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    buying land around kuta, lombok

    Hi Nasrul, How much is it per are please?
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    About taxes

    Hi Marc, Thank you very much for your answer, that's very kind of you. 1) So the NJOP is the value written on the SPPT, right? I wish I had known that before, it's gonna be tough to negotiate with my Notary to pay the 5% on the NJOP now since I haven't discussed that with him...
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    buying land around kuta, lombok

    Be very careful but go for it!!!! Hi Greg, First of all you must know the south of Lombok is full of scams so be very careful but don't give up! I believe it is the spot with the most potential, especially the aera around Grupuk. But it doesn't come cheap! If you want to be really close to...
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    buying land around kuta, lombok

    Waouh Ben thank you so much ! You did a tremendous job! I wish I could have read it before! I just wanted to thank you because I'm simplu amazed by your guide and everything without any commercial purpose... Thumbs up!
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    Thanks for your patience with me - it is finished.

    Congratulations Markit, your house is really really really beautiful... Thumbs up! I'm sad to hear about the health problems of your MIL but I agree with the posts above, IMHO, you should try to lease it until you can come back, it's such a pity not to have the possibility to enjoy the house of...
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    About taxes

    Hello balipoders, I have questions regarding taxes and was hoping you could help me: 1. When buying and selling a land, I've been told that everybody declare a lower value in order to pay the 5% of buying/selling taxes on a lower amount. Is that right? And if yes what is your...
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    Property lease extension process to be simplified

    Lease extension They say you can renew your lease AFTER THE TERM EXPIRES. Really??? Is that right? Because my lawyer wants me to sign a lease agreement of 25 years and a lease extension agreement of 25 years at once but with a different dates (distanced by 15 days on the paper). So my...
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    Cost of notaris

    It can be useful... Hi guys, I found something very useful. It's a list of the fees for the BPN. It's not about the notary fees but when looking at the quotation from your notary, it's always helpful to know how much goes to the BPN and how much goes into his pocket... Check this...
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    Potential pitfalls when buying a property in Bali

    Hi guys, Thanks for your answers. I understood what you mean but I simply CAN"T do that. Let me give you further explanations : a sporadic land is a land that has not been certified yet (meaning the land has been owned through a general consensus without proper registration in the BPN)...
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    Potential pitfalls when buying a property in Bali

    Thanks Markit for your answer, I wish things were “that easy” but I want to buy a land in Lombok and there most lands are not certified so I'll most probably buy a sporadic land and without the certificate you cannot request the IMB... When conducting due diligence, one of the tasks of the...
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    Potential pitfalls when buying a property in Bali

    Hello Balipoders, I thought it would be a good idea to start a thread about the potential pitfalls you can encounter when buying land in Indonesia. I'm sure It will help plenty of rookies like me to avoid the most common mistakes. So here I start with the potentials pitfalls I read /heard...
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    Lost my House to a Balinese in Ubud

    Hi Sorry to get back on this again :-), but I just wanna make sure of something. If you get a mortgage on the land, this is enough to get your name on the certificate, right? I just want a confirmation on this. Because I plan to get a lease on it, not a Hak Pakai... Another question regarding...
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    Lost my House to a Balinese in Ubud

    OK thank you Markit. It confirms what I thought : if you do things properly, it's relatively safe...
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    Lost my House to a Balinese in Ubud

    Anyway, if your nominee's heir want to undo the contract you made with the original nameholder, can't you simply use another nominee instead? How could he screw you if you have a mortage/loan agreement on the land? Legally speaking, sure he inherits the land but he also inherits a huge debt...
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    Busines guide to Bali

    Hi Spicy Ayam, I would buy such a guide if it dealt specifically with the type of business I want to set up. So maybe you could do a first part about setting up a business in Bali in general and a second part where you talk more specifically about the most common types of business people want...
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    Zoning in Bali

    Thanks Gilbert!
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    Zoning in Bali

    Gilbert, Are you talking about the Parcel Identification Number (NIB) ?
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    What remuneration for the nominee?

    Hi Markit, 1000 thanks for your answer. No, my nominee has nothing to do with the sale. But actually I think I would prefer this type of remuneration (meaning a 1 time payment) cuz I want to build a business on this land, so I expect to sell the land much much more (I hope!!!) than what I...
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    Buying sporadic land (not yet certified)

    Hi Balipoders, First of all I would like to thank you all for all the useful information I could get on this forum. Thank you so much for your help!!! I want to buy a land in Lombok but it has no certificate yet, that's why I wanted to know what are all the extra precautions I should take in...
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    What remuneration for the nominee?

    Hi, I would greatly appreciate your insight here. I want to buy a land in Lombok through the classic nominee arrangement. I have a reliable nominee but I'm not too sure about the remuneration I should give him. Would 1% of the total sale price be appropriate? Or is too much? Or not enough...