are domestic maids in Indonesia living as slaves?


Active Member
Nov 4, 2003
Kuta, Lombok
When I first came to live in Lombok I had no intention of having a pembantu. Infact was quite put out by someone who asked when we were building our house where the "servants" wee going to sleep. I was quite happy that Made & I would be doing all uor own cooking housework & laundry etc & for several years we did. As our place extended & Made was busy in the kioskl we needed more help & as I can not "work" we needed someone ewlse to clean the rental rooms. So we started off with part time help which in time came to be a live in pembantu. I would not be without her now.

We just had her birthday, the two of us went to a hotel swimming for ther morning, then met Made & one of our guests for lunch out. Dinner was cooked by me that evening & followed up by birthday cake & then cocktails at Novotel. She also got a new jacket, music & money for her present. I did not think it worth while buying her a washing machine as suggested as we already have one & there isnt room for one in her "house"!

I have told Ketut about this thread & she laughs that some people might think she is hard done by. She considers herself very well off!

jogry blok

Sep 28, 2005
I wholeheartedly object calling the indonesian lazy!! In every nation you have lazy people. Neil and I employ 4 staff, and they are loyal, honest, always on time and never ill.
This is different in the western world. as an aussie and new zealander I experienced the excusses my staff had for not coming into work. also very often they threw a sicky as we used to call it. Everyday, I am amazed how my staff treats their work. They are very sincere and treat my home as it is their own.. They are now employed for one year.