Australians are gutless wimps


New Member
Jun 21, 2004

Yes, I know that's perhaps a little unfair, but here I am, an English guy, hearing two bombs go off, and a report about another, plus one bomb in 2002, and do I think twice about living in Bali?
Of course not - crikey, I lived with Northern Ireland for 30 years, so a few little fireworks in Kuta aren't even going to make my little toe twitch.
Yet, what do we see?
Hundreds of thousands of Australian tourists cancelling their holidays and Australian flight carriers cancelling their flights.
The trouble is, that all these Australians have become too soft. Decades of isolation and peaceful shores have led them all to quake at the first sign of anything explosive.
Come on Aussies - let's see a small bit of guts at least, instead of whimpering behind yer boomers,
or is it bombers?


Active Member
Jan 11, 2005
Manchester and Makassar
Obviously you are trying for a reaction which so far has not materialised. I am also a Brit and fought in N.Ireland and Cyprus but that does not make me brave or the Aussies wimps.

I have worked all over the world and been involved in a few confrontations in my time from the biafran war through to the Iraq-Iran war and am presently working in Saudi which as attracted one or two bombs plus I had two engineers kidnapped in Pakistan. I say this only to let you understand I am not a wimp however if people go on holiday the last thing they really want is to worry about being killed and so they make a choice. That does not make them wimps.

Finally its not my toes that have been twiching in these situations but something else. I certainly do not want to go on holiday to these places. Look at the recent news about 3 schoolgirls getting beheaded. Good holiday atmosphere.... I don't think so.


Active Member
Jan 11, 2005
Manchester and Makassar
Just in case you think I am anti Bali or Indonesia I am not. I will be coming back home to live there after this my last contract. I will however take sensible precautions but as a holiday? Well each should make there own decisions and IMO should not be critised for what they make.


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Well done Jimbo...very well done indeed.

For the sake of the OP, I would like to clarify some matters.

Point one would be that in spite of the very heavy casualties in the first Bali bombing of October, 2002 where some 80 plus Australians died, and many more were wounded…it was our friends from “down under” who came back quickly and helped to restore tourism in Bali…an essential economic reliance for the Balinese.

Point two would be the amazing Australian aid in the wake of the disastrous tsunami in northwestern Sumatra, (Ache), the day after Christmas last year. Australia was "on site" well before anyone else.

Point three would be that even after this latest terrorist attack, it is in fact the Australians who demonstrate the greatest and continued support of Bali as their favorite tourist destination.

If you think about it for a second, Australia is one of very few great nations on earth that has not suffered a direct terrorist attack on its soil. One could argue very effectively that Aussies are likely more safe vacationing at home, than coming to Bali. But they come to Bali anyway to show their support and resolve for the Balinese.

As an American living in Bali, I would be among the first to admit that Aussies have a “unique way” about them. But one thing I’ve learned from many years living in Bali is that they NEVER run from a fight, and they are the best ally and friend one could ever ask for.


Dec 6, 2004
Ottawa, Canada
Welcome to the BEF balibounder1!

I think your view might be somewhat skewed. Australia is a close neighbour to Indonesia, naturally the news in Bali is going to be more about Australian views then other foreign countries... do you really think people from other countries did not cancel their trips to Bali as well?

As far as being wimps goes I think Jimbo addressed that issue quite quite nicely.



Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Bert! Despite the very tasteless title to this string, I hope you will let it stand, controversial as it may be.

Bert Vierstra

Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Re: RE: Australians are gutless wimps

Roy said:
Bert! Despite the very tasteless title to this string, I hope you will let it stand, controversial as it may be.

