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  • hi goldminer, im actually hinakos, my profile got all screwed up when the changes happened and i cant get me old profile back.
    i work in drilling, so i move with my rig, which is a bit easier...projects such as mines and fixed oil platforms tend to nationalise quickly as they are permanent installations.
    theres a gold mine up in halmahera, indonesia - google it and se what you get. i worked on an island just south of halmahera for several years.
    freeport also has a copper mine with gold by product....but dont go there you'll get shot.
    you really need to have some qualification that regular indonesians dont hold to work over here. im a sparky but hasd special training in the USA and other parts of the world. ITs getting harder and harder.....
    I was working in Russia up until recently, that project nationalised and im back in Indo now working in Balikpapan for an Indonesian interest....they hate bules being here - are doing everything in their power to slip us up and get us out.
    hi matto, am interested where in indo u found work. I work FI/FO from perth to a goldmine, and would love to find work in indo. any help much appreciated steve
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