Where is everyone??

Was Wondering The Same

I was wondering the same, I sense there is something in the blue waiting to come out, and I am waiting to come in.... :roll:
After Jan 2 again I guess

Christmas, New Year, Holidays, Family visits, bored etc....

maybe its time to help Lothar to fill his Bali Tips forum..cause its a little empty...

Yes, agree it is very quiet here,maybe because the "key players" are away visiting friends and family overseas. Unfortunately when there are no posts of interest to answer, people are reluctant to start a new topic. Give it a few more days and we will maybe find it will turn around. Maybe the "intoxication" of Christmas and holiday activities are taking precedent over chatting on the forum. We have all been busy with other things. However,I would like to raise a topic I am personally concerned about. The purchase of food,in restaurants,take-aways,bakers, market stalls etc...it seems to me that it is better and safer to buy from small warung carts in the street than from the larger food outlets. The turnover of stock in larger shops and restaurants has slowed and food stuff is staying longer on the shelves and in the kitchens, deteriorating rapidly and becoming unsaleable. Obviously it is a very difficult time in Bali as there are so few tourists,especially in the North,restauranteurs are dropping like dead flies into bankruptcy and are barely able to continue their businesses. There is literally no-one to buy their goods but still they must buy stock...just in case someone may turn up for a meal or someone may want to buy a loaf of bread...The fishing folk cannot afford the petrol required for their boat motors so they dont go fishing...their families have no income...they cannot live on fresh air...and even if they can go to sea and even if they can catch a few fish...no-one can afford to buy it (amongst the locals) and the restaurants cant buy because there are no tourists to eat it....ad infinitum....The very few visitors,and there are only a handful here, take a risk as they are unaware of how long that product has been waiting for a consumer...I myself have had the experience of buying mouldy bread,eggs that are so old you can smell the bad odour through the shells...chicken which is obviously not fit for human consumption....there seems to be a serious over supply. The suppliers are not really to blame...the restaurants are not really to blame and the tourists are not really to blame. THE TERRORISTS ARE. This is part of the aftermath of the tragedy of the bomb...the thousands of "victims" who are suffering immeasurable "injury" to their lives. Take a look at another aspect of this...the locals have lost their jobs,their income and in some cases their homes....if they cant pay the rent or the credit payments they lose everything...yes its a buyers market for T.V.s and the like, motor bikes can be picked up very cheaply, land deals have fallen by the way as no-one wants to buy in an economic down turn like this...the future is so insecure. The family unit, before so strong in Bali, is breaking down as the stress of the situation takes its toll. Support from the Government is non existant. NGO groups are stretched to the limit with trying to get further aid for the people...cargo collected by well wishers is still being held by Customs and we cannot access it, let alone distribute it...donors are angry as their efforts go unrecognised and all the goodwill dies...maybe never to return. How can we expect those folk who have given so much in the past few weeks to continue under these circumstances. There is a great deal of sadness in Bali right now...how can we all stay bright and centered with such a massive millstone around our collective necks....people dare not look to the future...there doesn't seem to be one.
as sad as it is

the shrinking of Bali's economy will continue until a realistic new supply and demand situation is reached. There is no way of helping what you describe, Gloria, I'm afraid. We will have to let nature take it's course.

As to the forum - yes, I was wondering why no one starts to work on Tips & Tricks. It's hard for me as I'm not there, so those of you who are are called to the task, obviously.

And, forums are not self-runners. As this was destined not to be regarding Travel, also no politics, also not rumour mongering, also not... etc. the circle of people reading and posting to it will always be limited.
Many people mentioned they would be away travelling and visiting family...I have been doing the above as well as selling all my things and getting ready for our big move...

Things sound pretty grim there, Gloria...once the U.S. starts it's #@%&#$@ war it will probably get worse as far as yank tourists returning...not that they contribute that much overall, but still...My heart breaks for those suffering.

Lothar, did you ever get my photos I e-mailed you for shrinkage?