As long as you are scared Roy, I am doing a good job :D :p


New Member
Aug 31, 2005
Well said Jimbo & Roy. As for Aussies being gutless wimps, Balibounder you should get get down to Ulu's on an Outside corner Swell and check out the 'gutless wimps' in action. LMFAO


Nov 12, 2004
Balibounder it's not easy to understand for the British but that's not the way to get our attention; at least in the way you intended. The phrase "gutless wimp" has a kind of ring to it that appeals to a sense of humor you will find difficult to comprehend. If it gets about we will likely see swarms of beer bellies in Kuta swathed in t-shirts bearing an image of a Bintang beer bottle together with this new slogan. Thanks for the chance of a chuckle anyway you brightened up my day. :wink:


Active Member
Sep 28, 2004
I don't get your "point", bb1. Are you itching for a fight, or something?

I see that Jimbo and Roy have more than adequately addressed your inflammatory, totally insensitive and ill-conceived remarks. You sound like a bloody idiot to me - what's your problem? Somebody give you a computer to play with for your birthday? You're obviously too stupid to have a job that pays anything to buy one yourself. Or did you steal it?

If you're so brave, why don't you come to Bali and talk to me personally - then we'll see who the wimp is. I might add that I'm an 'old guy' but little farts like you don't frighten me one iota.

I recommend that you hide behind your computer screen as much as possible and maybe spend more time going to porn sites, or whatever turns you on. You obviously have sweet FA to contribute here.



Oct 10, 2004
balibounder1 said:

I lived with Northern Ireland for 30 years, so a few little fireworks in Kuta aren't even going to make my little toe twitch.

So you must be above 30 years of age... Strange, that you despite your age, give such an umbalanced statement. Even me as a youngman would not say something stupid. Thanks to Australians there is still tourism on Bali. While the UK follows the US and sends out travel warnings, you will see that Australians will be the first to travel to Bali, and the Dutch of course :lol:

OK orang gila,

om santi santi santi om, as roy would phrase it nicely!


Dec 21, 2004
Fremantle, Australia
Not sure where you are getting your information from anyway - "hundreds of thousands cancelling their holidays" ??? Come off it, there are only 20 million Aussies to start with, not sure how many holiday in Bali, but probably struggling to get to a single hundred thousand.

I was in Bali the day after the recent bombings, plenty of Australian tourists there. Back in Australia now and still plenty of tourists going to Bali - yes some have cancelled in the immediate days after the event, but things seem to be getting back to normal now.

What I did find interested being back in Australia was how the Australian media tried to whip up some kind of frenzy. Not satisfied with actual footage of the bomb sites, they repeatedly played vision from the 2002 bombings, and made out as if Kuta was deserted. Given that I would not be surprised if lots of people did cancel.

Yes there have been bombs in England and Northern Island, but tell me, if there was a bombing in say a night club in Mallorca killing dozens of English, would the English cancel their holidays en-masse??? I'm sure they would. You just don't want that sort of thing happening on holidays. When it happens at home you just have to live with it.


Aug 8, 2005

It was the same in the UK. The media repeatedly played the 2002 bombing clips for at least a few days. For the recent Indian bombings however the UK media did not even flick it on the second day: not as intense anyway (as far as I am aware).

And if my memory serves me correctly there was an article on how the UK Home Office were so harsh in term of issuing travel warning to Indo/Bali. And somehow Egypt and Turkey (despite recent bombings) manage to escape from the list.

Best wishes
Ni Luh


May 11, 2005
The perspective i get from people in my surroundings is firstly feeling sad for the victims and their families, secondly anger for the bombing and the fanatics who do such awful things and the last point would be that they tend to be sorry for the Balinese rather than afraid of any future holiday in Bali.


Jul 30, 2005
Alexandra new zealand
Balibounder1 you should do a little research befor you speek .

If you read the Bali travel forum you will see how many ozys are of to bali every day .

taking with them loads of goodies to help out .

I think you need to eat some humble pie & say sorry .


Aug 24, 2005
Hi there, Gutless wimp signing in :)

Well this is a good start to a new board :(

Muddy from OZ and yes, I'm still going to Bali too (sounds like a song)

In fact, the wife and I are thinking of buying a home there, or the Philippines for our retirement (not long to go)

Well Admin, looks like you have Gahlas on your board also, I weeded them out on the RockPool :roll: