Search results

  1. R

    Silver smiths/jewellers

    There are at least 2 silver casting operations in Bali that can do production custom work. This could work for someone wanting components to be assembled in their home country into finished product as well as finished goods. If there is interest I'll dig out the names and locations. I think...
  2. R

    Travel to Bali .........yes or no?

    I'd say YES, go for it! We just returned from 10 days in Bali. Seems even slower than our previous visit, 3 weeks after the first bom. There IS more security, at the airport, at malls, at hotels. We felt safe at all times, safer than crossing a busy street in NYC or Guangzhou. That's...
  3. R

    Is there anybody out there

    Thank you, Uma Thank you, I hadn't read that piece yet. Perhaps the only "thank you" left out relates to an op-ed item about a poll showed that as many as 80% or Americans now believe Saddam was connected to the 9/11 terrorism. Somehow I thought they were Saudi and Yemenite individuals...