Search results

  1. pollyanna

    Tools for self defence

    We’ve all heard and experienced how many of the Indonesians are afraid of dogs. I thought our dogs would be all the deterrent we needed but I was wrong. The Javanese who attacked us weren’t in the least afraid of our dogs and our four dogs were no match for their big bats. We thought they had...
  2. pollyanna

    how cheap is Clothing in bali

    I don’t know where you'll be working but suits and suit trousers in Bali are almost as rare as hen’s teeth. But to answer your question, shorts and stuff are far less expensive here, especially if you’re the size of the Balinese. My Balinese friends get gorgeous and often well-made latest...
  3. pollyanna

    Starting new business in Bali. 100-150 K$. Beginning of 2012.

    Just google “companies sale bali” and see what you get. I imagine you’ll find what you’re looking for.
  4. pollyanna

    House insurance

    We don’t have house insurance but our car insurance is with Allianz and they’ve been fantastic about small claims. Sitting in their office for repair approval takes forever and a day but they are pleasant to deal with and have had no arguments with our claims.
  5. pollyanna

    what do we bring to bali with us?

    I agree with phil about bringing good quality pots and pans but if you’re already in Bali and wishing you could find good pots you can find the excellent Demeyere brand in Ace Hardware at the Mall. As you go in the front entrance they are in that nook to the right where the knives are. I have a...
  6. pollyanna

    Daily activities

    Last year a lot of my time was spent learning my way around, learning to drive in Bali, learning a little about the culture, and getting to know new friends. It was my orientation year. This year I’m committed to learning Indonesian before the end of the year so I’m spending a fair bit of time...
  7. pollyanna

    Land price around southern Ubud

    It depends on how far south of Ubud you go. There are some really lovely areas in Mas that aren’t nearly 110juta.
  8. pollyanna

    Sosbud vs Retired Visa

    Yes, I’m aware that my KITAS agent gets part of the money as commission for his work and time. I don’t know how much of it goes directly to the government but I’ll bet Fred2 can tell us.
  9. pollyanna

    1-time Impore of Personal effects

    We did the same as ronb but we had to pay over AU$2,000. to get our container of stuff through Surabaya. We couldn’t find a way around this if we wanted our stuff. The bribe in Surabaya cost 20% of what the movers charged.
  10. pollyanna

    Sosbud vs Retired Visa

    I’m not saying I feel the need to pay tax, just that I view the KITAS as a form of tax payment. But to answer the question a little further, I do take advantage of the government services available such as driving on public roads. Past the roads I can’t think of what the government provides...
  11. pollyanna

    Sosbud vs Retired Visa

    In the beginning it seemed high to me also but I look at the KITAS fee as the way I pay taxes in this country although admittedly the services are slack or even non-existent in Indonesia.
  12. pollyanna

    Leasing in Bali

    I’ll send you a PM. (Guys, sorry this is formatted funny but it’ll still work.)
  13. pollyanna


    Hi kochie, we love Balinese architecture and believe it is the style that works best in this climate. Our house is one of those like you’ve described in your post. But everyone is different and what bothers one person won’t bother another. (Yesterday I was in a warung sitting next to a teenager...
  14. pollyanna

    Galunguan in 4 days what are they actually celebrating

    Thanks RhysG. That’s an interesting article and I learned from it even though I’ve studied Galungan just a little bit. I love Galungan. It reminds me of the Christian Christmas. In Galungan the Gods come down to Earth and in Christianity Jesus comes to Earth. In Christianity the the Christmas...
  15. pollyanna

    best banks please - urgent!

    The $300. sounds outrageous. We opened accounts in our names before we moved to Bali for the same purpose; to buy land. We did have a Balinese friend with us. His name is not anywhere on our accounts though and he didn’t charge us any money for spending half an hour in the bank introducing us to...
  16. pollyanna

    Obtaining an IMB to start up a CV

    This may be a silly question. I don’t know anything much about IMBs but would it be possible to get an IMB now?
  17. pollyanna

    Second hand book shops

    sugarbear, there are some great books in that list. In fact I’d give most of them a high rating.
  18. pollyanna


    Very funny SHoggard. Thank you.:icon_mrgreen::icon_mrgreen:
  19. pollyanna

    Medical care - no insurance

    Here’s a little addition to the medical list. Ron Lilley, Bali’s snake expert (see Ron Lilley’s Snake Patrol on Facebook) is our next door neighbour and he says if you are ever bitten by a snake in Bali go immediately to Sanglah Hospital. He doesn’t recommend any other clinic or hospital in Bali...
  20. pollyanna

    Moving to bali to start a new job

    Relax knocky. Stay excited but don't worry. Here's your first phrase. Tidak apa apa. It translates literally as "no what what" but it means No Worries. You will be confused with a tourist but - no worries. It doesn't matter. Tourists are not Bad People. You will be able to easily get by with...