Search results

  1. D

    Qualified Butcher?

    Funny you should say Lotus, as the wife and I only just discovered Lotus a few weeks ago. The sausages we bought from there (I think we've tried them all now) are the best I've found in Bali since I've been living here. I also grabbed a steak while I was there too and cooked it at home. I...
  2. D

    Indo wedding & religion

    :icon_lol: Good point Tintin !! As far as I know, one always has the option of 'Repentance' should they have a change of heart in relation to Godly matters, before their time is up on this rotating rock we all call home :icon_wink:
  3. D

    Indo wedding & religion

    Gilbert, You're definitely right about the 'who you know' bit because some, but not all clergyman are flexible with such things. I know this because earlier in the planning stages of the wedding I put the 'feelers' out via Email to lots of Wedding Organizers in Bali to see if any had...
  4. D

    Indo wedding & religion

    We have both the Surat Nikah (which has no mention of our individual religions), from the Church and the Kutipan Akta Perkawinan (Excerpt of Marriage Certificate) from the Registry Office. On the application paperwork required before issuance of the Surat Nikah I declared 'No Religion', but the...
  5. D

    Indo wedding & religion

    FYI Bert, last year I (a Bule) declared 'No Religion' on the marriage paperwork when marrying my Christian Fiancee from Java, here in Bali. Our wedding organizer told me this was quite OK to write down on the paperwork and in the end she was right as there were no questions raised. I was...
  6. D

    Qualified Butcher?

    Bacon On the subject of meat, does anyone know where to find good Bacon in Bali ?? I've tried SPS and Bali Deli, but just can't seem to find any that compares with the packaged Bacon back in WA.
  7. D

    Music Box

    I'm wondering if anyone can suggest a good place to get a small decorative wooden box made. It will be used to house one of those metal, match-box sized, hand cranked music boxes. Cheers, DB.
  8. D

    Indonesian Marriage

    Follow Up Sorry for the late reply Dasha and thank-you for your input. Yes, there is quite a bit involved in organising a wedding, be it in Bali or any other part of the world I suppose. I’m glad my fiancée and the wedding planner are taking care of most of the details (including which...
  9. D

    Indonesian Marriage

    ....10th....... :icon_lol:
  10. D

    Indonesian Marriage

    Thanks Sully. He sounds like someone who could help with my questions. As I'm a Newbie I'll PM you once I've posted 10 messages (This is my 5th). DB.
  11. D

    Indonesian Marriage

    Mat and Sully, I think you're right in suggesting that the Pastor would be best able to answer these questions. Now, my next challenge is finding a Pastor who might be a little 'flexible' in regards to the Wedding Ceremony Script/Dialogue. Does anyone know of any Protestant...
  12. D

    Indonesian Marriage

    Thanks Jimbo. As it happens, we did consider the option of getting married in another country but decided we'd prefer to have the wedding in the place we call home. DB.
  13. D

    Indonesian Marriage

    Thanks for the replies people, although I think I should have been a bit more specific/direct to start with. I guess what I really need to know is, if I am having a Pastor (Protestant in our case) officiate the ceremony in an outdoor (i.e. not church) wedding but the script/dialogue of the...
  14. D

    Indonesian Marriage

    Hi Everybody. I’m a long time reader of this forum and this is my first post. I’m an Aussie guy living in Bali and working Fly-in/Fly-out of Australia. Later this year my Javanese Fiancée and I will be marrying as Christians. I, myself am definitely not what you would call a religious...