We've arrived!!


We're finally here in Bali...staying in Ubud. Customs was a breeze, with the flurry of porters swarming around our bags I missed the one chalk mark (one out of EIGHT big bags+one guitar...amazing). They marked the one with kitchen equipment but she examined it and giggled a little when she pulled out our italian glassware, put it back, and welcomed us to Bali!! Immigration asked me about 6 times why we didn't take a tourist visa and every person we've come across asked if we're here to work, but other than that and 5 airports it was smooth all the way. If anyone knows of yoga classes other than at Indus, please let me know. They're only doing 3 days a week right now. We're also house-hunting so if anyone comes across anything...
Lucky You!!

Lucky You to be there whilst Akari & I are bogged down in London sorting out pre-move crap. Hope it all goes well. Interested to hear how it is so would be great if you could report back to the forum pls, as & when you get the chance.

Re yoga, we've been keeping a list of info as & when we come across it. It's not sorted and can't vouch for the accuracy etc. Again, in time, any feedback on this would be appreciated.

There is a really cool guy called Dada who was teaching yoga last summer in small groups at the Serai, nr Candi Dasa. It is now called the Alila Manggis (T: +62 363 41 011).

Yoga, Bali Info
http://www.yogarts.com.au/magazine/maga ... a_bali.htm

For people interested in trying a yoga class in Bali word of mouth seems to be the main form of advertising. You can also check out the bulletin boards at upscale restaurants such as
· Casa Luna
· Batu Jimbar
· Dijon gourmet grocery store
There are regular classes at the Bodywork Center in Ubud with Nyoman Mardana, a Balinese practitioner of Sivananda Yoga. The internet is a great place to look for upcoming workshops.
The Ashtanga Yoga club at Yahoo.com is a place where Ashtanga teachers coming to Bali usually publicize their classes.

From: Honeymoon Guesthouse
Sent: 18 January 2003 06:06
To: Vincent O'Grady
Subject: Re: Daily Yoga Classes
Dear Vincent,
Thank you for your interest on Yoga Classes.
Yes, We are having our classes from Mondays through Fridays (2 classes per day). Morning Wakeup (Vinyasa Style) 8:00 am – 10:45 am. Sunset Strengthening and Relaxation (Hatha Style) 4:00 pm – 5:45 pm.
Our experienced and fully qualified teachers cater to all levels of yoga experience from the absolute beginner to the advanced practitioner. The place is at Indus Restaurant, Garden Level Yoga Studio Jl. Raya Sanggingan, Ubud, Phone: 977 684 (Only 5 mins. drive from central Ubud)
We can provide you a free transport between Indus and Casa Luna on the main road, please allow 20 minutes before and after the class. Cost per class: Rp. 55,000 with yoga mat rental, Rp. 50,000 with your own mat. Please bring a towel/sarong and drinking water. If you interested to join us, you can call Indus Restaurant at the above number.
Thanks and we look forward to your visit.
Best regards,
Ketut Subaktiyasa & Wayan Ariani
Indus Restaurant.

Meditation Centre
Ubud, Monkey Forest Road
run Yoga and meditation
drop in O.K
Posted by lyn on Monday, 25. June 2001 at 03:21 Bali Time:
contact Janet at Honeymoon Guesthouse in Jalan Bisma [tel 361-973282]

Posted by Kazoo143 ® on Monday, 25. June 2001
Noticeboards In Ubud
aromatherapy shop next door to Highway Internet Cafe, Jalan Raya, Ubud.
Ganesha Book Shop, Jalan Raya, Ubud.
Casa Luna restaurant

Raja Yoga Meditation
A daily meditation activity holds at Ubud Meditation Shop in Jl. Monkey Forest, Ubud on 6.00 - 7.00 pm. Free lessons start every Monday at 7.00 pm. You can contact this community by phone at 976206.

Spiritual Hatha Yoga and Meditation Classes
Holds every day except Sunday and holiday from 9.45 am to 11 am at Shanti and Dharma Griya Jungutan on Monkey Forest Road Gang Beji, Ubud. You can call 975752 for more information.

