thinking of moving to bali-help!!


New Member
Sep 16, 2003
United Kingdom
Hi everyone. We have the chance to purchase some land in North Bali. We would like to build a couple of villas; one for ourselves, and the other to rent out for people on holiday. We are aware of some of the pitfalls in owning/buying land in Bali, and we have a very good relationship with the local village school headmaster, who is checking things out for us as much as possible. Is there anyone out there with advice re logistics/permits/legalities etc. We would be very grateful. terima kasih banyak, Kath and Steve. :?:

Bert Vierstra

Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Out Here


I live in Singaraja....

While I am not an expert, I am learning fast. ( I have to, I have a property site )

I do know people however, who know the ins, outs, pitfalls, the bad people and the good people in this area and could help you.

Its VERY advisable to be awfully careful, because the most friendly people and friends may one day change into your worst greedy enemy's, and this you never expected or believed that could happen.

Its happening, it happend before, and it will happen again.

Check, double check, check again, ask foreigners, talk to more then one notary etc...

There have been millions "stolen" by best friends and "family", either by "trust" or careless contracts. No kidding. Somebody suggested to me once that Lovina is build with money from "stupid" foreigners.

This sounds maybe very horrible to you and scares you, but I just want you to be CAREFUL.

Justice around here is a tricky thing too. But I don't talk in public about that.


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Was it PT Barnum who said....

"there's a sucker born every minute?" Or, maybe it was GW Bush? Who cares. The point is the point. BERT! dead on, but too polite and soft gloved. This person needs to know...unless your spouse is Indonesian, YOU DO NOT WANT TO EVEN THINK ABOUT "BUYING" PROPERTY IN INDONESIA...Bali included.

Think LEASE! A lease contract is the only reasonably enforcable (in court) land related contract you can ever have. Oh ya, "but this guy is so nice and we love him." Hell, I was screwed by my own wife's nephew (who I knew before my wife, thus used him for my land "purchase" deal)....AND, the SOB lives in our village.

No, no and more no's. And I don't care I was screwed. Fact is, I learned a damn good lesson. That was, Bali belongs to the Balinese. So, one has to get over it, and accept the fact that life on Bali, as a resident "Tamu" is a priveledge and ownership is "out of the question."

Putting a land certificate in the name of a Balinese that is not less than your wife or husband, is like giving the money you spent, seeminly in "purchase" of that land, into a black hole. Sure, for a few years, everything will seem fine. Then, the shit literally hits the fan.

Lease, lease, lease, for 15, 20, 25, or 30 depends on your age. Let the Balinese keep their land. There is not a lot of it, and if it's all bought and controlled by outsiders, what then becomes of Bali?

Bert Vierstra

Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Buying Property

Roy, glad to have you back....

Lease is definately a good option, but a proven good contract with relaible people, not the first and the best you meet, is still an option.

It is used, and it works.

How did your nephew do it ?