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  1. B

    If you had to do it again, what would you bring along?

    What a beautiful and honest reply.
  2. B

    Missing Bali

    How i agree with all your Bali memories! There IS no other place quite like it. What we have to do now is to stop the rape of the Bali coastline by the western money grabbers, stop them from building ugly western "luxury" (sic) apartments for the more wealthy tourists. Bali is Bali and belongs...
  3. B

    BCA ATM scam warning

    I too am sorry to hear about your loss and hope that you do get some good results. I would like to mention here that while i was in Bali in November i heard a staff member of a shop tell a customer not to use BCA because they were "supposedley" in financial trouble and many customers were...