Search results

  1. M

    Info wanted about Lumbung (traditional ricehouse)

    Hi Hugo, May I ask who is your supplier contact of an 8x5 lumbung for 110,000 Rp? I'm wanting to maybe hire an outfit to build one for me too.
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    More work for the Septic Sages

    Curious?? Worm?? Septic Tank?? Water bore?? Markit, did it come back after you flushed it again as Ron suggested? Was it the same smiling one or a different one, lol?? Not yet being on the ground there I'm trying to educate myself on all things water, wastewater and catchment too. Our 18-are...
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    Is Lovina a good area to buy?

    We are happy but be cautious! We are happy to have made an investment in land in Desa Kayuputih up from Lovina but I caution anybody about acting hurriedly or trusting anybody too much so. We were told horror stories about so-called realtors (really scam artists) even having storefronts in...
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    Jero Wacik hints at new airport location

    We were so hoping the ratrace and its problems would stay down in the Bukit.
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    The Locals

    Just returned from a 9-day real estate shopping trip that met our goals in every way thanks mostly to the kindess of the local people. Everywhere we turned we had local people providing us transport all across the island, finding us hotels, sharing meals and conversation with us, sharing their...
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    Bali Aquifers and Population increases....

    Bali has significant rivers, high-country lakes, subak/irrigation canal infrastructure that can be better used for water distribution. High density populations surely provide enough wastewater to recycle as is being done more and more here in the U.S. (effluent to drinking conversion). The key...
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    Bali Aquifers and Population increases....

    Maybe a few more natural reservoirs need to be kept clean and tapped or dams built. I'm no expert but it seems the mountains catch plenty of moisture and that it just needs better conservation management than running it all needlessly into the ocean. Curtailing the influx from Java may help too...
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    Will You Buy/ Rent Near Local Cemetary?

    Tamispecial, thank you for your comment. I cannot lie your comment make me happy :)
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    Will You Buy/ Rent Near Local Cemetary?

    Soontobeexpat, ha ha is funny...oh btw I read about the ghost and the river from "Eat Pray Love", so who knows...but pls keep asking the infos for me. The two "friends" I have still haven't reply to my question. Thanks muchos....
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    Will You Buy/ Rent Near Local Cemetary?

    hi Sakumabali, thanks for your respond. A friend said that this cemetary is not where the ceremonies are held but I better find out about it. It is a great concern I agree. Let me ask the locals who lives nearby for sure....Anyone have any other inputs?
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    Will You Buy/ Rent Near Local Cemetary?

    thanks Soontobeexpat, great info again ! Can you ask your religious friend why? I thought Balinese think that cemetery is sacred so they would love to live nearby one. I have read that they don't want to live near river though for that's the place of all ghost to live.... I definitely don't...
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    Will You Buy/ Rent Near Local Cemetary?

    Rasi, it would be fun to trick your husband to admit it....ha ha ha.....I am just "iseng" you know....i am just in my "anoying mood" so pls dont be offended....
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    Will You Buy/ Rent Near Local Cemetary?

    thank you all for the kind th ought, I really appreciate it. Thanks Rasi, Fred2 and Vin again for the input. Thanks soontobeexpat for the concern. It surely a good question, would people especially expat that seems / give impressions that they have more money, be asked to donate most of the time...
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    Will You Buy/ Rent Near Local Cemetary?

    to soontobeexpat, thanks for the respond and infos .I found out that it is a small local poor people cemetary for temporary "transit" before ngaben and is not the place for the ngaben itself. It has houses around it so I guess it is fine to build on lands around it. to tintin a.k.a...
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    Will You Buy/ Rent Near Local Cemetary?

    Thanks for the useful info Vin and WOW...that's even scarrier....i better find out about it....wuihhh...almost bought it lastweek. Glad my brother insist of doing the second survey...
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    Will You Buy/ Rent Near Local Cemetary?

    Thank you for your opinion Spicy. Your opinion surely help and appreciated. You are right, I never think about those westerner buyer/ renter with their Indonesian/ Asian spouses....I surely will have to think it through...thanks again....
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    Retiring to Bali! Opinions/Education welcomed!

    Thanks Spicy for the warm welcome and info Appreciate the information SpicyAyam! We agree with taking it slowly but land and labor prices are not going down either. We likely will purchase a property as a longterm investment regardless of where we ultimately decide to live. Our main concern now...
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    Will You Buy/ Rent Near Local Cemetary?

    Hi guys, first, I love this blog/forum. You all come from all over the world but still maintaining to be respectful and peaceful to one another. Big thumbs to the moderators ! YAYYY !!! Next, we are about to close a land deal but one thing that concerned me the most right now is the location...
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    beach front land in Klungkung for sale or partneship

    Divide and conquer Would you be intersted in selling say 50 are piece and how many Jt./are. Send pics also to mariaandrobert @ (close the spaces)
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    Are you planning on retiring to Bali?

    Some concerns Hi, We, Robert and Maria, are a mixed couple in US and have been working long distance with our realtor in North Bali for many months and are in long-distance negotiations with another mixed couple (woman in Bali, man in Europe) regarding a propety near Lovina. We have an...