Adam Air


Apr 17, 2007
Sanur, Bali
RE understanding is they plan to return at some stage and have kept an office open, as they have in New Zealand. But Qatar are going to open the route next year too.

Talking to a buddy who is GM of a hotel, and he tells me the lack of flights from Australia is a real problem. They're all booked it and its hurting the hotels that they simply don't have enough seats to cope with the demand.


Aug 3, 2006
Houten, The Netherlands
Re: RE: Adam Air

Dasha said:
So sorry to hear your wife has had some bad experiences. We have had 28 international and domestic flights with Garuda and never had a bad one yet .. all very very good in fact. A shame we can’t say the same for our own Australian carriers who do have a far superior and impeccable reputation for aviation standards. But seem to quite often lack in the area of friendly service and the enviable ability to make their passengers feel comfortable. But ain’t that the old Indonesian know how compared to the rest of the Western world?

But you and youre wife are not indonesian. So that makes the difference.
I've been flying Sing Air mostly the past decade or so as it clearly was the best in the region but they have disappointed me on a few occasions lately. Got jacked off with Qantas years ago but have been pleasantly surprised on my last few trips PER-SIN. I usually fly Garuda PER-DPS and prefer them to Qantas, never had an issue (crossed fingers)

I'm currently working in India where internal flights are routinely delayed several hours and there are some pretty dodgy aircraft, similar to my experience with Russian carriers which I was using on occasion last year. Sure, Garuda has had a bad run lately and not the best record historically but I'm sure they're still probabilistically safer than driving a car which we do everyday without getting all panicky. Can't comment on Adam Air, where this forum kicked off...oh well.


Aug 3, 2006
Houten, The Netherlands
Conclusion: All airlines are better than the others, but some of them are worse than the others. I think it depends on the crew, your expactation, the weather, your mood, their mood, time of day, direction and destination of flight, food, drinks, alcohol, religion, color, wheter you have children, whether you are married and ofcourse if you are going away from Bali (BAD airline) or going to Bali (GOOD airline).


Mar 8, 2004
Ubud / New York
At this point I would fly with Lion Air when I fly domestically in Indonesia. They have a brand new fleet of Boeing aircraft coming in, and thus enough investment capital to portion adequate resources towards safety. And they are far cheaper than their competitors. They have had a few safety issues in the past, but nothing as catastrophic as recent disasters on Garuda, Mandala, or Adam. So that's my two cents on the issue...


Aug 9, 2006
Mornington Peninsula Melbourne
Dawn (love that avator)

Good to hear from you again. Lion.. new aircraft – very good. I think the problem is the guys flying these things. Not so sure on your facts about Lion though – Flight JT 538 November 2 or so years ago – a few dead ones again, pretty catastrophic I reckon… 25 or so.

I like good service, even though they do crash a few planes from time to time and the Garuda staff always seem to be able to do that.


New Member
Oct 9, 2006
Spokane, WA & Denpasar, Bali
Oh, I hate GARUDA. Flew with them once while I was in college, years ago and will NEVER fly with them EVER again.

Of course, if you are Non-Indonesians, chances are you receive great services. I am not Non-Indoneisans and guess how terrible they serviced me?

Sorry. I should be more proud of my country's airline but damn, they are just not good at all. SQ or MAS has always been my number one choice.


Discrimination and racism exist everywhere and in many forms. Indonesians, especially rich Indonesians or Indonesian business people can sometimes treat other Indonesians as second class citizens.

Even entering the airport in Bali can be an ordeal. If you are Western or look like a tourist no problem. If you look like a local you will more than likely get a sharp "Mau kemana!". It's not a question, it's an accusation - "you don't belong here".

I used to fly Garuda business class but the last few times have been with Qantas and everything was fine, no complaints. On our next trip we are going with Jetstar. The fares are lower, the planes are newer and the seats are more comfortable.

Bert Vierstra

Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Oh yes there is discrimination in Bali.

In Singaraja the Chinese (Indonesians) have often done it. Dewi also talks sometimes about them as "rich, smart in business" in a negative way.

The Chinese Indonesians in Singaraja are a bit "the Jews" of Indonesia, in a mild (?) way.

And here you can read a story from a Chinese in Singaraja: ... -singaraja

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And you can (email) subscribe to the "new" Bali News here:

Promo off
Every airline will have its bad flight - whether that means delays, crap service, lost luggage, rude staff, running out of beer, whatever. There has been many a time when I've sworn never to fly with one carrier or another but it has not always logistically* been possible to avoid having to do so.

Fly with any airline enough and you will catch a nightmare experience. Its when airlines continually have problems and disappoint that they deserve avoiding. Choice Magazine do regular polls ( ) on customer airline satisfaction polling thousands of people's experiences on multiple carriers. Their most recent last month praised SQ and bagged QA. GA didnt crack a mention....

*Freogirl - I'm trying to restrict my use of multisyllable (damn!, done it again...) words....


Aug 9, 2006
Mornington Peninsula Melbourne
Nayusari – can you judge one flight years ago when you were just a young guy learning?

We have had many people from your own country traveling with us in the pointy end of the plane and I gotta tell ya they get treated with the same equal friendly service that they extend to my wife and I.. I don’t understand how so many people here say there is a difference with western people and local people. Garuda staff treat everyone the same – very good indeed. Not the same with Qantas and jetstar. We have flown both and know the difference.

BV I know what Dewi means with the Chinese being like the Jews. But the simple fact of the matter is that they may have the dough but who has the nouse? Balinese people rule cos although they don’t have the dollars the fact that they are such F*** nice people beats all arguments.

If everyone could be like Garuda staff in my country I reckon the World could get along just fine.

manc in oz

Nov 29, 2006
Gold Coast Australia
Quote nayusari - I am not Non-Indoneisans and guess how terrible they serviced me?

nayusari, why do you think this is?

Quote Allan - especially rich Indonesians or Indonesian business people can sometimes treat other Indonesians as second class citizens.

I have seen this situation a number of times in my favourite restaurant in Bali, Warung Made ( the one near beamo corner )

manc in oz

Nov 29, 2006
Gold Coast Australia
Re: RE: Adam Air

SG said:
manc in oz said:
I'm pretty sure you will find the Garuda office in Brisbane is closed SG.

they're still on the BNE website: ... e=Airlines

and their office in Auckland remains open

A friend of mine spoke to Garuda in Brisbane last week (they live in Noosa) and were told they would return at some stage

That's interesting SG as I was told by a Brisbane travel agent last year that they had closed. I will follow this up and let you know what I come up with.