What are your Bali experiences?


New Member
Aug 26, 2007
RE: New to forum - finally joining

Hi gang,
I really enjoy reading your forum.

So far I've lived 13 yrs in Germany, 26 yrs in California and am ready to continue the saga... after my visit to Thailand and China (although that's not SE), I was hooked on SE Asia and am now coming to visit Bali at the end of the month. WOOHOO, can't wait *GRIN*

I'd love to hear more about your experiences when you first arrived on Bali, what were your impressions, your challenges and the rewards as time went on. What deep down motivated you to make such a drastic move?

I realize that you've already written on the subject more or less—some of the posts I've read (there are so many!). Then again maybe that was months or years ago and your views might have gained in depth or changed altogether...?

For now of course I'm very curious, it's an adventure. On the other hand, I'd like to be engulfed in a new culture, away from the hustle and bustle and oft superficiality of the Western humdrum. ..and the grass sure looks green over yonder and the language is so much easier than Thai or other tonal tongues. We'll see ~


dave gede

New Member
Feb 10, 2007
Hi skywise well my first impression of Bali was what hell have i got myself into and it started at the airport waiting for bags with the porters who look for newbies. that was a long time ago now its my second home and my wife to be is balinese not to mention the house we just bought. all i can really say is everyone finds there own Bali . ps i hope you love it as much as many others on the forum do.


New Member
Aug 26, 2007
Hi Dave,
Thanks for sharing :)

It sure sounds like you've found your paradise and a partner to go with it! What could be more perfect than that?!

All the Best to you, your new wife (soulmate) and your new life...