A Tropical Island, a naive dream

Bert Vierstra

Active Member
The "beach" is called segara. Pretty famous in singaraja because it is a "lovers beach". Only part of it is black beach, the rest is concrete, separated by a temple. You find very little tourists there. In the late afternoon one can find some karts that sell jagung bakar (grilled corn) and thebotol, 1000 rp each. Families come there to swim but also the young boys. Girls drive by on their motor bikes and usualy get yelled at. One group of girls that dares to sit at the beach also has some bentjongs around them. Some of the girls are for hire. About 100-150 meters outside of the coast there is a sampan lying, a bamboo contruction used for fishing, this one is close to the coast, because its big anker is broken. Since I stopped smoking and do some sporting this is my swimming target, and when I reach it I climb on it and look at the sea forget the busy beach and dream I am a Thor Heyerdahl or Robinson Crusoe, looking for a tropical island. Of course I am already on a tropical island, but its that tropical island where there are no worries, just sun and love that I am looking for. An island with no forums and the accompaning wiser then wise guys and girls, amateur psychoanalists, surfing minority complexes, people with a cyber "social life", but just sincere, honest, real people. A naive dream, but a one worth crying for, sometimes.

This forum and site that I have created for the crisiscare foundation has given me lots of worries. Especially the last few weeks there have been email discussions behind the "screens" about the (missing) content of the site, and also the quality of the CCF. I have heard very serious allegations from some people. Today I have been talking with Gloria, who doesn't want to say anything to me about what's going on without a lawyer present, and I told her that on 1 februari I want to know what has been going on, what is so secrect, and that I want the financial records so they can be published here, because thats what I "promised" to the BTF to make her do that in november. If not I will close down this site and forum, and put the domain for sale. She insured me that everything will be ok, on wich I trust, sort off. I am sick of putting demands to her, and I am wondering why I for God's sake am doing this. The thing is that Gloria or people around her keep raising questions, and there seems to be an answer for everything.

On 31 december in the afternoon, I ordered a mushroom shake in a restaurant on the beach in Lovina, I thought, what the heck, its new year, I stopped smoking, do some sport, so.... and sneaked of with a girl to a homestay. I could do nothing more then stare at the ceiling, and a little later, at a sleeping girl. Just a warm skin and a distance from the world, nothing nice, no funny thoughts or beautiful colors, a little numb. The new years eve in my village went by in a dream, I hung around with the naughty village girls, looked at the performances from the people of the village, enjoyed the pornographic joged, ofcourse the tamu had to do it too, and I got compliments afterwards. I was offered the chair of the kepala desa and had a chat with the local religous leader. I had lots of arak later on.

The next day I had blood in my urine, felt sick. No I am diagnosed with acute hepatitus, and in 6 weeks I will know if I have a chronic condition or not. According to my dokter it a combination of factors, the mushrooms, the arak.. If I have a chronic liver illness I must leave Bali, because I can't afford the medication for it.

There seem to be governement "offices" in the villages where people with no money can go if they are ill. It also seems that they are not visited well because people don't believe the help there is up to the standard of the normal dokters.

I heard a rumour that this is also a reason why the CCF is not visited as well as it could be, I also heard that the number of visitors to the CCF have gone down by 75%.

A tropical island, with smiling, friendly people, (not the kind of people that strip a pig in 5 minutes and walk around with the head, dripping with blood, smiling and laughing), A naive dream, but a one worth crying for, sometimes.
hello Bert

A lot of questions for you. No matter what your answers will be.... no regrets.
I wish you well, Bert, and, good health.
sad to hear Bert

and I would wish the effort which has taken place here will not vanish to nirwana.
Bert, which is it? A or B?
If B, please send me an email with details and history.
Bert, As one who has yet to say anything (but who has been totally charmed and moved by your forum and the people on it), it is hard to know what to say now, except that I am so very sorry. If there is anything that will help--alstublieft, please let me know--Linda
With regard to issues about the clinic and/or Gloria, I know nothing and can offer no comment.

With regard to your work in establishing and maintaining this forum, the expatriate portion at least, I owe you my most heartfelt thanks. Here I have connected with people who have offered advice and commentary that has been of great practical value in our upcoming relocation to Bali. These connections are part of a growing feeling for Susan and I of belonging to a community, which is great comfort as we approach our leap into the next phase of our lives.

You have taken good care of us. Take care of yourself. Take Lothar up on his offer of consultation. Susan and I will be leaving for Bali early on Wed, Jan. 15 (USA time), and arriving in Ubud on Fri. Jan 17 (Bali time). Let me know if there is anything we can do for you.

Thanks for your kind words, Dennis.

I feel a lot better already, have been on "my sampan" again...

See you on Bali, someday...
Bert, the truth is I was born in Northern California. I'm an American. I learned to say "alstublieft" traveling in Holland. I thought that after your recent hard times you might like to see a word in Dutch. Now I must answer: is my word gold (or at least worth its weight in DVDs)? So, send me your address and tell me the best way to get mail to you. Would amazon.com work? Linda
lantana said:
Bert, the truth is I was born in Northern California. I'm an American. I learned to say "alstublieft" traveling in Holland. I thought that after your recent hard times you might like to see a word in Dutch.

Bedankt !, probabaly been to Amsterdam, my home town...

lantana said:
Now I must answer: is my word gold (or at least worth its weight in DVDs)? So, send me your address and tell me the best way to get mail to you. Would amazon.com work? Linda


Amazon will not work I guess, but don't do any silly things Linda...

Today I got from Beate from Warung Bamboo, to copy:

2 cd's with Wagner overtures,
3 Debussy cd's,
2 Beethoven symphonies,
some Mozart and Shumann...

I was playing some loud Debussy, and some of my Balinese friends rushed in, surprised I was typing, Oh, we thought you were playing a movie.....

I gave Dewa Anatare some of my "old" DVD's to sell on the beach, maybe he sets a trend..