Two questions I had, which seem petty after Gloria's post, are: what do those with professional photographs do to protect them from the humidity there in the tropics? Secondly, are there homeopathic medicines available or should I bring them along?
Sorry for being down folks

Yes its a sad time for Bali,Crisis Care is giving away so much rice every day we will soon need a truck load. In fact we do now but getting it out to the community has its problems. We have 400 kgs left in our store,but have already run out of anti-biotics...and there is no clothing left to give. A family whose house burned down were the last recipients of aid.They lost all their possessions and are sleeping under a sheet of plastic in torrential rain. So what do we do now ? Sorry Lise,my post will be removed to C.C. section if I dont answer your questions...first the photos...I know what you mean about this as I've lost many until I got onto to this idea...little packets of sillica...the type you find in tablet bottles are great in everything you need to keep moisture out of, but dont let little ones play with them as they are very poisonous. Ah yes, Homeopathic medicine...actually is (I think) still available on the Island (correct me if I'm wrong) but to be on the safe side I'd order what you think you may need and bring them with you, I'd put RESCUE REMEDY on the top of my list. Could you bring an extra one for me ? I try to combine Western medicine with traditional Balinese "obat" and any homeopathic remedies we can get, I'm a great believer in combinations to suit every illness.But obviously treating the whole system is more advantageous. Seems to me that you and I would have a lot in common, can't wait to meet you....G......
That was the exact solution I came up with last night...desicant (silica) in the box. Someone suggested a dehumidifier but that seems a bit ridiculous in the tropics! (as if...) I will certainly pick you up a rescue remedy. We use it as well.
Hi all,
what a joy to log on and get the daily scoop...
I've been sneaking around this site for a month or so, but after my last return from Bali, I am "jonesing" for a daily dose from this amazing assortment of you folks.
Hmmm, I actually came forward and joined up.
It's too irresistible, I gotta take my shoes off and kick it here for a while.

I am not sure if I'll be a 6-monther or a full-timer, but something has to give soon, because I can't be going back and forth as I have been, singing the Blues while I am back in the US.

So, I'll be in Bali again in March. Maybe this time I can connect with Roy in Ubud? Remember, we took good ole' GW's inventory a couple of months back, but didn't connect while I was in Ubud during Galungan.
Anyone else in the vicinity to have a cuppa with?

I might actually have the nerve to drive a car this time. Forgot my California Driver's license last time, and the Bali police already has a couple of bills out of my pocket (the reasons will be a mystery forever, as most of you will know).
Anyway, I am hopefull that my German maniacal driving style will fit nicely into Bali, once I figure out this strange colonial remnant of left-side driving.

I hoping to hear something back, when 'where is everybody' is back from wherever.

you are hearing

'back' from me, and a welcome :)
Yes, bit quiet here, as it's everywhere. Py is in Hawaii, miss his complicated word syllabuses :)
Hi Uma

people with a German maniacal driving style are always welcome :wink:

All to all: A HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!

hopefully the things are getting better for the Balinese
with a name

like Uma, no wonder you are happiest when you are in the Island of the Gods! I hope you will be happy here too--welcome! And cheer up, Uma--you may not be in Bali right now, but at least you are in sunny California, with no blizzard headed your way like some of us! Please send some sunny thoughts our way.

behemoth, about to get snowed in
Welcome to CCF...

my fellow Angelenos....

I am not sure if I'll be a 6-monther or a full-timer, but something has to give soon, because I can't be going back and forth as I have been, singing the Blues while I am back in the US.

It's comforting to know that we're not the only one crying the blues here in LA LA land :p :( Indeed the Disneylandesque atmosphere at the Grove certaintly is not for us... so we're packing our bags and leaving for Bali soon (January the 23rd)....

Augie and Jeff
Hi Augie and Jeff,
The grove, hmmm. Would that be Orange County?
Are you going for good when you head over to Bali this month?
Hope to see you when I'll be in Bali in March, I am just picturing how far Tampaksiring is from Ubud, if that's were you'll be based.
Feel free to use my email if you feel like giving me a little bit of your story.
I'd love to hear how things happened with you and Bali.

How "it" got me, in a nutshell? I had all sorts of odd life events culminate in a rather spontaneous visit to Bali, a strange and magical experience underneath the Pejeng Moon during a full moon night temple ceremony, finding myself in love with the place and someone in particular, going home, feeling out of place and 'dazed and confused', going back, feeling at home, going "home" feeling out of place, going back, and so it goes....

Nice to have "met" you (almost has been Angelenos?)
Take care.
Orange County!!!!!!!!!

Ouch is right!!! No thanks... we will not be caught dead in OC, let alone live there :p :p :p Beside we're two liberal democrats you see :p SO I don't think they would want us there anyway.
where is everybody?

I have been in Hong Kong and China for christmas and NEw Year and have been having a ball!!!!! I love hong kong. Not as muh as bali though. Anyway look forward to sharing my thoughts in 2003 !!!!!
