: RE: Bali-Singapore every 6 months for get new visa: expe

Thank you very much Sanurian!

I have read all the posts of this forum about visa, and I understood that Singapore is the better way, faster and cheaper. But now I'm more confused about "officials" and agents...

More details would be very much appreciate, about your "contact" also. On march I program to come in Bali and I'll get my first SB...!

Another thing: is there the risk that the officials decide you've had too many SB even if you use an agent (like Bali IDE for example)???

Terima kasih :wink:


May 11, 2005
RE: Bali-Singapore every 6 months for get new visa: expensiv

True what Sanurian is saying. You can "get the job done" by using officials at the Immigration office in Denpasar. The charge about one or 200K rp's to do your extension (that is 3-400k for one extension in total). However you will have to go to the office once every month and with an agent you don't. To me it would be worth the extra 400k/month just to not having to go there every month and think about it. Frankly i've never used an agent, but i will surely give it a try from now on. Singapore has worked out great for me (though some of the officials are darn cold and arrogant) and the process is fast.

Again, a warm welcome back to you Sanurian. :wink:


New Member
Jan 2, 2006
Canggu, Bali
Re: RE: Bali-Singapore every 6 months for get new visa: expe

Thank you Tommy!
Do you know something about the risk that the officials decide you've had too many SB and you must leave Indonesia?


May 11, 2005
RE: Bali-Singapore every 6 months for get new visa: expensiv

I've never had any problems myself, but i can't speak for others. Apparently "it happens" but I assume these problems are quite random and not very common, at least to my knowledge. :)


May 11, 2005
RE: Bali-Singapore every 6 months for get new visa: expensiv

Ps. I like your avatar Umberto! Is it you or Peter Sellers?? :p


Jul 30, 2005
Alexandra new zealand
RE: Bali-Singapore every 6 months for get new visa: expensiv

wow you lot there is so much to learn on the visa stuff ha ... i'm going to set up a company this year in Bali so which is the right visa to go for ????should be moving there by xmas .. fingers crossed
& i'll be over again in about 7 weeks for a mounth to start setting things up , looking for home to rent right now , looking in the Kerobkan seminyak aira if any of you hear of any thing I need 2-3 bed with hot h2o
only want to pay up to 20 mill a year


New Member
Sep 27, 2004
RE: Bali-Singapore every 6 months for get new visa: expensiv

Tommy, love the comment about Peter Sellers and yes, I do see the resemblance.

Kuala Lumpur could be less efficient than Singapore but at a fraction of the cost and it comes with friendly Malaysian....


Apr 17, 2004
Melbourne, Australia
RE: Bali-Singapore every 6 months for get new visa: expensiv

If you are earning income then you need a KITAS.

It is also quite expensive to set up a company, it is variable depending on how you set the company up but with KITAS costs be prepared to pay at least around USD 10,000.

You may also need to up your price a bit on accomodation. For the areas you prefer, you would usually pay 25-35 million for what you want.


May 11, 2005
RE: Bali-Singapore every 6 months for get new visa: expensiv

I was gonna say a mix of Peter Sellers and Jean Reno.. :p. You need thicker moustache for Magnum P.I! :D