Ashram Candi Dasa
A religious community—the only Gandian ashram in Indonesia—was founded in the mid-1970s by Ibu Gedong Bagoes Oka, the widow of a Balinese Hindu leader and former deputy governor of Bali. In daily pujas and lectures, Ibu teaches the Vedic scriptures, the Balinese religion, faith-healing, and the pacifist philosophy of Gandhi. The first arrivals were travelers seeking a quieter alternative than the pell-mell and frenetic development gripping southern Bali in the '70s. Today, Vedic chants still emanate from this beachfront ashram, heard above the pounding waves and music blaring from ghetto boxes and restaurants. Simple cottages facing the sea are rented out (Rp20,000 per person, including three vegetarian meals per day), providing the main source of revenue for the ashram and an elementary school that Ibu Oka runs for the village children. Guests are free to worship, meditate, work, and study as little or as much as they want with the several dozen young Balinese and Westerners who make up the permanent Ashram community. It's recommended that you book at least three months in advance, tel. (0366) 41108.

Candi Dasa - Gandhi Ashrama
The first accommodation to become available at Candi Dasa was a tiny Gandhi Ashrama.
Here a strict routine of meditation is followed by select guests, many of whom practise yoga and follow strict vegetarian diets.

Yoga Ashram in Candi Dasa - Poss contact for private tuition??
Posted by ijkh on Wednesday, 17. July 2002
I have stayed at the Ashram with Ibu Oka.
It is the real deal in true Gandhi style which is to say as simple pure and nondecadent as possible.
What you do get is delicious home made mostly vegatarian food.
A chance to meet unusual Balinese who work at the Ashram and a chance to do yoga with them daily.
Their little bungalows are right on the ocean very private backing to the lagoon with wonderful views.

Bali Usada Meditation Center
Jl. Ngurah Rai 23, By Pass Sanur, Denpasar - Bali Indonesia 80001
Phone: 0361- 289209 - Fax 0361- 287726
E-mail : [email protected]

to Bali, lise :).

The only reason I'm not moving there is missing ADSL, which I depend on. But Malaysia is very nice as well :wink:
Congrats, Lise
happy to hear you made it safely and Customs was no hassle. I'm not much of a Yoga person, but I noted when we were there a couple of weeks back (seems so long ago!) that a new studio (can't remember the name) has opened on the Champuan ridge road toward Bangkiang Sidem. The proprietor is a very nice guy named Mudiarta (that's his last name, I don't know his first, surprisingly enough), but I'm thinking he's an artist, and probably not the Yoga instructor. We've met him a few times over the past 3-4 years and watched him build his studio. It's a beautiful place, and in an inspiring location. You get there either by walk or drive. To walk, take the Champuan ridge trail (the one immortalized in V. Mason's book, "Bird Walks of Bali") from behind the temple by the bridge north towards the village of Bangkiang Sidem. After you pass the Klub Kokos hotel on the left, keep going another 1/4 mile or so and you can't miss it on your right, just before you get to the main part of the village. If you drive, it's best to ask directions to the Klub Kokos hotel, and let someone show you how to get there. It's actually pretty easy, but difficult to describe in writing, and you feel like you're out in the middle of nowhere. When driving you will approach the village of Bangkiang Sidem from the north, and thus the studio will be just after the village. If you check it out, say hi to Mudiarta from Dennis and Susan (the Americans building in the village). He speaks quite decent English.

Worth noting that, if you drive there, after you've gone through the village of Payogan proper, and after a couple of turns, someone has just finished a fine looking house with a big "For Rent' sign on the gate. It may be a bit too removed from the action for you, but I mention it in case you're interested. We drove by it a zillion times going in and out of Ubud from the Klub Kokos during our last visit, but never stopped and looked, so I don't know anything about it other than it looks attractive, and it's brand new.

Best of luck, and we'll see you this summer.

Hey Lise,
Couple of other things. First, what sort of visa did you choose to get, if not a tourist visa? How did you go about arranging it?

