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  1. J

    Bali cheats and punishes tourists

    Balibounder1, If you put as much effort into being positive as you have done being so negative, imagine what good you could do in the world? Business is business my friend, it is the purchaser who makes the final choice. In fact, I really don't mind paying extra for my wares, it is still...
  2. J

    Forum Mood and the Future

    Hi, It's been a long time since I joined the forum for the very reasons that have been discussed. I found it to be a strong competition of words between a select few and frankly found it intimidating and yes, sometimes aggressive. There have been many occasions where I would have liked...
  3. J

    The last few weeks

    Hi Gemma, Your loss will be felt for a long time, be kind to yourself and allow the emotions to flow, it is part of the healing process. I send warm comforting thoughts to you. Jody (Melbourne but hopefully soon Bali)
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    How much money??

    My goodness, 'How much money?" How long is a piece of string? Jodymc
  5. J

    Living in Bali

    Hello everybody, I am thinking about coming to Bali for an extended period and would love some information on where to live, cost of living etc. etc. Would be very interested in homestay (Is there such a thing?) I have already emailed a couple of you asking questions, but the more...