
  1. balibule

    Bitcoin's nightmare scenario has come to pass

    Over the last year and a half a number of prominent voices in the Bitcoin community have been warning that the system needed to make fundamental changes to its core software code to avoid being overwhelmed by the continued growth of Bitcoin transactions. More on Bitcoin's nightmare scenario...
  2. Rangi

    Police want to train civilian drug dogs

    Police want to train civilian drug dogs | Latest News From Bali | The Beat Daily
  3. Rangi

    Five police officers arrested in massive drug bust

  4. Markit

    Micro-Savings Plan through Mobile Phone Network

    I've recently discovered a local saving plan that is used to finance the various larger and smaller religious ceremonies that the locals have to pay for. At the moment it is run by various individuals with no larger organization behind it. What happens: for instance on the local beaches here in...
  5. F

    End of 80 Year Lease with HGB - What Happens?

    I have searched for a previous thread to help me with this query....but what happens at the end of the 80 year lease on an HGB land "ownership".....I cannot find the answer to any info is greatly appreciated. Also, I know there is talk about this being changed and if one day it...
  6. T

    Escrow account for lease deposit ?

    We have been living in Bali 18 months and have found our dreamhouse. It has 19 years left on the lease, but was short term rented (18 months) just before we found it. We will wait for this house, there is plenty to do to occupy our time. The current leasee seems great and honest (French). He...