Second, re: a house to rent. Susan reminded me that we found an American woman who has a house just outside Ubud (don't know exactly where) that she advertises on http://www.homeexchange.com. We contacted her a while back, since we plan to do the same with our house in Bali, and she mentioned that she rents it as well. If you're interested, check out that home exchange network for houses in Bali and see if she's still on there. I believe she lives in Washington state. Susan said she will look for it tomorrow, and if it's on a different home exchange website than the one I mentioned, she will post it here.

When you get time, let us know about the visa issue. Thanks,
GREAT news Lise

You've got my "hot-line" number...in case you need it. We'll "catch" up eventually. Ubud is a small town. For now, you should just enjoy yourself and the utter pleasure of "making home" here in Bali. Selamat! You made it! :D :D :D :D :D
finding our way...slowly

first, to Dennis and Susan,

We were fortunate to procure a social visa, mainly so that we wouldn't be paying three airfares every two months for tourist visa renewal.

Thank you everyone for the yoga info...

House-hunting is on the forefront right now, but I've quickly realized that it isn't a process that can be rushed...info. just seems to trickle in slowly from random sources. There were no leads at all in the three places we were told to look, i.e. bali advert., bali buddha, casa luna bulletin boards but I'm off to explore some rentals today with my friend's pembantu and will leave it to the gods to lead us to our new home. We're also going to check out Seminyak since Sunrise school/organic market/umalas stables/beach are all there and that's a consideration...
All in all things are beyond wonderful.

by the way, I saw a great sign on the way in: Antiques...made to order. :)
Selamat datang di Bali

Lise, and I'm glad "the Wiping the chalk mark thing" worked!!!

Social Budaya Visa is great, but try a 1 year Multiple entry business visa next time, good for one year, Like the social budaya visa, you must exit bali after 6 month then re-enter.

House hunting... hmmm must be fun... it seems so long ago for us.

Yoga: Last year I bought "Yoga for Dummies", But since I am a real dummy, tried it for a week and never touched the book since. Would love to join a beginners class... please let me know more!!.

Speaking of great signs: We just got back from Java a couple of hours ago via the northern route (Lovina, kintamani) and saw a sign both in Indonesian and English which says "Hindarkan Narkoba" which should have been translated as "AVOID Drugs" but the sign says "HIDE DRUGS" - pretty suggestive huh!! :)

Hey Augie & Jeff,
Re: the multiple entry business visa, do you have to have a properly registered Indonesian business to get one of these? How difficult was the process? Is this the one wherein your "departure tax" increases to Rp one million per person each time you leave the country?

Hey Lise,
Did you arrange your social visa before you left the states, or did you stop along the way (Singapore or wherever) and arrange it from there?

Any info is appreciated.

Dennis and Susan
Business Visa

Dear Susan and Denis:

The answer to your first question is NO. The process is quite simple, you can ask an Agency here in Bali e.g: Arjuna, Bali Ide, etc to do it for you. The cost ranges from Rp1 mill to Rp1.5 Mill. The agency will produce the Sponsoring company for you. There is no departure tax (FISCAL) required.

Multiple Business Visa is good for one year with a maximum stay each entry is 6 month. When you enter the country you will automatically get 60 days, then you must renew each month for the next 4 months. Then you must leave the country (Singapore, BKK) and re-enter again even on the same day it's no problem.

Good luck.
Augie and Jeff
Re: Selamat datang di Bali

juskiff said:
Speaking of great signs: We just got back from Java a couple of hours ago via the northern route (Lovina, kintamani) and saw a sign both in Indonesian and English which says "Hindarkan Narkoba" which should have been translated as "AVOID Drugs" but the sign says "HIDE DRUGS" - pretty suggestive huh!! :)

Which makes one wonder..... who put up that sign: the police, or the dealers? ;-))

And hey, those readers that are hoping to encounter some of that stuff: you'd better stay away from it, because it ain't just un-healthy but also pretty dangerous: razzias seem to be top priority for the police these days, the Lovina area is swept regularly!

Augie/Jeff: I'm looking forward to meet with you again!
