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  1. R

    Two Questions

    Annoying me again! I am just wondering: we are wanting to buy a house but cant decide if we should go with the cash (transferred from oz into a freinds local acct) or wait and see if we find something, put down a small deposit and send the money when we get back. If we have the cash will...
  2. R

    What happens if we get divorced??? :)

    Forgot Oh I just meant about the paperwork not meaning anything coz I have seen people included in family books that are not even related, making drivers license with out doing the test, making ID when you don't live in that place etc... Just the usual, so I thought paperwork doesn't mean...
  3. R

    What happens if we get divorced??? :)

    Wow! You learn something new every day! Thanks so much for the replies, I will go and register us when we move there :)
  4. R

    What happens if we get divorced??? :)

    So my husband and I are planning to buy a house in Bali (well my parents are paying.) Obviously it can't be in my name so it will just be in my husbands name (he is Indo). I don't plan on getting divorced, but if we did and it turned messy and nasty would I have absolutely no rights to the...
  5. R

    West Australian man killed in Bali scooter accident

    That is sad, but... I probably shouldn't judge, I don't know what caused the accident, he could have had an accident even though he was riding the bike correctly. But, the amount of young Aussie guys you see hooning around on Bikes in Bali with no regard for their own safety or safety of others...
  6. R

    Pop tarts in Bali?

    Can you get pop tarts in Bali? If so I'm guessing they would be an expensive import item. Just curious, as they are now about $15 a box in Australia!!!
  7. R

    Bedding sizes

    Thanks so much everyone, very helpful, I really appreciate it :)
  8. R

    Bedding sizes

    Just wondering if the bed sizes in Bali/Indonesia are the same as Australia. If I took over my sheets from Australia would they fit an Indo bed? I remember my friend bringing back sheets from Malaysia and they didn't fit the bed here...
  9. R

    What is Renon like for living?

    I have seen a few really nice houses in Renon, does anyone here live there? Or know anything about the area? It doesn't seem to be a sought after area to live... But it doesn't seem bad either? But I could be wrong!!
  10. R

    Childs passport?

    So he will be British even though he is born in Indonesia? I thought they are both if they have both passports? Hmm you learn something new every day!! Maybe you could go to your embassy? I'm sure they will know everything :) The Australian one was always VERY helpful to me! Oh congrats on...
  11. R

    Building vs Buying - When we don't live in Bali yet!!

    Oohhh you know some horror stories? I would love to hear some. I need to be prepared :) If you have time to tell them?
  12. R

    Building vs Buying - When we don't live in Bali yet!!

    Thanks everyone, when I told my husband it was a stupid idea he tried to assure me it was fool proof, and then I thought he must know something I don't know as he's from there. But turns out wife knows best (once again)!! I can't wait to show him these replies!!! I love the idea of building a...
  13. R

    looking for a bali place to stay from 15dec till 27januari

    Hello You could try looking at the Bali Advertiser newspaper (it's also online) they have a lot of real estate ads :) But hurry coz places get booked out at those times pretty fast!!!
  14. R

    Building vs Buying - When we don't live in Bali yet!!

    Ok so we are looking at buying a house in Bali (as I keep saying.) I want to buy a house but my husband wants to build. As much as I would love to build my own there is no way I could see it going to plan while we are still living in Oz. My husband thinks it's a great plan and tells me there is...
  15. R

    How do you deal with unwanted 'guests'

    haha @ Scout! thats too funny, at least you tried... I would rather stay close by in my own bed rather than camp on a floor :s I know you all must think I'm such a snob, but I just have a couple of friends that totally outstay there welcome here in Australia... I couldn't imagine having to...
  16. R

    How do you deal with unwanted 'guests'

    Yeh spose I am getting a bit ahead hehe :) but only because when I mention my moving plans I am met with "great!!!! Now I have free accommodation in Bali"
  17. R

    How do you deal with unwanted 'guests'

    I am planning to buy a house and move to Bali with my (Indonesian) husband. One of my main concerns will be all the family and 'friends' who will assume they can come and stay in our house anytime and for as long as they want. I am assuming once they realize we are not going to be living on...
  18. R

    Salon for waxing

    hehehe ok thanks heaps, will give them a go! Yeh ouch but only for a little bit!!
  19. R

    Salon for waxing

    I am looking to find a salon that I can use to get my waxing done in Bali. I usually have a Brazillian wax done here and want to continue it when I'm living in Bali. Does anyone have a salon they visit that they could recommend?