Search results

  1. P

    Fibre (Fiber) internet to homes in South Bali

    Each test server on say has an easily identifiable IP address. I think there are about a 1,000 of them. Either an ISP has a lackey write down all of them, or copy/paste them from a list widely circulated among ISPs. (I have that list, but I am not going to post it). Than the ISP...
  2. P

    Fibre (Fiber) internet to homes in South Bali

    Easy: 1. Connect a PC directly to YOUR router with ethernet cable. Disconnect everything else. Shut down Wifi - or unscrew the little antennas. 2. Install a bandwidth meter on your PC or Mac. E.g. FreeMeter Bandwidth Monitor For Windows download | 3. Install a download manager...
  3. P

    Fibre (Fiber) internet to homes in South Bali

    Guys it is all much simpler than you think. Like markit says. Fiber is fiber. It is just a dumb very longer fiber. Even with average equipment incredible speeds can be achieved. All that matters nothing what speed you actually get at home. That depends on how much bandwidth your ISP wants to...
  4. P

    non owning access?

    It would be better if there is something of value given by you in return of access rights. I have something similar where I "pay" 400 kg of rice a year for access.
  5. P

    shipping containers

    Many containers go back empty from Surabaya to China. Typically they are for sale. Around $1500 plus $400 shipping from Surabaya to Bali.
  6. P

    E-commerce subsidiary in Bali

    Sure you can have a local set up a PT and set up the biz with your and your Australian company's help e.g. money, technology, know-how, etc. Just make sure to protect the Australian company's IP through solid contracts (in Indonesian language signed at Notary). Pay the Australian company IP...
  7. P

    E-commerce subsidiary in Bali

    "online booking, marketing and sales tool for small to medium hotels, accommodation providers and tourist service providers" This means you need to get a travel agent license. A foreign company/person can't get that any more according to Indonesian law and Bali specific rules. You can wing it...
  8. P

    Aussie restaurateurs taking over Bali

    "Motel Mexicola appears to have found a sweet spot. It averages 500-600 covers a night." No way. Most of the time it is empty. On a good night perhaps 80 guests. Not bad for a restaurant, but the place is huge. Can't see them make a profit.
  9. P

    Foreigner Owning Property IN BALI appears to be LEGAL!!!

    Now it will be interesting to see what happens to Gina Machura
  10. P

    Make Arak Drinkable (almost?)

    Making alcohol in any form, including beer and wine, without a license is illegal in Indonesia. Even for home consumption. I guess Bali authorities tolerate small Arak distillers, but as foreigner I would be very careful. You staff WILL talk about it to their friends. A possible work around...
  11. P

    Mainframe contacts in Jakarta/Bali, etc

    Of course there are mainframes in Indonesia. Most banks have them. PLN has them. Some insurance companies have them. They NEVER hire "freelancers" due to security issues. Something you as a specialist will appreciate. In general mainframes are replaced by Linux servers. There are tons of them...
  12. P

    Solar (PV) panels in Indonesia

    Smoke. PLN backup is a slightly different setup, but again the economics say the same. Use a genset. Using solar as backup does not work in any way. In theory one could build a giant UPS that could, say for 12 hours, run the usual power demand for a house or resort, but the the resulting cost...
  13. P

    Solar (PV) panels in Indonesia

    A buddy posted the following on another forum. I have his permission to post it here: Many friends ask me the same question. Does it make sense to install solar panels in Indonesia? This may be a good place to answer that. If you have PLN, it does make NO financial sense. You electricity...
  14. P

    Big TV in Bali

    Of course. . The App will store the cheese files on any NAS.
  15. P

    Big TV in Bali

    Don't buy this. It is a 5 year old version. Does not have proper HDMI. On Aliexpress you can buy a new HD800SE for $150. Another feature worth noting is that recordings on one receiver can be watched by any receiver. Or go more pro and buy a NAS, something every house should have anyway...
  16. P

    Rental contract - leasing a house/villa

    1. In Indonesian with a 6000rp stamp. 2. Obviously you would want to understand what you are signing. Typically a contract has left side Indonesian right side English. Mind you that the English part is legally meaningless, so have it translated by someone you trust. 3. It would be better for...
  17. P

    Big TV in Bali

    Tudeo, yes DM800SE instead of the decoder from the Sat company. I am sure the Sat shop in Jl Nakula can get one for you. Or import it yourself. Seach Aliexpress. You also have to buy a 2.5'' HDD Sata, if you want to record.
  18. P

    Big TV in Bali

    Dreambox has brilliant DVR. I don't watch live TV anymore.
  19. P

    Big TV in Bali

    I am pretty sure that CCCam can decode Big TV. The sat company uses Irdeto 3 Nagravision and CCCam can handle that. I have Indovision could if I wanted too share the one card I have amoung 5 TVs. I am not saying that I am, or that I endorse it. Just saying that for test purposes it works...