about to leave vancouver..


Active Member
Mar 27, 2007
flying back to indo today from vancouver.. next post will be from surabaya.. i hope when i land i find obama's momentum continues.. i watched an address he made to an ohio crowd this morning.. inspirational, uniting words for all people - not just americans, but for all of mankind..

roy, i hope to soon lose our bet :wink:



Active Member
Jan 11, 2005
Manchester and Makassar
I bet you lose your bet :D Strange thing is although firmly in the Obama camp I have come to have a lot of respect for McCain (if not for Palin).

I sometimes wonder if it should not be possible for unity governments to get the best from both sides. Worked in WWII


Active Member
Mar 27, 2007
am back in surabaya, as of 2hrs ago..

Jimbo said:
Strange thing is although firmly in the Obama camp I have come to have a lot of respect for McCain (if not for Palin).

:roll: mmm, can't say i agree with you on that jimbo.. mccain's become a dirty dog during this campaign, another typical filthy gop candidate trying to win by instilling fear based propoganda in the minds of the ignorant.. he was, as expected much more admirable as just "senator john mccain", and not "gop presidential nominee senator john mccain".. he's really lost most respect amongst moderates and his own camp - the palin pick confirmed his status as a desperate old man willing to do anything to win an election.. so much for "country first".. more like, "campaign first"..

Nath said:
Balilife, Tell me, what is Obama going to do for all Mankind?

plenty, i am sure :wink: in fact, he's already done more for mankind as a presidential candidate than bush has in 8 years in the whitehouse.. i firmly believe obama will unite, not just many parts of the US, but also many parts of the divided globe..

cathay doesn't compare to sq, but it was nice to travel back through hk after a few years - even though we were only there overnight..
