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  1. F

    New regulations for getting hotel permit

    Hi SpicyAyam, are these new regulations in force?
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    Land purchase/lease in Bali - issues to consider

    25 years with option for another 10 seems fair
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    Land purchase/lease in Bali - issues to consider

    Yes, the problem with leasehold is the diminishing value of the land from year to year. Thanks for the heads-up.
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    Land purchase/lease in Bali - issues to consider

    Thanks. Yes there is always risk. If I wanted to set up a home and also operate a boutique hotel, I guess I would need a PMA plus other licences.
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    Land purchase/lease in Bali - issues to consider

    Thanks SpicyAyam. Hak tanggungan is a possibility as is the PMA route. Any idea what the latter will entail? In Vietnam, a foreign-owned company may own property if it has a paid-up capital of US$900,000 for the expressed purpose of land investment (a lot of money!). I wonder if it could also be...
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    Land purchase/lease in Bali - issues to consider

    Thanks Fred. Yes the agrarian law and land ownership law operate in the same way as in Thailand, Vietnam and various other places. Will likely explore the PMA route.
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    Land purchase/lease in Bali - issues to consider

    Hi, this discussion seems to have ended with Mr Davita's post on the 11th May 2016. I recall reading in another thread of the sad passing of Mr Davita and would like to offer my belated respects and sympathy to his family and friends who may be reading this. Can anyone advise if there has been...
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    Billion dollar whale

    couldn't agree more. amazing what Ms Brown went through to be instrumental in getting this scam exposed. such tenacity and courage. will be a better world with more people like her.
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    Ok thanks
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    Nice. Any idea what prices land with view is fetching there currently?
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    Sounds like Shangrila in Bali! Waterfalls, views, treks. Love it! I don't mind the remoteness. So I think. I just got into Ubud tonight and planning to visit Munduk next Monday to Wed. This will be my fourth visit. Cheers
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    that's so nice having a sea breeze through the day. that's an effective way to keep the pests at bay. do welts go away after a while? I hope they do for you.
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    Thanks Harry. Citronella balm is also good to soothe itch. I wonder if having citronella plants around a house might help keep moxies away.
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    I get your point about "western supplies" Markit. It will be OK to do the supply runs to and from Lovina or Ubud. Yes, our friends are mainly in Ubud and the south but we are OK to travel for the occasional get-together. Thanks for the heads-up though. Actually, medical attention may be more of...
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    I think you could be right Tintin. I have done a couple of treks in the Munduk/Gobleg area and stayed at homestays. Didn't have much problems with mozzies. It could be seasonal. Actually, it is my wife who is bothered with the nuisance. She attracts them like nobody I have seen, and the bites...
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    Thanks Markit. Mozzies will be a problem, let alone huge ones:eek: I wonder if there a way to keep mozzies away without using toxic chemicals or mozzie coils.
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    Hi, let me first wish everyone a Happy New Year! I have been drawn to Bali since the 1980s and have made numerous visits since (maybe 70 times?). I first joined this forum over ten years ago in the name of Gazer. I am retired, actively studying mindfulness and a certified forest therapy guide...
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    Fibre Optic Internet

    Thanks Spicyayam. Good to know what Telkom is doing. Internet access has come a long way since it was discussed in this Forum ten years ago.
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    Fibre Optic Internet

    Hi, can anyone advise if fibre optic internet is available in Munduk. Thanks